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Posts posted by C2B

  1. People liking the game, IMPOSSIBLE!


    We can't link to scans of the magazines because that's generally frowned upon in official forums. :p


    I didn't say that; but many people here loved the game before they even had a demo. Those same people put up some numbers and thats supposed to be.. what? like I said I'll wait until they post some reviews from reliable sources ;)


    Ok, if you want. I don't trust YOU with a full magazine scan though so I only cut out the piece that proofs it. Check out your PMs.

  2. Well, my experience on the internet is that when theres no evidence of something, its generally not there. idk either way; but it really doesn't matter I wanted to see why it got a good score, not just a number.


    How about checking out that thread by Bendu thats named "Reviews"? I know its a little out there but worth a shot. Don't you think?

  3. Both aren't really known anymore for quality reviews, but if even they give the game such a good rating, it has to be better than average.


    To round up the scores I've already found or heard about



    1x 87

    5x 85

    2x 80

    2x 74

    2x 70


    Mentioning that all of the review scores under 80% except one + a 85% score and a 80% came from different rating systems. The two 70 scores for example were from two french magazines that gave it 14/20. Its also pretty mixed in terms of how "professional" the score is. Though its al by people that played through.

  4. You've feck all clue what a port is anyways.


    Technically? Yup.


    Considering its not a technical term, I'm astounded by your self professed ignorance.


    I think I have to redefine my understanding of what "bad ports" are completly. Considering I've played PC exclusives that were way worse....


    bad games by other developers that are pc exclusives are hardly a good justification for a poor game/port/ everything that is DS3. My little pony online sucked, therefore, DS3 is good? lol


    Well then its beautiful that it is, no? (Also did I do something to you? Bit nicer if possible?)




    I have seen exclusives that had no graphical options, were locked at a resolution, were nearly required to have a joystick (This actually count(ed) for several Flightsimulators. Granted this also counts for DSIII) and so on. Actually just played A Vampyre Story. Released 2008. Resolution 1024x768. Fun.


    What I have seen though was in the better half of the "ports" (again meaning how I interpret what ports are since I'm not that informed in the facts) I played so far. Thats also all I'm saying. Naturally I don't defend the pc controls as I critized them myself.

  5. Is this normal ? What could possibly be the reason do you guys think ? Maintenance ? Their other forums are open. Perhaps preparing for release ? Again I normally never register to talk about a game so I really dont know.




    That happens rather often actually. I've seen it open and close around 3-4 times in the last months.

  6. I pre-ordered the game on Steam and I'm actually glad I did after playing some of the demo last night. Nice graphics, smooth combat, and good music. It feels like a positive evolution in the Dungeon Siege series.


    The only thing I'm a bit iffy on is the inventory screen. With how much loot you obtain, it would be nice to have snap access to the equipment menu. Unless there's a shortcut I'm unaware of, I had to click through a couple of things to get there. Not a huge deal, but could become cumbersome if the loot rate is that constant.


    Overall, it's a thumbs up from me - great work, Obsidian!


    "F" I think is the inventory key here. (Only play with KB/M for a short while. Never used the shortcut)

  7. And now lets compare a first person shooter with a game that is played in birds eye view!


    C2B tried to say DS3 was technically better then FO3/NV.


    Also C2B, my problem with DS3 was character models and textures, not environment and lighting.


    Posting a blurry picture isn't really..... that good a comparison and taken from an offical screenshot where we don't know the source/settings. And still textures are better overall in DSIII which is also why I posted that enviroment comparison

  8. Of course, that would be best. Unfortunately, many PC games with controller support these days only support the 360 gamepad and Dungeon Siege 3 seems to be no different.


    Interestingly, one PC game that supported most controllers out of the box was Square's own Last Remnant. It even had specific button prompts for my gamepad.


    Last Remnant easily belongs to the best ports ever for various reasons.

  9. Post things you genuinly liked about the demo


    From me:


    Enjoyed story and dialouge. Especially the lorebooks (Always found the Empire of the Stars and Ehbs founding interesting. Yes, even for "generic" fantasy). And I'm glad they still kept the Causeway (And hopefully use it. Last we saw of it was in 2010). A fast travel system that is accomplished by wandering thorugh a different dimension/world sounds very cool) Can't tell much beyond that.


    Oh yes, I loved the shelf story with the war in complete chaos because everyone used fast travel and they would fight each other all over without any real territory. o:)


    What I also liked were the progressive quests. Get influence in town/gain new quests. I also hope they do something with gathering as much support for the legion as possible.


    Combat was challenging and already shown some depth. Never made it on Hardcore to the ending without dying several times so thats encouraging to learn the system better.

  10. If it starts out ****ing terrible would it be incorrect to assume there is little to no hope it's going to get better? I always thought the purpose of a demo was to showcase some of the great aspects but not too much so that you would come back for more. The story in the demo did not do that for me, are you trying to tell me Obsidian only included the absolute worst part in the demo and then somehow it magically gets super amazing after?

    It's the introduction, the prologue, the beginning. Of course that's not the best part of the story, duh.


    Of an Obsidian game.


    We are speaking Peragus Mining Facility/Telos, NWN2 Act 1, Saudi Arabia here.

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