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Posts posted by C2B

  1. "I normally don't mind it when devs take new directions, but I find this to be an insult. It is essentially a fantasy about Allied soldiers acting like the concentration camp Nazis they were fighting."


    Even the concentration camp nazis. They were horrible and did horrible things. They didn't do random psycho bull**** in general.


    (Though I'm pretty sure stuff like this (just not this extrem) happens ,especially in modern wars, anyway.)


    Edit: It's insulting. Yes.

  2. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a bad port, but it needs a good amount of tweaking. Adding 16:10 proper support and refining the control scheme (or at least give a way to change the key binding!) would go a long way, UI works decently (though could have been improved on PC).


    While I understand this. Games adding full support for every type for every type of resolution/aspect ratio are and were never a standard in the pc business. Actually, pretty much an exception overall. At least its not stretched is it?

  3. Looks more like they wanted to make an Inglorious Basterds game.

    I normally don't mind it when devs take new directions, but I find this to be an insult. It is essentially a fantasy about Allied soldiers acting like the Nazis they were fighting.


    Uhm, what?


    How.... exactly do you imagine the Nazis to have acted? I'm pretty sure they weren't retarded psycho clowns as horrible as they were.

  4. - Is the PC version of DS3 a port of the console version or was development done simultaneously on both console and PC?

    - If it's a port, was the port done by Obsidian or outsourced to another studio?

    - Why doesn't the PC version have 16:10 resolution options?

    - Has an effort been made to tweak the UI and controls to work well with keyboard and mouse?

    - Will the PC version feature optional high resolution textures and/or other graphical detail that consoles aren't capable of?


    1. Simultaniosly. However much of the game design was focused on adapting for consoles.

    2. Not a port. All three versions were done by Obsidian.

    3. It does. Seems to be Letterboxed so far though. Similiar to Witcher 2.

    4. Has been made. Wasn't really successful. Have high hopes though that this will be reworked a bit at least in patches.

    5. It does already. Not optional things but the consoles seem to run on lower settings. And that includes other things apart from Resolution.

  5. Just finished a playthrough of the demo using Lucas. Thought it was a bit slow-starter gameplay wise and the control-scheme feels a bit wonky initially. Think it could've been done better but I really started enjoying it a lot more towards the end of the demo when I got used to how it controlled. Like I said, could've been a bit better but I think it will work well.

    I would kill for a NWN like "free-cam" though to be able to look around a bit more.


    I went away impressed with the writing and story. Voiceacting could've been better, though I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that (at least for Lucas) the main character is mainly inquisitive, there is not much acting in the questions so it feels a bit stale. I think other characters were fine though.

    Hard to get invested so early on, especially as it starts a lot faster story wise than other OEI games. But I had a real "damnit!" moment when the demo ended. Want to see more.


    Combat feels pretty good, though a bit hard to get used to like I said before. Stances seem to be well-balanced, I found myself switching back and forth. Really like the way leveling up works, you can definitely push characters into different directions which should be good. Almost didn't use blocking at all though. Just like in Witcher 2, dodging seems a lot more appealing overall. Health pick-ups work well also. Was pretty skeptical about them but I think they found a pretty good balance of how often they drop.

    A bit on the easy side when playing Normal (though I did die on the Vera fight once, had a bit of a hard time seeing just what was going on for a while) but hopefully Hardcore will feel challenging.

    The linearity didn't bother me too much but I can definitely agree with the people who would've wanted some bigger areas.


    Graphics wise, I really like the way it looks. It's not as directly jaw-dropping technically speaking as something like the Witcher 2, but the art direction is great. The lighting and colors make the areas extremely atmospheric, and the game ran smooth like silk with everything (I think) turned on. And I'm not running a beast of a computer. Dialogue scenes could've definitely been a bit more exciting to watch though. Also, like WUE said, the cutscenes are a bit low quality which is a shame since the artwork is pretty nice.


    Surprised there is not more praise about the music, really loved what we heard in the demo. Especially the piece playing in the chapterhouse.


    Pretty pleased overall, and a good demo I think. Definitely left me wanting more.


    Yeah, this is pretty much my opinion well explained. Music was really great. I'm a bit more negative on controls though. Like I said its nowhere near unplayable but I can definitly see now how the PC Games guy got annoyed with it.



    Also I'm still debating if that video thing actually fits (unintentional or not). I can't describe it but it gave me some "old, withered paper" feel instead of that unnatural "cleanliness" other similiar cutscenes suffer from. Can't really describe it :lol: .

  6. - Story and lore are fairly boring so far, as are characters. Surprised Ziets had a hand in this. Maybe it gets better later?


    I am through with the demo


    Have the complete opposite opinion on this. The whole direction is a bit different than we know from MOTB but it was very well executed, Charachters had different and unique personalities (from what little we have seen so far) and it was well written. Very intriqued how it continues. I especially enjoyed all the optional little lore stuff/jokes in the demo.


    Aside from that I don't have much to add to my initial impressions. It was.... a demo. I really liked what I've seen so far though. Personally, I didn't care much about the cinematic aspect about the dialog sequences. At least the animations were better executed than NWN2 and New Vegas (which isn't exactly praise, I know :lol: )


    Also the game appears to have 16:10 support from the config file. Can't test it since I'm on 16:9. Weird.

  7. First (technical) Impressions


    - Really like the Graphics and Art Style. The Vistas are the best part, sadly a little hidden.

    - Love the effects. Very atmospheric.

    - Smooth Gameplay and Framerate

    - Love the Intro cutscenes.

    - Dislike Mouse/KB controls. It works somewhat well with the WASD system and is nowhere near unplayable (Have been through way worse) but its not exactly praisable at this state.

    - You have to leave the game to switch controller/Mouse support. Seriously? Just give us the option in the Options Menue for Christs Sake.

    - There only seems to be two of the camera perspectives in the demo of the announced three. They work well though IMO.

  8. We know of at least 3 projects.


    Sawyer has a new IP cooking

    Virgina (If it wasn't cancelled)

    And a game with a big IP behind like Feargus hyped.

    I thought Virginia and Josh's project was one and the same thing?


    And if the release date is indeed early 2012, I expect an announcement next week at E3.


    That already was in the works when he still worked on New Vegas. It has a different project director anyway.

  9. What had Avellone been doing, for example?

    It was probably Fallout New Vegas and after that he went to their new project ("Defiance" or something).

    Defiance was an idea that wasn't accepted by Squre-Enix - hence Dungeon Siege 3.

    Once this and New Vegas DLCs ship we only know of some kind of 2D game as far as Obsidian projects go.


    We know of at least 3 projects.


    Sawyer has a new IP cooking

    Virgina (If it wasn't cancelled)

    And a game with a big IP behind like Feargus hyped.


    Also Avellone was till now project Lead on most of the DLCs. And Ziets didn't really complain as much as highlight that the writing team was naturally smaller for DSIII than New Vegas considering the different focus.

  10. As for the hardcore player's reaction here, again, it's understood and I appreciate both the positive and negative comments. I'm also reading other forums where the comments skew more positive, and that's encouraging. I think the only thing that's a little disappointing is seeing people here who don't like the demo personally insulting the team (many of whom spent countless 12+ hour days working on the game), but what can you expect, it's the internet :teehee:


    I'd be interested in knowing what have you been checking, just for the sake of comparison. Most impressions I've read so far weren't terribly positive (mostly because the niche that plays Hack'n'slash games sees multiplayer as a core pillar of the experience, but there were also complaints about stiff combat, exploration, lack of character development options compared to its peers, graphics and dialogue/voice acting.. basically everything, although multiplayer was the most prevalent). Now, of course you can't make everyone happy, but aren't you afraid of pigeon-holing yourself by focusing too much on the positive feedback (which, I can understand, as a developer is most gratifying than reading personal insults and accusation of being a lazy fat money-grubber)?


    Its really varied. I read more positivity on the whole (though I didn't count so could be wrong on that) and what mostly stood out was that for every positive opinion on something there was a negative one too for the same thing. Granted the dialog sequences didn't really get praised aside from the writing (Has to measure up to more cinematic experiences like in Witcher 2 or Mass Effect 2. Expected) and the MP reception was mostly negative but otherwise?


    Well, on the other hand you could call it the typical reception for a Obsidian game. >_<

  11. Gotta side with revenant here, obviously. Nobody is arguing that original DS games let you go anywhere from the start, they were still very much linear, but they did have big, open maps, which I was worried DS3 won't by what OP reported.


    I didn't argue that too. They did have big areas (not really open though I'd argue that) but just that there were also similiar linear areas in the original.


    Well we'll see anyway. Good night^^.

  12. No you can't, because I actually posted proof :lol:


    Thers a difference in how a map is built and presented regarding the available space and perception of the user. You posted a map of a corridor. Nothing else in relevance to the actual size or how its structured or what sense of scale it uses.


    Proof can be looked at very differently from person to person. Zilch.


    Edit: Actually we went away from the point I originally wanted to make. I give up before I'm just saying things I don't want to. Feel mighty if you want.




    Here's another picture...dots are enemies/characters/ect. Now you have scale too :lol:


    Proof is proof...and you have none, zero, zilch, nada.


    You are just a fanboy who refuses to be truthful (or is just ignorant).


    I never talked about the Azunite Desert to be honest nor was the point (Point beeing there were small and similiar linear areas in the previous DS), so? That is also pretty irrelevant at the moment as you said yourself with not knowing what awaits after the demo.


    I'll stop arguing anyway. I don't think you have a obsession with arguing with me so what does it matter, no?

  13. No you can't, because I actually posted proof :lol:


    Thers a difference in how a map is built and presented regarding the available space and perception of the user. You posted a map of a corridor. Nothing else in relevance to the actual size or how its structured or what sense of scale it uses.


    Proof can be looked at very differently from person to person. Zilch.


    Edit: Actually we went away from the point I originally wanted to make. I give up before I'm just saying things I don't want to. Feel mighty if you want.

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