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Posts posted by C2B

  1. how in what i said makes it sound like i want every game to be the same? and from what i saw in the demo what you said about "personalities/dialog and certain npc interaction" really wasnt present..a little difference in the dialog yeah but wow not really that interesting if youve pretty much did the same thing with another character..


    It was plenty different already (from what I've seen. And I've just watched streams where they didn't go through all options). Also, opinions on how to value certain things.

  2. i just said how...


    plus why make such a big deal about how great the storys gonna be and have 4 different characters if its gonna be the same for all of them..the more and more i hear about this game the more i think obsidains just lazy..well i always thought that but i had high hopes for this game..


    Because the personalities/dialog and certain npc interaction varies vastly from charachter to charachter? Among other things?


    Theres a lot of ways to do certain things...

  3. George Ziets is the Creative Lead? Will I get to eat a god?


    What we have seen so far it's pretty standard fantasy fare, but well executed. I'm expecting a decent plot with competent writing but nothing more.. hoping to be surprised though! :lol:


    Should be good on that front since reviews are saying the plot gets stronger with time. There was mainly complaining about the first hour in terms of narrative. And from what I've seen in the demo I liked it already.

  4. Obsidian is one of the last of big budget studios making RPG's. They create some amazing dialogue and C&C in their games. They have made some of my favorites and many of their members come from studios that long ago in the forgotten times made RPG's of legend.


    The multiplayer for DS3 is a cheap cop out. Maybe they are saving their real MP approach for Icewind Dale 3?


    More options in and of itself does not mean better. I wasn't advocating for crap options. More good options is always better. More good gameplay is always better. And multiplayer that allows for a varied approach on the multiplayer gameplay is better.


    1. MP the way we have it now. Story focussed with the host controlling saves. Peiople who don't like the other modes can play this mode until you get bored and trade the game in.

    2. Story mode where players can bring THEIR version of the character with them whether they play single player or multiplayer. Multiple difficulty levels so that players bringing advanced character to the story still can advance and find a challenge. (IE. Sacred 2 Bronze-Silver-Gold-Platinum-Niob)

    3. Free mode where you can explore the world without having to engage in story if you don't want. Free mode should feature OPTIONAL PVP.

    4. Focussed MP modes like team dungeon challenges where the host can select from a robust list of options to fine tune each dungeon experience for them and their friends.

    5. Trading mode with larger lobbies allowing players to trade items.


    Edit: Ok, can work with that. Thanks. :lol:


    That still needs a tremendous amount of time to design/develop/implent/balance/test though.

  5. You guys are just parotting developer PR speak.


    Just noticed this.


    Again, where is that developer PR speak I'm supposendly parrotting from? Would be nice if you have a link before baseless insulting me. Everything I've posted so far are my own beliefs and words.


    The logic is thus: I don't like this game, therefore nobody can like this game, therefore anyone who says they like this game must be a "fanboi", "company stooge", or some other derogatory term (or term meant in a derogatory manner).


    It's rooted in believing that one's opinion is "correct" while ignoring the fact that it's an opinion, not a fact.


    In terms of Obsidian I'm actually pretty much a fanboy. :ermm:

    Still I have my own beliefs and react on them even regarding Obsidian. (I'm actually myself disappointed in some aspects of DSIII. Nothing to do with Multi or graphics and not a gamebreaker though.)

  6. You guys are just parotting developer PR speak. They don't have to speak they have you c2B. More options, more choices and more features is actually quite possible for game developers to achieve when making a sequel the fact that you are unable to understand this tells me alot about your understanding of games.


    Serious answer though. I'm a mostly hardcore RPG gamer. I like complexity, deep systems and a deep narrative about games. However quantity of features =/= quality or complexity.


    Also the reason I (and many others) like/love Obsidian is because they make things more complex.

  7. It all just sounds like excuses to me. I don't believe developer hype for games, been burned way too many times. Developers can't seem to tell the truth, maybe their projects have certain levels of non-disclosure?


    Except none of the developers here ever said anything like that? :ermm:


    Also thats not how development works "More, MORE, MORE in EVERYTHING" is just not workable. In no buisness or company in or outside the gaming industry.


    Edit: There was the Destructoid article but that was more of a misinterpretation on our part.

  8. Heres though. Making a "fully functional robust multplayer game" was never the plan with DSIII but a single player ARPG you can enjoy with friends. Thats where also all the work went into.


    I think this is the reason for all of the arguments about here. Different expectations.


    you can't blame us on the arguments though...with the lack of information and all.


    Nope, I'm not. If you haven't informed yourself its quite clear that you wouldn't have known that. We knew next to nothing about the MP and how much importance it had till February too. Though, from then on it became pretty clear. There wasn't any info that its going to be co-op heavy either. There was a hint that its going to be more "casual"/buddy co-op since the first interview however.

  9. its not that i hate the demo as a whole. i played through it 4 times. i really enjoyed the game playing by my self...but this is not why i was picking up this game...i have a group of 8 friends that planned on picking up this game, purely for the 4 player online. there is definitely a tethered coop. what we ran into numerous times is multiple baddies out side of our reach on opposite sides that we couldn't kill until someone gave up their position.


    like i said, me being the gamer that i am. i don't have room for another single-player game right now. as i still have too many other games on my plate

    <--- GS Manager.


    you may call it being picky, i call it saving myself from something that's only going to annoy me for hours on end.


    yes, renting, no


    Well then thats understandable. I'd also think that there are more suited games for you and your friends around. :)


    This is probably worthless but did you guys try Magicka already?

  10. It is technically way way way EASIER to design co-op the way Obsidian has designed it. It is much more difficult and time consuming to develop a fully functional robust multiplayer game.


    Heres though. Making a "fully functional robust multplayer game" was never the plan with DSIII but a single player ARPG you can enjoy with friends. Thats where also all the work went into.


    I think this is the reason for all of the arguments about here. Different expectations.

  11. I wonder why in both cases they asked a producer? rather than the writers responsible?


    Its in general a very weird list of people asked. I could name tons of industry writers/designers I'd like to hear from first than some of the names on the list.

    Coz producers (project managers) probably have more say in storytelling? :)


    Having dedicated writers is mostly an RPG phenomenon, anyway, if you look at other genres most of the writing is done by people in the project management sector (I think the Force Unleasheds were a pretty good example of this). Besides, since they are talking about cinematics, cutscenes etc., it's more like asking the "movie director's" opinion over the "screenwriter's".


    Well true. That doesn't really apply in some of these cases though?

  12. I wonder why in both cases they asked a producer? rather than the writers responsible?


    Its in general a very weird list of people asked. I could name tons of industry writers/designers I'd like to hear from first than some of the names on the list.

  13. Interaction. The interaction with the environment is very simpel and dull. I can't enter houses, can't have conversations with other NPC's. I can understand why this is done though. If every NPC could interact, it wouldn't be an action RPG anymore. Still, it would be better if we could enter at least a house or 2 in a village, like the one in the demo. And maybe talk to some villagers for a small side quest.


    Dungeons. This game is called 'Dungeon' Siege, right? Can you tell me what dungeon I am sieging exactly? Because I don't see any. Yeah, I have been in the manor, and in the cave, but I am missing the optional dungeon encounters. I loved that in DS1. We were walking around in the frozen forests with a few pals, and suddenly, we walk upon a caved in entrance on the ground (sometimes other friends missed this out, because the group was seperated, this won't happen in DS3 though ;) ). As we enter, we discovered that it was some kind of an old temple ruin underground. Awesome! I really miss this.




    Apparently, there will be more Dungeons later (From a review I read). I don't know if there are optional ones though, hopefully they will have. However we have already heard about villages with sidequest so I wouldn't worry too much about that front. :)

  14. Well, GAF certainly doesn't seem to be amused.


    I don't really take GAF all that seriously besides a couple of users (because it's essentially a GameFaqs with a bizarrely big ego), but I must say that it's not looking promising for Obsidian


    Thats way too early to say. Its not like we aren't used to controversial games here. At the moment 90% of the loud people are writing the game off regardless of content because of one feature they see as essential. You can't really take a guess yet how this will matter in review scores or sales.


    For all the bitchin' about Fable 2. It still sold better than the first (3.5M copies) and was well received.

  15. Are... Are you trying to prove some sort of point here we have to agree on?


    Also VS threads are always terrible.


    No, just something that I hope the developers end up reading. I then hope the realise why there has been a lot of negative feedback and incorporate some, if not all of these features in the next Dungeon Siege game (if they continue with it).


    Then some sort of suggestion thread would be better suited. VS threads end nearly always in pointless flamewars and have a lower chance of beeing looked at by the dev or taken seriously at all.

  16. The topic creator mentions the same screen in online play. You know four different monitors/tvs yet the other 3 players are restricted to movement within the current screen of the host. Absolutely terrible =(

    Some people cannot make the difference, for them coop and online are the same thing. And given the OP's incredibly bad opening, I'm not inclined to trust his ability to differentiate them.


    Its probably true though judging from responses.


    I can live with it but this is really a blow. I would have wished to use the normal camera in online co-op too.

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