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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Not making an online arpg in 2011 is just a step backwards. Trying to defend an obviously short sighted and almost arrogant design decision is just weak. Everyone will blast through the single player and then there will be nothing left to do. In design, as in just about everything else, you don't "fix" what isn't broken. Obsidian has made a really short sighted and dumb decision here. ARPG are about online play and loot gathering ... taking both away in favor of some percieved "different take" is just a bad idea. Good luck.


    Why do you think it was Obsidian that made this decision? Usually decisions like this are made by the publisher who actually pays for the development.


    No, that was a decision by Obsidian most likely. The game is designed in such a way in the first place.


    However since that is the case this is not a bad thing nor do I think Obsidian would have strengths in making an OnlineARPG

  2. 1. Narrativly, gameplay, atmospherical (to name the most important). Also audio, structure, pacing, you name it.

    2. You provided enough. Just because you played that game for years to come doesn't make you into something of a god regarding it. Also that still means that a third group as small as it may be exists. And that other groups and mixes between them exist too. Entitlement! (Though I understand this position as I'm also in the Fallout fandom. Just not one of them)

    3. Yep. Here we agree. Just clarifing here that "many" isn't anywhere near 100%.


    That said I haven't played the game yet. If I play it and I notice that they halfassed the elements it stayed faithful to then I'm sending you an apology message.

  3. Its awesome, it looks great and is basically everything I've been waiting for in an arpg. Of course knowing the online play is totally gimped and worthless makes this all irrelevant. Removing classes and making you play "named characters" and removing tried and true online play has turned this into a decent single player hack and slash that'll last about 15 hours, where they could have not been so arrogant and changed those two things and made a game that could have lasted a couple of years. Dumb.


    Level 30 Cap, predefined charachters, highly limited customization (It has more depth though but that doesn't really matter here)


    No, it wouldn't have lasted on online basis and it wasn't designed that way.


    Do you work for Obsidian? Level caps can be raised and all of those other points were just bad ideas...so I guess it was meant to be a single player rpg-lite and not a arpg like the previous Dungeon Siege games. Bad ideas all around.


    Oh, thanks for your generous insight of how games or an rpg "should" be. Truly I'm amazed.


    Not an 'RPG' in general, but that is how Dungeon Siege should be. You have to be careful taking an existing series and drastically changing it, especially if you are going to remove many of the elements that made it so successful (from a fan base perspective) in the first place.


    Ah, I'm just going to repeat my argument from the other thread:


    1. Theres more ways than one to stay (at least a little) faithful to an original.

    2. Theres also more than one group of fans (Stop with the entitlement)

    3. "how something should" does not apply generally. Its a personal preference.

  4. Just curious, did you play Dungeon Siege 1 / LOA?


    Yep, a few years back and recently again in preparation. I never really played it for the gameplay though (which has tons of problems) but because an Ex-Betrayer at Krondor guy worked on it. I was saddened that the narrative took a step back in the game (as I had high hopes for it) but I still enjoyed the lore.


    So you can understand why the people that played and really enjoyed the games are pretty angry at what has become of Dungeon Siege 3?


    Yes, understand. Further than that, no. First off the second game already changed that. Secondly theres more ways than one to stay faithful to an original and theres also more than one group of fans (entitlment isn't really an argument that works for me).

  5. Its awesome, it looks great and is basically everything I've been waiting for in an arpg. Of course knowing the online play is totally gimped and worthless makes this all irrelevant. Removing classes and making you play "named characters" and removing tried and true online play has turned this into a decent single player hack and slash that'll last about 15 hours, where they could have not been so arrogant and changed those two things and made a game that could have lasted a couple of years. Dumb.


    Level 30 Cap, predefined charachters, highly limited customization (It has more depth though but that doesn't really matter here)


    No, it wouldn't have lasted on online basis and it wasn't designed that way.


    Do you work for Obsidian? Level caps can be raised and all of those other points were just bad ideas...so I guess it was meant to be a single player rpg-lite and not a arpg like the previous Dungeon Siege games. Bad ideas all around.


    Oh, thanks for your generous insight of how games or an rpg "should" be. Truly I'm amazed.

  6. Just curious, did you play Dungeon Siege 1 / LOA?


    Yep, a few years back and recently again in preparation. I never really played it for the gameplay though (which has tons of problems) but because an Ex-Betrayer at Krondor guy worked on it. I was saddened that the narrative took a step back in the game (as I had high hopes for it) but I still enjoyed the lore.

  7. Gamers who don't know this going in are going to be really pissed, and those who already don't like obsidian for whatever reason but are willing to try this game given the benefit of the doubt will never buy another game from obsidian again.






    Actually a lot of people will be really pissed off. Obsidian has made a classically stupid decision. For no real reason either. Its not like Diablo 2 didn't have a story. There was a way to make everyone happy here and Obsidian just decided to make what they wanted to make and not deliver to fans of the genre. Big mistake always.


    Still no. And yes they had a reason and they made good on it.



    I the only thing for which there is no reason is your blindly defending a stupid design decision. Play the demo and tell me that full online co-op wouldn't have been awesome.


    I'll play it but I can still tell you already. No. Its not designed that way. Some of the reasons are already posted in the other thread.

  8. Its awesome, it looks great and is basically everything I've been waiting for in an arpg. Of course knowing the online play is totally gimped and worthless makes this all irrelevant. Removing classes and making you play "named characters" and removing tried and true online play has turned this into a decent single player hack and slash that'll last about 15 hours, where they could have not been so arrogant and changed those two things and made a game that could have lasted a couple of years. Dumb.


    Level 30 Cap, predefined charachters, highly limited customization (It has more depth though but that doesn't really matter here)


    No, it wouldn't have lasted on online basis and it wasn't designed that way.

  9. Gamers who don't know this going in are going to be really pissed, and those who already don't like obsidian for whatever reason but are willing to try this game given the benefit of the doubt will never buy another game from obsidian again.






    Actually a lot of people will be really pissed off. Obsidian has made a classically stupid decision. For no real reason either. Its not like Diablo 2 didn't have a story. There was a way to make everyone happy here and Obsidian just decided to make what they wanted to make and not deliver to fans of the genre. Big mistake always.


    Still no. And yes they had a reason and they made good on it.

  10. Pretty low scores so far. :x




    85%+85%+80%+74%+whatever the french score translates to is actually pretty good. DS is not exactly a franchise (anymore) that gurantees high scores compared to Franchises that Obs worked on in the past. Also we still haven't seen the american scores which will be the most important regarding metacritic.


    On a personal note I don't really care about the negative points so far (and the ones I do are entirly subjective) so all happy by me.

  11. Just felt like making a thread for it. Does anyone here even have a 360? :x


    My owns saddly out of commision for a while.


    Aren't you Swiss, C2B? That means you'd get the demo after the game is released anyway.


    I know. Was just mentioning it on a follow-up to the "do you have a XBOX360" question.


    I won't get a new one before july anyway.

  12. Maybe they have another offer from Square Enix. Could be a Final Fantasy 2D spinoff. Not AAA but fairly high profile.

    That is interesting as Square Enix recently canceled another attempt at a western FF spin off.

    There are accusations that Square torpedoed that project.



    Considering who was hit with the torepo I don't really believe that story 100%. That said its certainly possible.


    That was already pre-Eidos acquisition running, no?

  13. So they set out to make an loot centric ARPG that is targeted at people who didn't like Diablo?


    Okay, then they are terrible at this thing called running a business.


    Yes, naturally. Making 9000 clones of the same game is helping the gerne and market evolve. Deriviating from that is "running the business". :)


    Well, we'll see, I predict this game will bomb, and ultimately that's the proof that they don't know how to run a gaming company.


    Your whats wrong with the gaming industry.

  14. Thank you Wombat. :wacko:


    We knew that already though. The "bukun" is called "deeds" in the englisch version. Nathaniel actually explained how the system works. About the charachters the biggest difference are the dialogs (NPCs react differently) that seem to be quite different depending on which charachter you choose. Your not getting a completly different story of course.

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