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Posts posted by C2B

  1. C2B you seem to be quoting only the positive responses. From what I've read on many other forums (and this one), comments to news posts about the demo release, etc the majority has unfortunately been negative feed back... many of the issues ranging from terrible music, outdated graphics (as in 6+ years), weak storyline, many of the armors have no cosmetic change, and same screen co-op (as if the co-op of this game didn't need another blow...). I am currently at work so have not yet played it for myself... while I still want to have faith that this may be a good game... it really isn't looking good =(


    I quoted Twitter so far and a gamebanshee response because the gamebanshee one is actually more interesting to the "longer" members here. Didn't make a big fuss to search for everything. Though I have read more positive than negative responses so far. You're free to post impressions you find.


    Then again, I probably frequent other places than you do.

  2. I downloaded it when I saw the reminder here earlier. Played through the whole thing with Lucas, and I was very well pleased. Decently challenging on the normal level, with fluid combat and what looks like a robust loot and upgradesystem. On top of that, it looked excellent, one of the better looking games I have played (though, admittedly, most of the games I play seem to get hammered for bad graphics).


    I really felt the VA was above average as well, and the art design very pleasing. Overall, I'd say that the demo lived up to the faith and trust I had in Obsidian. Very much look forward to playing the full game, and I see myself putting 150+ hours into this puppy, just to master all classes and go through the whole story with a friend online, which is at least 5 playthroughs:)


    crossing my fingers it does as well as it deserves and gets some DLC.

    You can either play with Lucas or Anjali. I thought the VA on Lucas was solid, slightly "noble British" I guess is how I would describe his delivery.


    yeah demo-a-ton was a good laugh, as are the explanations on why you cannot access certain areas "quicksand, undead mules..." somethings else is mentioned.

  3. Some Twitter impressions

    That was a long and enjoyable demo. I think Obsidian has finally produced an amazing, jank-free game. Yay!
    The old Dungeon Siege music isn't really in there, but they stuff they have is similar enough and beautiful. And it's a gorgeous game!
    Dungeon Siege 3 Demo was really good, I am glad there was a decent amount of content in it. Definitely interested in the full game now.


    (First two are from the same guy)

  4. I don't know why they decided to do an action rpg with more focus on the story than the core gameplay and multiplayer.

    Because a: story is their strong point b: it makes DS3 unique among rogue-likes.


    It doesn't make it unique. It makes it a throwaway title instead of a classic that can stand the test of time.


    Thats "strongly" subjective.

  5. This is going to be remembered as another horrible design decision by Obsidian entertainment. You guys make some cool games but come on.


    The way the MP currently works should just be one option for MP.


    MP Options:

    1. Dedicated co-op for storyfans. Ie. the current way it is now.

    2. Drop in drop out co-op with persistent character saves

    a. Story mode

    b. Free Roam Mode

    3. PvP Mode(s)

    4. Trading mode with larger lobbies so more gamers can meet up and trade.


    Yes, that would be good for a multiplayer focused and designed game. I agree.


    It just isn't.

  6. I don't know why they decided to do an action rpg with more focus on the story than the core gameplay and multiplayer. Definitely seems like casual gamer fare and bargain bin purchase material. C2B you souldn't be feeling good about yourself at all ... you are coming across pretty lame this entire thread.


    Yes, because everything that focuses differently is "casual".


    Also, I'm pretty happy with myself. Thanks >_<

  7. I'm new tot his series and while I'm a lifelong RPG player, I'm sort of new to online RPG's and a buddy and I are getting confused with all this online co-op XP talk. I take it from the comments here that you can't have one character that you can take to any online or offline game. What about my buddy and I who pre-ordered the game a while back and plan to ONLY play online with just him and I. Can we play the whole offline campaign online together? If so, if he joins my hosted game, does he retain the loot and xp when we start playing again? Also, if just him and I are playing online together, can we set up private games or must it be set to public all the time with morons bouncing in and out of the game? Lastly, we're getting the 360 version. Will we be able to get all achievements playing together online or will we have to go back through the whole game a second time in single player to get the achievements?


    All yes (Well, I'm not sure about how private games work). You can. One of you just has to decide whos the host.

  8. halarious and true... I was never expecting anywhere close to that... maybe im crazy but when i think of drop in and out coop i think of borderlands and sacred 2 .. where if i drop in and then drop out i actually get to keep the stuff I worked hard for.. Lets be honest .. there is no incentive to play it online


    Umm to play it with your buddies like once a week continuing the game you started together?

    Yeah if u intend on not playing it until your friend comes back in one week ... that falls under the casual gamer i was talking about and i said that the casual gamer will like it... in another post




    You probably don't realize the irony in that, but




    Edit: Sorry for that post. Had to get it out. I'm a horrible person I know.


    Edit2: You're still right though.

  9. A big feature like how the online will work is in 10 of 10 cases decided by the publisher. In fact, many things that one might think was Obsidian's idea was in fact the idea of the publisher. Ofcourse Obsidian has a say in how the game will play, but mostly they go by what the publisher wants.


    What Obsidan probably had a say in: Art, story and overall dialogue. Some parts of gameplay, but they had something to follow, like there needs to be this and that in the game.


    This is how it works for every developer that is working under a contract.


    While, I agree that this is how it works. I don't really think Obs and Square were in much disagreement in how the game should work. Again, I really don't think Obs would have wanted to make a simple diablo clone.


    Though what Square did was naming it Dungeon Siege III. They wanted to distance it originally with a spin-off name

    Can't find the interview though.

  10. No, that was a decision by Obsidian most likely. The game is designed in such a way in the first place.


    However since that is the case this is not a bad thing nor do I think Obsidian would have strengths in making an OnlineARPG


    I wouldn't be in such haste to put the "blame" on Obsidian on this though. Since no one that has posted on this thread (so far) has actually been in the negoations when the deal between Square-Enix and Obsidian was done it's pretty stupid to "blame" it only on them. We all know publishers play a huge factor on the final outcome with their mandates and expectations. And from a business point of view, I can completely see why Square-Enix didn't want to make a Diablo clone.


    It's personal preference. Also, I don't really think Obs would have been interested in making a diablo clone.

  11. GPG deliberately gave OE the opportunity to make DS3.



    Chris Taylor is in fact pretty enthusastic about this game. Also BECAUSE Obsidian has such a different approach to games than GPG.



    RPS: Tons of loot.


    CT: Yeah. Really. And a progression through a world. But while historically we’ve been light on story, they’re going heavy on story. We’re trying to pull up our story-pants, and we’ve made positive steps with each iteration. Our company is very mechanical and technological, so [Gas Powered Games] tend to start with a technological innovation, and then design the game around that. The way Obsidian works, they do a better job of balancing all the various elements. They have a beautiful engine called the Onyx engine which is balanced and really state of the art, and they’ve got great storytelling, and then they’ve got good gameplay instincts on top of that.


    I daresay they’re doing a better job than I would have done. I know that’s bull, but it’s true, because I’ve really taken to focusing on RTS.

  12. I can understand people criticising the design decision because they really wanted online MP, or think it's too much of a change in the franchise, but I'm not sure what "this is 2011" even means. What's wrong with having some diversity and different games that focus on different features to make them good? It's not like an ARPG without online MP is crap by default (as evidenced by, uh, gazillions of ARPGs out there).


    I guess it puts a lot of pressure on the buddy co-op though - they sacrificed a lot of things to concentrate on it, so it needs to be very fun to make the game really stand out.


    No there is nothing wrong with some diversity. However Obsidian should of just gone with a completely new IP. The name Dungeon Siege 3 gives false impressions of what the game actually is. At no point am I claiming this will be a terrible game because of decisions Obsidian made. I'm simply saying that this game lacks many of the features that people enjoyed most about it's predecessors. I believe that I will enjoy this game for what it is, however that means me distancing myself from what 'Dungeon Siege' means to me, and that is quite unfortunate as Dungeon Siege is one of my all time favourite games.


    Good post. I disagree, but its reasonable and personal. :)

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