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Posts posted by C2B

  1. This game is really looking like it should be in an arcade and not on PC or consoles.


    What and why?


    I see this game more relating to Gauntlet or the old X-men arcade game in terms of local co-op. The drop in drop out, is just the same as putting another quarter in the machine and picking a character that hasn't been picked yet.


    There are no in game incentives to play local co-op other than having another person there, just like an arcade game. There are only set classes, just like an arcade game.


    The lack of game time reminds me of a souped up arcade game. It has a mere 15-20 hours expected game play. You could rent this game, beat it, and still not have late fees.


    This game seems like a dumbed down version of what the previous Dungeon Sieges have been. Or in other words, an arcade version. I just get this feeling that they wanted to see what the Onyx engine could do, so this is more like a "test game" than a real effort to please the fans of the series.



    Uhhh, no?


    1. Read the co-op article again. You have way more influence and you can skill/reskill your charachter. (Which your co-op host has to live with) You manage your and his inventory and you have influence in dialouge. The only difference is that you can't take it over in your game. Furthermore local co-op is there to have fun with friends, I thought? (Where it shouldn't matter that much) Or do you play local with strangers?


    2. 15-20 hours is still plenty. The previous games weren't much longer. The diablo games are around the same if you rush. Furthermore there is C&C.


    3. It's a completly different, way more streamlined system I agree but on the other hand they expanded in other areas. (Mainly narrative)

  2. I must admit, I'm puzzled as to what the design goals behind that choice were. Granted, this seems like a story-driven action RPG but.. I dunno, it kinda feels cobbled together design-wise. Let's hope it works out well in the end.


    Eh, locally it makes more sense and seems fun. Having this much control in co-op over the game can support for some interesting interaction outside of the game.


    "Hey dude, are you gimping that charachter?"




    *Punches fly*


    Online however. Well, we'll see.

  3. I got to finally try to write a Torment "they communicate everything via text" character for a modern-day role-playing game with Christine to see how that would be received (mixed reaction, some people thought we were lazy or cheap, and they're partly right, even if that wasn't the intention - voice acting is expensive, and if we can get more story with less voiced words, I'm fine with that). Wouldn't have gone over so well in a larger game, I suspect, so glad the DLC allowed for it.


  4. Argggh.


    It would have been an instant buy before but enthusiasm's wslightly waned now and 10USD is pretty expensive (how big is it?). Maybe I'll wait till bundle, but that'll take months... arrgggh.


    ~5-6 hours

  5. From venkman90 on penny arcade

    Any word on an "endgame"? Loot crawlers need high level cool **** to do (TL, TL2, D2, D3) be it an infinite dungeon / random generated levels / boss farming / high level cap...


    I'm also interested in the answer. And I don't think this is something that gets always shown.

  6. To me, it seemed more like anyone with any brains worked on FNV leaving Alpha Protocol to whichever primate was free at the time. I certainly dont understand whats supposed to be clever about it, its thouroughly brainless from start to finish. Like someone just bought a bunch of 24 and Alias DVD's and tried to cut&pste together something interesting.


    Because it is?


    There is a reason Gamebanshee gave it the award for best writing.


    Edit: Stuff like this for example:



    As for Brayko...Brayko is awesome. Mostly because he - and all of Moscow - show a dedication to detail and a lot of work put in getting the feel of the city and its populace right. Brayko works so well because he is an actually, existing archetype, from the way he talks to his lagging 20 years behind in American pop culture. It shows a great dedication to detail.
    It's kind of a 90s-lawlessness thing, when the Thieves in Law were kind of pushed into the shadows and gangs of thugs would be hired to and fro to keep the peace. Brayko really talks and acts like someone who amassed power during that era; trying and failing to adapt to American culture, the crass language, etc etc
    Thing is, I don't think this or many of the other injokes in Moscow (like the name of the ship you meet Sis on (pobeda = victory, beda = misfortune), or the name of the tech company you chase that guy in (molotek is a combination of molotok (hammer) and tech) are things they can expect the average consumer to "get". So I'm not sure why they did it. I love that they did though.
  7. And I like that my Thorton looks like a cross between an emo kid and a surfer dude. I hate him so much!!



    That's one of the many flaws of the game; the main character is just such a total douche. He even looks annoying! I put a full beard and sunglasses on him so I wouldnt have to look at his smug face during the dialogue.


    For me. Thats not a flaw but a positive. ;)


    I love my thorton.


    (On the other hand I personally wouldn't buy good thorton as much. For someone whos line of work is to manipulate people daily especially.

  8. There's two issues though, party\no party plus player control\customisation V set character. So far it looks likeAI\co-op tagalongs plus set characters with limited customisation. Seems fairly rigid, Still a month or two to dispell that illusion of course. Chris Taylor may have wanted less of a party focus but was he intending to eliminate classes too?


    While customization so far seen is surely not as in depth as in previous titles classes still exist. The preset charachters are the classes themselves.


    For the rest we really don't know for sure since nothing we know was in depth regarding it.

  9. I find this news indescribably disappointing. :( I was holding out big hopes for DS3 with Obsidian at the helm, but this might be the first Obsidian game I don't buy. To me, Dungeon Siege was about creating a customized character and romping through the single-player campaign with a horde of followers and pets (including the iconic Pack Mules!) before taking him into multiplayer with a few friends and having fun with our various characters. Remember how you could play as skeletons in Dungeon Siege 1 multiplayer? Good times. And I was thrilled when they added Dwarves to DS2, by fan demand. I was one of the fans who asked for them! Made me feel good. And now Dungeon Siege III will have none of this at all.


    No character customization and no big party in single-player = Not Dungeon Siege


    Heck, it doesn't even have a red-haired girl on the cover (a minor quibble, but there it is). I don't mind change, but not when all the best, most basic elements of a series are thrown out the window. This is Dungeon Siege in name only. Kind of like the Uwe Boll movie.


    Ugh... I don't even want to think about that movie... I do understand the way you feel, though. I felt the same way at first, too. Eh... You can't look at it like a dungeon siege game, though. Think of Champions of Norath... Nothing like Everquest, other than it's name in the title, and the area it's set in. That's the way I see this game, too. It isn't the game I know, it just looks like a different kind of game set in the same universe (that's the impression I get at least). =) To be honest I can understand why they chose to go this rout, though... A lot of people who are keeping tabs on this game haven't even played the first two games. The market is definitely geared more towards newer gamers, which is the way they should go if they want to make money I think. =P


    That being said, maybe this will open doors later on down the road for a 4th game based more in the traditional style of dungeon siege. =)


    ? Isn't that a little bit on how you decide Dungeon Siege III has to look? I mean Chris Taylor wanted to focus on one charachter before Obsidian took over. They just continued it.




    Its pretty much the same thing Fallout went through (though, here at least it is still in the same gerne) so I can understand the frustration.


    And Storywise DSIII acknowdlegdes the first games story already way more than the second did. Considering the (thus far) main atagonist of the third game was only born a short time after the events of the second game there may even be a connection.

  10. Can you say, IWD III in Onyx?


    That said, I think it's much more probable the new project is just wheel of time.


    Buck is specifically talking about the Icewind Dale franchise. And we know about the WOT game for a long time so it wouldn't make sense for him to make a secret out of it.

  11. I'm not worried about length, I just think it's going to be really cheesy. I mean really cheasy


    If the lead writer cities Josh Whedon (Buffy, Firefly and stuff) as one of his biggest inspirations.


    Yeah, you are in the cheesy territory.

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