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Posts posted by C2B

  1. What positive quality can you find in it c2b? Frustrating the players? Frustrating the devs?


    Offering a challenge to the player by putting limits on his abilities and forcing him to pay attention to a certain number of parameters. That's not frustrating, that's what some players want. Why do you think that regenerating health has become the one thing linked to dumbing down those last years???


    Free self-heals/mana-regen buffs with fixed recharge timers should be limited enough by themselves, but combined with the punch to fill method, can provide a skilful alternative. An energy refilling free skill with 8 seconds of recharge to refill one third of the energy pool and an extra sixth over time (One half) but you need two seconds to cast it should have enough drawbacks in combat, and should reward you appropriately. A free regeneration stance with a speed, armor, damage or energy penalty (you use up more energy per skill) to go with is limiting enough to provide challenge, and is more flexible than the current purplish orbs of awesomeness.


    Yes, but still no. Its not more flexible. I don't even understand what you mean by "flexible" in here.


    Also please stop talking like your some kind of gameplay god and elevate whatever you say to be the "right" answer for design. Because A: You're not B: It's not.


    Edit: What I'm saying is. Your opinion is totally ok. Saying its somewhat a superior system at every turn is not, especially because its in no context to how DSIII works and is designed.

  2. self-heal should always be accessible freely, though a certain downtime is accepted. Don't ever want the character to run out of self-heals right? So unless orbs drop/fill like candy, then you can be screwed, which puts unnecessary hassle to the designers doing levels and loot, so it's generally a bad mechanic.


    No, its not.

  3. No, I'm pretty sure Oners right. Didn't they say this in the Giantbomb Quicklook. Or am I remembering that wrong?


    No, the Reinhart video is the one where people remarked for the first time that the healing power used one orb, and then someone asked Nathaniel how exactly the orbs were used.


    Ah, yes. I remember. Thanks.


    @Tigranes: This entire thread is in personal preference territory.

  4. And the defensive stances use the rare purple orbs up, so it also suffers from the same problem as the powers now... Or did I miss them telling us that they are free?

    IIRC the purple orbs only extend the effects of defensive skills to the whole party.


    Actually I think all defensive abilities do use 1 purple orb. You use 2 if you want it to apply to the whole party. But it didn't look like it took that long to charge it up in the videos.


    No, I'm pretty sure Oners right. Didn't they say this in the Giantbomb Quicklook. Or am I remembering that wrong?

  5. Currently, specials are mapped to RMB, ala Diablo 2, and you can toggle which ability is on RMB with the keyboard or Ctrl+Mousewheel. We are looking at some potential other casting options, too, but no promises on that as of yet. The RMB method works really nicely, actually. In some ways I prefer it to using the abilities on controller ><

    A french preview reports that now the left button is used for attacks and specials while the right button is used for movement and only for movement. Did you change your mind on the control scheme for PC?


    Or it could be said previews are still from the same preview build he originally answered on. (Hopefully)

  6. . Unlike in Mass Effect or Dragon Age where the responses exemplify a personality: angry, co-ooperative, understanding


    ... I don't think me and that gamesonnet guy are on the same page so I'll let that be my own judgment. Aside from that I have nothing against when the charachters act according to their personality/upbringing as long as you can still control the details (Which you can from what I've seen). I never expected any hardcore roleplay elements in the first place.

  7. I read on other site that DS3 is unplayable with the keyboard/mouse ... it's real?


    You can play with Keyboard/Mouse though Previewers noted that its far from perfect. We'll see. I've gone through Gothic 1&2 without problems so I should be ready for it. ;)

  8. Thanks WUE.


    Eurogamer Preview



    The storyline feels very much like the Jedi Purge, told in the style of Game of Thrones
    Dungeon Siege III clearly isn't setting out to redefine its genre, but it has a finely balanced sense of its own strengths and seems to have nailed the addictive tug that all loot drop RPGs must possess. Quests unfurl into one another organically and there's always something new around the corner, offering a reason to play for another half hour, then another, and another...


    Edit 1: PC Gamer Podcast Mostly negative http://www.pcgames.de/PC-Games-Podcast-The...ageddon-824606/ but they are pretty horrible. It consists 90% of whining from the others while the guy that played it tries to explain.

  9. A separate game in the planescape universe is something that could work, but really... I don't want to see some Oblivion-esque type of game, even if it has nice writing.


    Why in the world would it end up as Oblivion-esque type of stuff? Did I miss something and Bethesda got the D&D license?

  10. Feargus on PS:T 2

    So what does this mean for the chances of a sequel to the adored PC RPG, Planescape: Torment? Urquhart was surprisingly candid: “I remember right after finishing Planescape: Torment I spoke to Chris Avellone [Obsidian creative director] and asked what he wanted to do, and he was like, ‘I don’t wanna do a sequel!’ We haven’t talked about it in ten years, but it might be different now. But a lot of revisiting old games is about saying, ‘okay, that worked in 1999, what would work now?’ And how would you do it again?”


    “It would have to be done right, otherwise the fans of the original would be pissed off”


    But while it’s not entirely off the table, Urquhart does have concerns that would have to be addressed: “We’d have to think a lot about it, because it would have to be done right, otherwise the fans of the original would be pissed off and new people wouldn’t get it. That would be terrible.”




    Its also a six page interview. So can anyone get it when its out?

  11. No, it seems fake looking closer. Sorry.^^


    S'alright, don't worry, happens to everyone. Glad it hasn't been leaked, though, despite what qualms I may have with their marketing strategies and the fact they didn't maintain all their promises about The Witcher 2's DRM-free stance, if there's a company that doesn't deserve that (not that there is on that does, but still, you get what I'm saying) it's CDPR.


    The game itself apparently got leaked (russian version) but I think it has some sort of protection till release.


    I agree though.

  12. Also, you know your universe isn't supposed to be 'dark and gritty' when characters are walking around with brightly colored plate armors :sorcerer: . Seriously, Odo and Marten? Red and blue?


    I'm slightly surprised at the number of people walking around half-naked in the streets of Stonebridge. Men and women alike. That city must have a really warm weather. Or they're very resilient to the cold.


    And to end it : DWARF!


    Wait, DSIII was supposed to be dark and gritty? What? Granted its a pretty bleak scenario, but the artstyle and the charachters personalitys don't really scream dark and gritty to me. At all.

  13. I really do not know, when I played it last time, it seemed to me even more linear than FFXIII... and I did noticed that I still hate Squall now, like I was hating him 10+ years ago, when I played FFVIII for the first time... Different people, different opinions...

    That rings a bell somehow... wasn't that the whiny emo boy that you felt a dire need to put over you knee and give a good spanking?


    He actually makes some progress during the game. "We're all from the same orphanage and the reason we forgot that was because we used GF's so much" and "Time Compression" were two plotpoints that got me more.

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