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Posts posted by C2B

  1. That woman almost seems obsessed with Jeyne Kassynder :lol: . What did she say about Rajani exactly? Also, what does Rajani say in that screenshot? There seems to be some kind of political twist that she's excited about...


    Also, it looks like I will have to buy a pad...


    You mean the previewer? ..... I don't really think I want to know. Knowing her from many past gamestar articles over the year..... I... don't really like her or take her opinions seriously. She doesn't say much in the article just that it was a let live/kill choice and the preview code ended there. (The preview itself is older from a previous mag) In the screenshot Rajani seems to have been manipulated, declares Anjali a "false prophet" and declears her an enemy.


    Edit: Also she COMPLETLY fails to mention abilities/proficencies/talents/deeds and acts like there is no charachter progression system at ALL. Which made me a little bit furious.

  2. The armor of Rajani makes me laugh, it's as if she couldn't decide between bikini armor or full-on armor, and ended up with the bottom of the first and the top of the second. Also, heels. What's up with the heels, Obsidian?


    Also, damn english for being nearly gender-neutral.


    Reminds me of a belly dancer. Maybe that was the intention with the oriental look?

  3. GPG is a Microsoft-owned studio, and Microsoft sold the rights to Dungeon Siege all the way back in 2006. This doesn't rule out a GPG-made DS, as Square Enix have collaborated with GPG in the past, but it doesn't make it any more likely than other solutions. The thing is, DS2 came out in 2003 or something; the "experience of besieging dungeons" is no longer really a factor - people move on, studios change, and GPG have pursued the strategy part of their portfolio much more in the intervening years.


    Does anyone know how GPG is faring as a whole these days, anyway? Taking over AOEO to get it out the door at Beta stage is hardly glamorous work, especially given that the success of that particular game is far from assured, but I'm assuming Supreme Commander did well.


    GPG is private (they also worked with THQ/SEGA/Square Enix) and THEY owned the Dungeon Siege trademark. They sold it to Square Enix (though I don't know if the trademark went around to other publishers first) and Chris Taylor pretty much stated they now want to focus on Strategy titles. Also Taylor seems pretty happy with Obsidian developing them.



  4. I only exploded at points where the interviews/english previews were saying rock-solid what system we can expect. I still hate that they picked the worst aspect of the series and threw out all the best(or so it seems from now, opinions may or may not change when the game comes out).


    I do these kinds of rants for fun.


    I'd say other people would switch these two words. Opinions!

  5. I'm still in Terminus waiting for that Diamond mob to spawn. I hate, hate, hate non revisitable areas in MMORPGs that have stuff like this. My perfectionism doesn't allow me to leave this place.


    Also I'm running around with around 50 gold

  6. In before "20-30 hours? And they pretend to be an RPG?". Or does that apply only to developers west of the Paris Meridian? ;)


    More seriously though, looks like CD Projekt really barged into the top-echelon RPG studios with this release, at the latest. It's not like it's been very crowded, with 1-3 studios there for the past, what, 10 years?


    In popularity? Because I'd think from a financal/size standpoint they were there before.

    Didn't they almost fold a couple of years ago, what with the canned console port and all?



    Wasn't that just because they had problems with the external devs?




    Also, CD Projekt publishes Witcher 2 themselves in Europe.

  7. In before "20-30 hours? And they pretend to be an RPG?". Or does that apply only to developers west of the Paris Meridian? ;)


    More seriously though, looks like CD Projekt really barged into the top-echelon RPG studios with this release, at the latest. It's not like it's been very crowded, with 1-3 studios there for the past, what, 10 years?


    In popularity? Because I'd think from a financal/size standpoint they were there before.

  8. The way the previews are talking about it, it sounds like the game is quite fast-paced (and not only combat-wise).


    Yep, question is : will it be a good thing or a bad thing? Wait and see, I suppose.


    In terms of ActionRpgs/Hack n' slash. Yes, its a good thing.

  9. Btw. am I the only one who finds the game to be pretty hard? I am playing on normal and I've died like a million times already.


    Did the last years of game releases made me a whimp?


    I didn't. Only twice died till now. Though, the combat system is really my style.

  10. Man... they never stop talking. *Never*. Couldn't even bear to watch the entire thing.


    On the plus-side, it's pretty good to watch previews in other languages because you don't get spoiled too much. :lol: Also, I have pretty high hopes for the lore of the game. I think the stuff with Jeyne, the Legion and all that (showcased a bit in the intro) is pretty interesting.


    Yeah. Don't worry though, they don't really spoil anything of the story anyway. And they don't have anything to say either, they just talk because.. they like talking. Really, why the **** where they comparing it to Oblivion in the first place? "Well.. it's not Oblivion". No ****, Sherlock. Italian gaming journalism is generally not that better than its English cousin.


    Gaming Journalism in every country is pretty ****ty. Has nothing to do with where you live.

  11. What positive quality can you find in it c2b? Frustrating the players? Frustrating the devs?


    Offering a challenge to the player by putting limits on his abilities and forcing him to pay attention to a certain number of parameters. That's not frustrating, that's what some players want. Why do you think that regenerating health has become the one thing linked to dumbing down those last years???


    Free self-heals/mana-regen buffs with fixed recharge timers should be limited enough by themselves, but combined with the punch to fill method, can provide a skilful alternative. An energy refilling free skill with 8 seconds of recharge to refill one third of the energy pool and an extra sixth over time (One half) but you need two seconds to cast it should have enough drawbacks in combat, and should reward you appropriately. A free regeneration stance with a speed, armor, damage or energy penalty (you use up more energy per skill) to go with is limiting enough to provide challenge, and is more flexible than the current purplish orbs of awesomeness.


    Yes, but still no. Its not more flexible. I don't even understand what you mean by "flexible" in here.


    Also please stop talking like your some kind of gameplay god and elevate whatever you say to be the "right" answer for design. Because A: You're not B: It's not.


    Edit: What I'm saying is. Your opinion is totally ok. Saying its somewhat a superior system at every turn is not, especially because its in no context to how DSIII works and is designed.


    Yeah there were some mistakes there(my bad), so to clarify it: I said I think (addressing your second point, thanks for reminding me | :lol: | ) that a system where you have a selection of free self heals you can choose two from by either being "in town" or at a specific NPC, gives you more options instead of taking them away, is more customizable, can easily be expanded, works anywhere even if the loot is crap (hence the less focus needed on fine-tuning drops each level ->faster development process), adds a new depth to combat, (Do I use my weaker self-heal skill or I punch mr skeleton #0264a5 for energy for the stronger heals). And saying again that if it is an additional option, then you are not forced to do this, and you can still go into a pack of Klasks shouting Xeria's name to gain energy that way.


    If you however prefer the little more "laid back" playstyle of planning before attacking, you can conjure additional resources and thus you options for preparing the battlefield widens.


    It's not dumbing the game down if done right (if done horribly wrong, then yes but otherwise no)! It's even adding more to the mix. It may not be the tree of specialties from DS2, but it makes health&energy management possible. An effort, yes, but possible.


    And I am not a game designing god, never will I be, I'm just somebody who has been studying it for some time by now.


    Thanks :)


    First off are you still talking about a regenerative form of healing or NPC healer? Because we have no information on the second. So this is based on the first.


    How is it more customizable? What is the customizable part of it? What is it worth to have more options when it removes challenge or the options cancel each other out.

    Where exactly is the connection to loot? Better defensive Equipment?

    How does it add depth to combat when it removes tactical managing of health?

    Also you would still do it. Thats called imbalanced options. Again, if there is a better direct way, why use the other?

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