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Posts posted by C2B

  1. http://twitter.com/#!/JimSterling


    - First Jimpressions of New Vegas: As far as I am concerned, Alpha Protocol never happened now. Slate's clean.

    - Played New Vegas for two days and have only officially completed two quests. [censored] hell!

    - I in no way mean to imply that that's a BAD thing, either.

    - @snoopypup248 If it is, it's an expansion that's worth $60

    - New Vegas has officially overwhelmed me. I have so many quests going on and don't know where to start. This is terrifying and awesome.


    As much as I loath Jim Sterling this sounds encouraging. Andrew Reiners too. Especially in regards to Review Scores.

  2. Nice to know the gameplay will be a spiritual successor to Secret of Mana. Even the drop in and out coop gameplay (Via pressing the start button) is the same. Now if only they allow a 3 player coop gameplay...


    I also thought of Mana after a while. I mean this would be close to how a modern Mana Game would look (Naturally different artstyle).


    Man, Seiken Denetsu has to be the worst trashed series ever. Legend of Mana was the last really good one.

  3. So, how New Vegas looks from the streams New Vegas is finally an Obsidian main game that feels complete and actually good (more balanced) combat (Naturally, that depends on how you like the combat)


    Now Dungeon Siege III and Onyx just has to (hopefully) reduce the bugs and the future looks very nice.^^



    (Of course that view can entirly change when I play through New Vegas)

  4. Apparently it's being played on a console there.


    Can you guys give us any info regarding the PC version? Any at all? Like, how tactical it's going to be in comparison to the console versions? (Like how the PC version of DAO was very different from the console versions). Although I know the focus is the console audience...


    Its played on pc. But then again they are using a controller so we dont know anything if the same applies if you are using a keyboard.

  5. By the way Lexx do you know if Switzerland gets an uncensored version?


    No clue. Austria should have one, but I am not sure. This time we got zero information about the censored / not censored things in the games. I mean, the normal gore censorship was clear anyway.


    I ordered it from the shop of a good friend of mine. Well, F3 was uncensored so I'll hope for the best.


    Thanks anyway.

  6. Europe has the 22th as release. This shall include germany too. My copy has to traverse over the ocean to me, but since I used postal office service so-and-so (forgot the name), the approx delivery time is 5 to 6 days, which would make the 21th/22th as target date.


    If not, then well... sucks.


    By the way Lexx do you know if Switzerland gets an uncensored version?

  7. Popularity does not equal good. or I must I link all the NWN review that gave it 90%+? Or all the AP reviews that gave it horrible marks? Don't play the populairty contest. You will lose.



    And, don't be so butthurt over the fact people like a game you don't. TW was popular enough to get a sequel. 'Nough said.


    "Because Two worlds retail was a pile of bugs and garbage."




    Agree. Hey, we are here on an Obsidian board. Quality in a game is something very subjective and entirly dependant on what elements you like about a game.


    I, for one. Do not care about Bugs or polish. Never did.

  8. Edit: I mean I'm fine with your other thread. But coming into her stating you will cancel your pre-order of a different game just to act like this. That gets me.


    Hey - You just got me wrong - I didn't intrigue - but I really was grateful of that information - and Yes I really canceled my pre-order for FONV. Lately there has been released so many unfinished or partial games that I'm simply sick of buying them.


    I didn't. I got you right.


    Seriously why did you post that. Thats acting like a douche in the worst case.

  9. So your critisism comes down to personal preference of a entirly subjective matter of realism in video games?


    Ok, arguing is hopeless. I'm not trying to argue anymore.



    Edit: Just to say. In regard to "Realism" I know as good as no games (Especially in the espionage gerne) that come even remotly close.

  10. I was honestly expressing my gratitude - I don't want to pay for nothing ....

    Btw why Are You answering when You dont give a **** ? Just don't make any sense.

    This is a game forum - not some private club for few fans.


    You know how a person acting your way is called


    It begins with D and ends with an e and there are 6 letters.


    And acting like this helps nobody. Stating your opinion about a game is fine. Acting like this isn't.



    And don't think people here don't critizize bad elements in Obsidians games.


    Edit: I mean I'm fine with your other thread. But coming into her stating you will cancel your pre-order of a different game just to act like this. That gets me.

  11. Story is really important - but the game must be playable as well - In AP characters are moving comically - controls are totally insensitive etc. etc. - What ever the story is, can't substitute it. It is simply not playable - at least if You don't prefer unintended comic ...


    If it wasn't playable how did I play through it? And while I agree animations were a very mixed bag (worst beeing crouching) I didn't found it less responsive than other 3rd person shooters


    Except if you are talking about the PC mouse stuttering bug. In that case ini changes or the patch (If you bought the US version) could help you out.



    Also you and I have very different opinions on the meaning of trash.

  12. You are trashing the game on a forum, where 99% of the people like the game? How clever...


    My opinion - and the game is nothing but trash. Sorry, I don't by that 99% like the game - In this forum might be heavily over-presented those rare "fans". But it doesn't mean majority of people agree with You.


    Thank you for beeing the majority of people.


    Also, actually most of the Story elements have been rather universally praised. Main factor were people are mostly negative is towards. the gameplay. Which also lead to large differences in Ratings regarding preference of game elements. For example european reviewers were mostly positive.



    Edit: Ok, that was a little too much but please be aware that AP is a very controversial game. Give it a second chance someday.^^

  13. Evolved into what? "Point and click" into "Point, click and run"?







    Totally, the same type of game. (Though, Shooters evolved in the form of better/more realistical physics/weapons) and naturally the upcoming of third person and cover.


    Anyway, in terms of rpg/Deus Ex kind of mechanics much didn't change. And AP wasn't an evolution of it sadly (which I give you right. Should have made it better). To name a better example Bloodlines was pretty much inbetween of AP and DX and uses a similiar system and shooting mechanics were just as ****ty.

  14. it's a complete FLOP as a 'shooter' experience.

    I think that part right there tells you that you were expecting the wrong thing from AP. Deus Ex is even worse as 'a shooter experience' yet look at how well the game was received by critics/fans and how well it is remembered today.

    "Deus Ex (abbreviated DX[2] and pronounced /ˌdeɪ.əs ˈɛks/, DAY-əs-eks) is a cyberpunk-themed action role-playing game developed by Ion Storm Inc. and published by Eidos Interactive in 2000"




    The main reason this game isn't that great, imo, is because of the way missions work. There are NO sidequests, and most of the game takes place running down linear corridors.


    Does that matter? There are many gameplay elements that didn't really evolve since that time. ESPECIALLY in rpgs. I don't really see the significance.


    On the second I agree but I didn't found it to be the main focus of the game.


    Besides while there aren't any traditional sidequests. There are many little seprate objectives you could do though they were little. Not to mention there were some optional missions. Examples are the G22 bugs and Brayko/Surkov.

  15. That ... that looks awesome! I would have liked a bit more depth to the dialogues, but yeah, it's a dungeon crawler. I loved it, personally. Very good job on the presentation, mr. Nelson. Even if you died a lot :p:lol:


    Depth? Ther is probably a whole lot more to it there were around 3 dialog choices and they were all pretty well written.


    Not to mention the comments of your companions.



    Edit: I mean they were showcasing a dungeon. We don't know about the towns yet.


    Edit2: Corrected, Sorry^^

  16. Daggerfall has more bugs than Morrowind, Oblivion & Fallout 3 together. And still it is the best Bethesda game.


    True. Though personally I like Morrowind better.^^ Daggerfall was too massive for me.



    And I don't really care about bugs as long as they are avoidable. A buggy game with good content is still better for me than a polished game with medicore content.

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