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Posts posted by C2B

  1. perhaps not, but am thinking that one o' the things bethesda did right in fo3 were that they did embrace the essence o' fo w/o bothering to follow the chapter and verse canon.


    Is that meant ironic? Because Fallout 3 would have been so much better if they actually did that. The worst part about FO3 WERE its connections to the Fallout canon (Brotherhood, Enclave, supermutants)

  2. So, I was just checking out the gamefaq guides and saw one by "Absolute Steve". (Who usually does very good ones)


    Sadly the guy got carried away in the introduction to lament how great FO3 is and how NV is a DLC. I finally wanted to stop at "amazing storytelling" in regards to FO3 till I saw this


    On a closing note

    I do want to mention that some events in FNV are painfully unfunny, sometimes

    even disgusting and on the border of acceptable as to what you can put into a

    video game. This has nothing to do with gore, more so with ethics. Some of

    those people at Obsidian should give me a call - as a psychologist student I'd

    gladly study them as field cases.


    I'm still loling. :lol:



    Somewhat agree. I still like MOTB, KOTOR2 and AP better but thats because I'm a sucker for certain parts about them.


    On the whole on the other hand. Yes, FO:NV is the best. Also finally


    AWESOME GAMEPLAY. Basically Obsidian improved the FO3 gameplay immensly.


    (Apart from a little hardcore mode imbalance)

  4. Did FO3 & Oblivion have freezing issues on the X360?


    Yup, but according to some it's worse in NV.


    Well, Gamebryo games are always weird. Some went through both with minimal problems/here. Others it crashed every 2 hours.


    There seem to be more reports for New Vegas though.

  5. This is it fellow friends . EPIC, DRAMATIC is the key to great, compelling writing.


    A story does not need to be EPIC to be great or compelling. It does need drama (conflict with emotional value) but it doesn't need to be DRAMATIC.


    I meant it ironic.^^


    Personally, I like subtelty in my stories/video games more.

  6. From the gamespot review. They listened main story isn't compelling

    This latest trip into the desolate American landscape possesses many of the same elements that made Fallout 3 such a successful role-playing game, but its story doesn't boast as many memorable moments. The large-scale combat scenarios are less epic, and the surprises are less dramatic than Fallout 3's mid-game reverie.




    This is it fellow friends . EPIC, DRAMATIC is the key to great, compelling writing.

  7. So is 85 metacritic score good? Or is that the new ****?


    It's average/good overall. A lot of games get that kind of metacritic score, but it's still better than most of what Obsidian has done (KOTOR2 has the same metacritic score btw).


    NV is actually higher


    Kotor2 PC: 85

    NV PC: 88

  8. Was it really that hard to top benthesda in storytelling?

    For me the plot was the most important selling-point.


    Most other reviewers praise the storytelling including Daniel Vavra. Lead Writer of Mafia 1+2


    And the ones that don't praise it speak about FO3 as if it was a philosopical masterpiece.

  9. Didn't leave Goodsprings yet, did the Ringo quest with the battle in the end, however the game stuttered BADLY during that battle, which is pretty sad, especially considering it was just about 10 NPCs together at that time. Worries me. I have a 8800gt, surely it was supposed to be running better than this?


    Other than that it's great. I really like it so far.


    Playing on Very Hard + Hardcore.


    Nvidia cards have problems. Try to turn the water multisampling down.

  10. Most of the stuff was in Fallout 3. Not that it is less annoying now.. but it already has been in Fallout 3. So blaming NV for this now, but ignoring it in F3 back then, seems very idiotic to me.

    Not to me. Remember, this is a game that's coming out several years after Fallout 3, thus they had all those extra years to work out the original's kinks.


    Of course, while building a game of this size there's bound to be new kinks introduced into the mix..


    Several years? It's been ca. 2 years. And the project was still in pre-production in february 2009.


    I think they had enough to do putting all the content in.

  11. Guy on GAF is complaining that the PS3 version feels like an unfinished game. :*


    They are complaining about a video that shows heavy stuttering. Could just be a cache issue or something. We'll see

    And Bugs till now sound like regular BethesdaGamebryo bugs.

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