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Posts posted by C2B

  1. From the announcement :


    In DUNGEON SIEGE III, players assume the role of one of four legionnaires in the crumbling kingdom of Ehb


    Should we consider this as 'proof' that there will be only four classes/characters in the game, or should we wait for more previews?


    It's vague. But yeah.


    Little disappointing. Then again. Diablo II had only one more at release.


    How many does III have by the way?

  2. Also Destructoid is the worst gaming related site. :ermm:

    Does Jim Sterling's trashing of Alpha Protocol have anything to do with this?


    Nope. It's their entire site. They were ok when they began "just" as a troll website. But they got increasingly worse.


    And Jim Sterling himself. Well, he's the single worst video game journalist and only out to get as much attention as possible. Which is quite an accomplishment. And that was already this way before AP was released.


    My personal hate with Destructoid goes back to early 2009.

  3. It works that way for 2 player offline co-op. We still don't know how online multiplayer works.


    We don't even know if that is the final or only way co-op works anyway.


    I'm thinking Secret of Mana co-op type for offline. Let me give you an example:


    -I'm playing the game on my own. Recruiting a Party member(Archon Mage). I have played enough to reach level 5 with my characters.

    -My brother enters the room and asks if he can join in on the fun. He will be controlling the Archon Mage (lvl5). We play for two hours and we are now level 10. We can both equip our characters with dropped loot. But wait, my brother has soccer practice and needs to leave. I continue the game without him.

    -I played from level 10-15 on my own.

    -Bro comes back from practice, picks up controller and is now controlling level 15 Archon Mage.

    This mode would be a good way to introduce a casual player to the game.


    I also think we will have the usual 2 player co-op a la Champions of Norrath & BG: Dark Alliance.


    Speculation? Yes.


    Yeah. thats what I'm expecting too.At least for offline co-op.

  4. Very well deserved I think. And I still can't believe that some reviews actually said that the writing was bad. I really cannot see that in any way whatsoever. I think AP is quite easily up there with the best written games ever though it obviously comes from a very different angle than something like Torment.


    What AP truly has is the most fluent dialog in any rpg ever while still offering choices in said dialog. Impressive ones even.

  5. Sorry, it's not a Hack n Slash, it fits the ARPG fold. Titan Quest, Torchlight and Diablo 2 are Hack n Slash, try again.


    Also F:NV is a bad example. There is more dialouge spoken than written. Which in turn wasn't that good for the game.




    1. ARPG fold? What? Its clearly focused on combat. Multiple previewers have said that and a few were disappoonted there wasn't more to it in the preview build. Furthermore shown dialogs so far were well written but not complex. It also clearly goes the way of the old Dark Alliance games.


    2. Why facepalm? It's actually true. The main charachters silent lines are way less than the spoken ones of the NPC's. The majority of a big script was spoken. Which lead to reused voice actors. There it should have been more text only lines.

  6. How many good, serious films have you seen which have trailers with stupid, puerile jokes in them?

    How many good films have been completely serious?


    Serious is overrated.


    Especially if you go the ridiculus way. In gaming Heavy Rain is a recent example.


    At least be self aware about it.

  7. And in the case of an action focused game like Dungeon Siege 3 the amount of dialog isn't that important? :blink:


    Unless it's a Hack n Slash, the amount of dialogue is important. But it's just not dialogue:


    But it IS a Hack n Slash if you didn't get the memo. The focus is on co-op and combat.


    Also F:NV is a bad example. There is more dialouge spoken than written. Which in turn wasn't that good for the game.

  8. I've pretty much gathered this on other reviews too... This might be changed later, however. Obsidian hasn't commented on their multiplayer plans too much, and the reviewers DID play a pre-alpha version, so multiplayer might not have been in place 100%. My hope is that they will not only allow other players to get EXP in multiplayer, but will also allow players to play as characters they create. As I've said in another post, I think it would be the worst idea ever to limit multiplayer the same way Fable 2 did... Especially on a RPG series that has some of the best multiplayer for the genre (my opinion at least, hehe). No one wants to play as a lackey. =P That being said, however, Obsidian has said from the beginning that they planned on making this a great multiplayer title. Here's hoping they deliver on that. =)


    YES!! Fable 2 is the only game I know that it is better playing alone than co-op.


    It seems Obsidian is doing the same with DS3. I can

  9. "voiced pc" is ok. Its a viable design choice and it suits an action oriented game with predefined charachters like DS3.


    A game with voiced PC will always have less dialogue then one that doesn't. IMO it's unnecessary, and diverts development budget from more important aspects of RPGs. Also 'voiced pc' and 'cinematic' are very much tied together, you can't have 'cinematic' without 'voiced pc' and 'voiced pc' leads to 'cinematic' design.



    When did Alvin become Associate Producer of Obsidian Entertainment?


    And in the case of an action focused game like Dungeon Siege 3 the amount of dialog isn't that important? :blink: We are not speaking about Torment here. Also no. I can turn your argument very much around and say that you CAN have a voiced pc without actually beeing cinematic. Thats a pretty meaningless analogy anyway, sorry. Ever heard of silent films. Are they not "cinematic"? o:)

  10. where is ign preview? are they ignoring oei & ds3? :ermm:


    Maybe Square and Obs are ignoring IGN?


    Am I the only one that hopes that the 'cinematic' and 'voiced pc' fads die very very soon.


    "cinematic" I do since it is just there to undermine the narrative possibilities of games. The medium can't really evolve if it is just imitating another one.


    "voiced pc" is ok. Its a viable design choice and it suits an action oriented game with predefined charachters like DS3.

  11. For those who read the magazine preview of PC Gamer : is it the same? I'm sure I've already read those comments about the screens somewhere!


    EDIT : it's definitely the same!


    yeah it seems to be. Though the guy who wrote about it here went way overboard on how negative the preview is. It's actually pretty positive and informative.

    I'm pretty sure I never said it was an negative preview. ;)

    Well, let's say you had a way to show off the negative aspects. ;)

  12. For those who read the magazine preview of PC Gamer : is it the same? I'm sure I've already read those comments about the screens somewhere!


    EDIT : it's definitely the same!


    yeah it seems to be. Though the guy who wrote about it here went way overboard on how negative the preview is. It's actually pretty positive and informative.

  13. They might say its all bull**** and so on, but it sounded exactly like the kind of bitter complaining you get from low-level guys working on a game that fails. And given how the game failed spectacularly to live up to the expectations, I believe the anonymous employee more than the OE brass.


    People that left the company (one of them bitter because they didn't even send him a promo copy of the game) are hardly Obsidz brass, Kaftan.


    I wouldn't say he was THAT bitter by it.


    But lets see. Who should one trust more?


    - Two ex Obsidian employees who own the company nothing.

    - Some anonymous guy who claims he was a obsidian employee and insults the company and the game right on release which probably both hurts sales and the image of the company. Therefore also damaging said companys employees which in turn also means his former team members he apparently speaks for?



    Yeah, I have a hard time choosing two and not be happy that the guy got kicked if he ever was really working for Obsidian.

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