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Posts posted by C2B

  1. What games has Avellone been LD on

    PS:T, KOTOR 2, AP, BG:DA


    He wasn't Lead on BG:DA. Level Designer on that one.


    Edit: Also he was Lead on Descent to Undermountain. (Though to be fair he came in late on that one and still regrets to be involved in it.)

  2. I'm puzzled :sorcerer: . Shouldn't this answer your question?!?


    When playing the game on local Co-op, I have heard that the second player's character isn't saved, so all the loot that player has collected will not be saved for when he/she returns to the game to continue. Is this true? – slayer90k


    All of the loot that the character has collected and all of the levels that they have gained are saved on the host game. All of that information is persistent and stays. Whether you jump in and jump out, it'll be there. You have impacted the story of that game and the story of that character.



    Nope, its for local co-op and we knew that already.

  3. Interview with Nathan Davis





    Will ALL players be able to save their progress and level up while playing in online co-op? Or will only one player be able to save their progress (the host) while playing in co-op?


    This is a critical question for me. – elgranpimp


    The save games [for everyone] work through the host player.


    This gets rather annoying now. Its already pretty clear that the savegame itself on the hosts game gets saved on the host (which only makes sense with the whole scaling buisness). We want to know if certain progress (loot especially) also gets saved to your own Char.

  4. An internet study's about five times better than any argument you've ever offered. Studies are the most reliable data gathering method.








    This is the best forum ever.



    Yeah, because that applies here or - to say it in a better way - everywhere.


    And is in any way connected to whats wrong with your statement.


    Edit: Ahhh, I don't want to play anymore.


    Studies without raw numbers = Worthless

    Even with the numbers people can draw conclusions that aren't the truth/only a part of it. Because they only analyze the numbers to prove some point. Thereby overlooking context or maybe they interpret things wrong/make assumptions or they just didn't cover every important information in their study. Try something: Give 5 people the same amount of information and then let them isolated draw conclusions from it.


    Random internet study that is full with pretentious talk that was written by some random dude:



  5. A lot of the complaints I hear about Homefront sound like they could have been used on Modern Warfare 2. Is the actual shooting as good or better? At least the story couldn't be any dumber... right?

    The story would actually be pretty good if it had time to get working. It's written by the guy who did Red Dawn and has several references to that movie.


    Theres something wrong with this....




    Ah, I got it:


    You're from the US, aren't you?


    Yeah, world makes sense again. Sorry for bothering.

  6. I don't know because I have LoF and Vol on ignore, I only checked in to see some hot elf chicks.
    I don't know why you'd confess to putting the best poster (LoF) on ignore. He's so dreamy~~


    Monte can't handle people that think they posses the "truth" for themselves, post some random Internet study/article (who can be disproven quite easily with a different one), dismiss other opinions and twists what others say to let it fit their own perspective.


    Fixed for accuracy.


    Also the last bit pretty much fits the last 2-3 pages where LOFs answers consists of just that. Dismiss the others opinion, twist them and post some article to prove "some" unspecified point.


    That way you are always "right".


    ITT: Arguments worthy of internet boards and politics.



    I salute you all, brothers. :p

  7. Well from the destrctoid interview they had with Nathan Davis. That sounded great and what I was hoping for until I watched this newer preview G4TV had with Lead Designer Nathaniel Chapman. It sounds totally different between what each other said. They should have it where single player and co-op are different meaning that you'll have characters dedicated for each like they did in Two Worlds 2. If they don't change it then I won't be getting this game.




    It doesn't sound different. They are just talking about totally different things. Theres nothing overlapping.


    What exactly do you mean?


    Edit: Watched the g4 one again. Nothings overlapping or really contradicting. For the points that are unclear: WE JUST DON'T KNOW YET. DSIII has a very special co-op system from begin with.

  8. Media wants me to go go gag over the 'best movie ever' The Dark Knight but i find it just average.




    Volourn we agree on something.


    Well, I don't find it average. But I have my problems with it.


    @lordofflies: Yes, pretty much. Theres a reason we have this picture of women in the first place. That said. Not my own type. Also Volourn never said what you are accusing him of.

  9. Thats a really stupid acquisation.


    Spending "thought" on something doesn't necessarily mean to make it as realistic as possible. It depends on the artistic goal. Just because a costume highlights boobs, doesn't mean there was no time spent in designing it.


    Whats the easy way out when it comes to art anyway? Wouldn't that be just copying already existing artworks?


    I'm not talking about time to draw the thing.


    The time it takes to actually draw the thing and make it look good might be on equal terms, but it takes more time and effort to think up a concept that is pleasing to look at that does'nt show off several square feet of skin. Also goes for the general form aswell.


    I wasn't too.

  10. Certainly there are widely divergent tastes in the gaming community, but they're are trying to find the examples of women in games and other media were the artists have'nt taken the easy way out and actually put some thought into their designs.


    Thats a really stupid acquisation.


    Spending "thought" on something doesn't necessarily mean to make it as realistic as possible. It depends on the artistic goal. Just because a costume highlights boobs, doesn't mean there was no time spent in designing it.


    Whats the easy way out when it comes to art anyway? Wouldn't that be just copying already existing artworks?

  11. From the other thread

    They should've just called it The Kingdom of Ehb or something like that. Calling it Dungeon Siege and leaving out the core elements of the original gameplay is absurd.


    Not... really. Its still an action based rpg/hack n'slash. And there is even some hommages to the older systems in the gameplay itself. (The attacks that get stronger if you use them a lot) Furthermore the Creator of Dungeon Siege (Who should know best what Dungeon Siege is and what it isn't) wanted to focus on no party/one charachter even before Obsidian worked on DSIII.


    Also, already DSIIs gameplay was pretty different from DSI.

  12. I always thought the Elven-ear look was attributable to the RECORD OF LODOSS WAR tv series that came out in the 1990s and its subsequent popularity...

    May also be from FFXI's Elvaans (not kidding)




    Yet another reason to want to beat elves about the head and neck with broken bottles. Stupid flimsy sticky out ears. HOW DO THEY ****ING SLEEP?


    I just realised I'm a racist after all. About elves.


    What do their ears have to do with how they sleep?


    There are tons of animals that have similiar ears.


    Edit: Welp, now I'm probably racist too.

  13. Yeah, I don't know what happened with that :* . Either the guy with the photoshop is really, really bad (it's not just boob size here, it's just plain wrong anatomy) or there is some perspective effect because of her position (if the bodice isn't skin-tight). But the former is probably the right answer. Gah Obsidian and Square Enix, this is not good marketing!


    Nah, most people won't even look at that and its in some random magazine for now. Also I rather doubt Obsidians artists had to do with this on account of the severe differences.

  14. "Mike Laidlaw was Lead on the infinitly worse Console Version of DA:O"


    DA1 console > DA1 PC


    That is fact.


    P.S. I love the eprsonal attacks against game designers. LMAO




    Compared to other console games the combat was one of the worst ever and the absolute anthithesis of fun.

  15. More like Nightshape hates Mike for no apparent reason, other than the general consensus that DA2 sucked balls (which it didn't imo).


    Mike Laidlaw was Lead on the infinitly worse Console Version of DA:O, hes responsible for many of the bad design decisions in 2 and hes a creepy guy in real-life (At least in video interviews).


    Not enough to hate him but I dislike him too.

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