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Posts posted by C2B

  1. 4 was ugh

    Die in a fire or something.

    4 is one of the only times I will ever refer to a game as "self-indulgent." It's one of those words that seems absolutely meaningless to apply to this kind of context, but there's literally nothing else to describe it. Metal Gear Solid 4 spent as much time in cutscenes as gameplay. If not more. And never gave you enough of any particular gameplay segment to appreciate it.


    Not to mention the cutscenes were awfully boring in comparison to 3.

  2. We've definitely seen a variety of environments, but few of them have impressed me either as particularly good looking, or creative. For instance, the foundry area that we are told is a cool steampunk-ish mix of things is... your classic lava-filled cave with metal railings that you find in a million other platformers. The city area you walk through just before that is a generic medieval town. The haunted mansion/dungeon place is again a typical blue-tinted affair. I'd be pleased to be proven wrong when we can see the full extent of the variety, but yeah, the only part of DS3's visuals that I've really liked so far is the animations and the beautiful lighting effects.


    I have to disagree on lava filled cave. Did you watch the full sequence?


    Also, Steampunk city is generic medieval town for you?


    Also I was impressed with the haunted house it fit the atmosphere and the enviroment. Though blue-tinted affair? Don't you mean green?


    That said, I'm not really an expert at all in art direction as established before so its just my personal opinion.

  3. The score is low by modern standards, I guess, but the pluses and minuses sound really, really good. It reads like absolutely awesome game with very minor niggles.

    Yeah, but they're still good enough and I wasn't really expecting 90+ scores >_< .


    Thanks Bendu and C2B for the run-down! C2B, is there anyway you could tell us why the PC Games guy considers the last hours as the best in the game, without spoilers?


    He didn't write it. But in the score system they have a diagramm where they show how much fun they had at certain points in the game. And that went up and between 9-10 (of 10) in the last 4 hours.


    @Tigranes: I disagree. What we have seen was very varied. From Stonebridge to the ice, jungle, farmlands it was very varied. Thats actually even the best part of the game according to PC Games. Its atmospheric,detailed,varied world.

  4. The score is low by modern standards, I guess, but the pluses and minuses sound really, really good. It reads like an absolutely awesome game with very minor niggles.


    PC Gamer said that it was also nearly bugfree. He only had one bug where enemies got teleported back to their original position.

  5. Considering the PC Games score is out too I think I can post the rundown. (Which is very different than Gamestars)



    +Very thought of, action based battle system

    +No lenghts during the game. Everythings seamlessly.

    +Atmospheric, varied world/dungeons

    +Interesting,complex story with C&C

    - that isn't that influential

    - Charachters act like puppets in dialog

    - A little short in comparison to the previous DS games.


    He especially praised the dungeons, calling them the most varied he has ever seen in ARPGs. He also highlighted the last hours as one of the best part in the game. (In stark contrast to gamestar) Also there are ending slides where the C&C probably has most effect on.


    Edit: He also needed 15 hours for the main quest.

    Edit2: Also they critizied PC controls.

    Edit3: The atmospheric, detailed, varied world was his favorite part about the game. Again in contrast to Gamestar.

  6. Dungeon Siege 3 was reviewed in the latest GameStar issue (Germany's biggest PC print mag).


    It got a score of 80%.


    For comparison, Alpha Protocol got 83%, Witcher 2 87%.


    It was a horrible review by a horrible reviewer.

    Have you read it? Care to elaborate?




    To name two very visible points:


    She starts off by insisting DSIII has absolutly no story connection to previous Dungeon Siege Games.

    ...Except maybe, 10th Legion, Empire of the stores, Majority of the cast are descendants of the original Dungeon Siege cast etc. It couldn't possible be MORE build up on previous DS games/lore.


    Secondly she says that there are only 6 skills.... while showing off a screenshot that portrays 9. Yeah....


    Not to mention that the entire article was in general horrible written.

  7. Dungeon Siege 3 was reviewed in the latest GameStar issue (Germany's biggest PC print mag).


    It got a score of 80%.


    For comparison, Alpha Protocol got 83%, Witcher 2 87%.


    It was a horrible review by a horrible reviewer.

  8. Also having seen a review of DSIII.

    Was it GameStar of PC Games? Because I just read the GameStar review... Why have you not started a new topic for reviews? ;)




    You can start it. I'm a little bound since its technically not my subscription. But you can start it.


    Gamestars was typically horrible though. It contains so much information that is just wrong.

  9. Now, stop and think for a second. Do you REALLY think that console gamers are going to pump their bucks into such a game?

    Sure, why not?


    Heavy Rain & LA Noire are two examples of story-driven console games that did or are doing alright.


    I don't think any of these got the hype for beeing storydriven.

  10. That reminds me, in the trailer for the new X-Men movie First Class you see a mutant generate some kind of beam around his torso and then shoot it from his chest. I cant for the life of me figure out which mutant that is, does anyone know the answer?

    Alex Summers. Cyclops brother.


    Edit: (I haven't seen the trailer but it sounds like him)

  11. Also having seen a review of DSIII. The ending slides hint at further games.

    A review already? One month before the game actually gets out of the door (can someone remind how soon the first DA2 review appeared?). Do you have a buddy that works at a game magazine?


    Also as far as I understood it wasn't because of open plot threads but because of things that were happening in the slides that hinted to it.

    I thought it was pretty obvious that if DS3 sold well, we could see DLC or expansions. Didn't Feargus or someone else said that DS3's engine was specifically made so that DLC could be added rather easily?


    1. There seems to be no Review Embargo and the magazine will be out on the 25th. Also till then I keep my mouth shut.

    2. Yep.

  12. Also having seen a review of DSIII. The ending slides hint at further games.


    *sigh* I hope that doesn't mean that DSIII suffers from the KOTOR2-syndrome.


    Got my PM?


    Also as far as I understood it wasn't because of open plot threads but because of things that were happening in the slides that hinted to it.

  13. Also having seen a review of DSIII. The ending slides hint at further games.



    All of that information together means that a speculative DSIV would be done by Obsidian if DSIII sells well. Otherwise the chances aren't high that GPG would go back to it considering AOEO and their future RTS games so another company would do it.

  14. See GPG is overseeing the development, so does this mean that after DS3 is done and all its expansions (if it has any) out it will end the series? Or will Obsidian make DS4 and will that be overseen by GPG, or will GPG themselves make DS4?


    For christs sake. Read the interview EXACTLY and don't just assume things. (Sorry for the harsh words)

    RPS: So, what’s happening with Dungeon Siege 3?


    Chris Taylor: Well, my position on the project is like a, Creative Consultant, given my role in the creation of the franchise. Square Enix asked how we’d like to work in collaboration with another studio that they’d found, and I said “That’s terrific, who have you got in mind,” and they said Obsidian! And I said “That’s perfect! Look no further. You’ve found the best studio for the job. The guys are so talented, and they totally get it, and their working story is right on the money.” So I was pretty happy with that.


    The next step was that they went through all of our lore, even the stuff that people never hear about- the reason why there’s a Stonebridge, or what have you, who’s the 10th Legion, who’s The Empire of Stars- and then they create their own extension on that fiction, building their own story off of that.


    So what I do is I read through all of their material, and I turn it around 180 degrees, and then I provide some editorial feedback for them.


    RPS: Are you also involved in the actual design, the mechanics?

    CT: No. I look at their design, their mechanics, and then I provide feedback on that.


    No they didn't oversee development. Obsidian sent Taylor their design docs and he signed off on them and Taylor/GPG provided them with Lore stuff. Thats it. They didn't oversee anything but still signed off on what Obs wanted to do. A consultant position. And he was happy with what they did.

    RPS: What’s working as a consultant like? It sounds like a nice position to be in.


    CT: Well it could go either way. If you were working with a real crummy developer, it’d be a nightmare. They listen to your comments, then they don’t respond to any of it, then they send you back more junk? It’d be Hell on Earth. But with Obsidian, it’s really nice. I’m reading through the story work they did like it was a novel. I started reading it not knowing what to expect, and then it was like a page-turner.

    Chris Taylor: I daresay they’re doing a better job than I would have done. I know that’s bull, but it’s true, because I’ve really taken to focusing on RTS.


    Meaning he wants to focus on RTS games.

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