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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Sorry AP is not your cup of tea. Too bad for all of us that Bloodlines was a giant bomb financially. Shows what those review scores mean I guess.


    Well, AP bombed too. So, not that good an argument.


    Also I just looked up the V:B scores.


    He pulled that out of a random review probably. Metacritic has it only at 80 and that's probably including favorable retro-reviews.


    (That doesn't mean of course that V:B wasn't deserving of a near 90s score in several aspects.)

  2. I find Bloodlines and Alpha Protocol to be very similar in that they had somewhat clunky gameplay but really interesting story and conversations.


    I'd probably give the nod to Bloodlines as I enjoyed their open world aspect, but I did enjoy the consequences of my actions moreso in Alpha Protocol. Some might complain that they didn't like having to accept negative consequences (I loved that the Veteran was occasionally able to do both challenges because he's just that badass), but I enjoyed having to actually make a choice.


    Stop it.


    Someone has a different opinion than you and all you can come up with are review scores? Oh noeeeeez.


    Because if we go that way i have here some review scores from local gaming magazines. And it looks quite different....


    (I myself value both games around the same)

  3. "is the kind of company to attract the more discerning gamers. "


    Simply not true. A discernible gamer would know that AP is by far Obsidian's worst game to day. NWN2 and KOTOR2 are both vastly superiopr.



    Thank you Volourn. Your incredible narcissm is always such an insperation because you actually have the guts to think you're some sort of spokesperson for "discernible" gamers.

  4. Come to think of it. The system that was explained until now. Does that just count for the guardian? I don't remember hearing anything about the magic system as of now?


    I believe the stance system is applied to all the classes, but it won't be one-handed VS two-handed for all classes. In the screen-shots, we've seen that the Archon was wielding either a traditional wizard staff or some sort of (apparently magic-created) spear on fire : those two weapons are probably indicator of different 'stances' for that class (with the staff, probably the close-combat and fire-kicks, and long-range damage when wielding the spear).


    I suspected that much. I just hope we aren't limited in usuable magic through it.


    @WUE I didn't really refer to that point though. ;)

  5. They were most perplexed about the beardcrumbs trails, the combat system (they defined it a mix between a beat'em up and Fable O_o') and even the art style was too cartoon-y according to them.


    EDIT : Oh, I forgot : not enough loot.


    I wonder what they said about Diablo 3?


    Anyway, from what we know about the stances, the special attacks etc., that description is a little well....



    Come to think of it. The system that was explained until now. Does that just count for the guardian? I don't remember hearing anything about the magic system as of now?

  6. that doesnt seem right to me.


    how does one person saying 2 lines take less space than two people saying 1 line each?


    Bottom line.. it costs more to hire 2 VA then one VA to play 2 different non-major characters. Its a cost vs benefit formula and the publisher will most always go with the cost saving option when it comes to the VA.


    Which really isn't that bad if the VA is talented. Think of people like Billy West on futurama.

  7. Storm Of Zehir had some interesting gameplay, but it was built on top of an engine that did not really support that kind of gameplay they were striving for. Also, I suspect that they spent too much time on the technical/design changes, and forgot the content, it was a bit too thin.


    I talked about gameplay. Not about other elements. :)

  8. I'm impressed to see an Obsidian game praised for its combat system.

    Maybe there's still hope for an incline of Obsidian's gameplay? The tweaks done to Fallout : New Vegas sound pretty good too after all.



    I liked Alpha Protocol's gameplay but the little inconsistencies and the unbalance kinda killed its potential.


    I honestly attribute it to Nathaniel. Storm of Zehir had pretty good gameplay changes as well.


    And New Vegas has Sawyer.

  9. Those games also feature ultra-hard difficulty and survival mode that 99% of players can’t beat but it doesn’t mean the devs were so attached to the battle system (no matter it’s depth) to make it actually require any skill.


    Uhm what? You're kinda contradicting yourself here you know that? Also it doesn't change anything that the battle system can be used one way or another. It STILL has depth. It STILL is hard to master. IT still isn't just a "brainless button masher"


    Not to mention, you're kinda saying elitist devs are the good kind. And what does that even MEAN "attached to their battle system". So devs that take their time to make it accessible for low skill players aren't attached to their battle system?

  10. Charles Wook Hyung Lee
    Professional Experience

    Obsidian Entertainment / Dungeon Siege III / lead environment concept / 2009~present

    Obsidian Entertainment / ALIENS RPG / concept designer / 2007~2009

    Sony Computer Entertainment America Santa Monica / God of War / cinematic background painting / Jan. 2004

    Sony Computer Entertainment America San Diego / Twisted metal black X / cinematic artist/pre-visual concept/story boarding / Jan. 2004


    OT: his artworks for Resident Evil RPG (cancelled?)



    This is some great concept.

  11. So, this will be a brainless button-masher then?


    Color me unimpressed.


    Did you ever spent 10 minutes with Devil May Cry or similiar gerne like Bayonetta? Because as overdriven as they are these games have probably the deepest battle system of any game available. Sure you can mash buttons. Does it mean you mastered anything of the battle system? No.

    Poor example.

    Those games feature “automatic mode” so that they could be finished by nothing but mindless button mashing.


    Nope. Just isn't true.


    If you're not playing on easy.... Try this games on normal or hard difficulty. Try them. It's just not the truth.


    (Also just because there are games that feature such modes to give even casual players the ability to play through a game. There's NOTHING wrong with that.)

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