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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Eastern and Western Europe haven't exactly been clearly defined throughout history. The Rhine and the Danube was really the most logical border between east and west, and it is only recently that it became a political division with the Iron Curtain.


    edit: Sorophx, 78% of the population of Russia lives in the designated European area. It is referred to as Eurasia, if we want to be technical.


    The Rhine seems to me to be a bit too much to the West to be a valid limit between western and eastern Europe. Former DDR, former Tchekoslovakia, Hungaria, Rumania are in central Europe. After that you can think about considering eastern Europe. But even there, like in some parts of Poland, this is still very central european.

    You can sum up things by just considering that :

    - Western Europe is the part of Europe where countries consider that the invasions come from the East.

    - Eastern Europe is the part of Europe where countries consider that the invasions come from the West.

    - Central Europe is the part of Europe where countries consider that the invasions come from the West and the East.

    Of course, Central Europe suffered a lot more.


    And some of the countries like my Switzerland don't give a crap about any invasion.



  2. What used to be the GDR is in eastern europe. Belgium obviously isnt, but those boys have clearly made a GRPG


    No, no. It really isn't. It just isn't. That part belongs now to germany. Which does not belong to eastern europe.


    The UN too doesn't count it as eastern europe.









    Thank you.

  3. Let's see, Wii Play has sold 27 million units(according to Wikipedia) and has a Metacritic score of 58, Mario Party has sold 7.6 million and has a Metacritic score of 62 and the list goes on.


    I'm still here to bring balance to the universe. You're armchair psychoanalysis is entertaining, though.


    Yes, and titles like Wii Play and Mario Party totally share the same target group as titles like Alpha Protocol.


    That argument is really... I'm sorry laughable.


    You are really asking why a mediocre rated casual game that is catered towards people who use these games for group entertainment is selling better than a single player action/rpg focused title?


    Purkake: Please name a non indie/casual game with a low score that sold really well.


    Actually, I thought Deadly Preminition sold pretty good. So that would be worth it as an argument.

  4. Ok I just read the newest Game Informer which had an article about Ds3.


    I am so disappointed in what I read. Here is a quote "Obsidian has a lot of polish work to do - and it's not a studio known for smooth, bug free games". It also has support for 1-2 players in multiplayer, which is just you playing one of the AI characters.


    Thats... surprising It's completly the opposite of what I read and what was posted before. It wouldn't be that out there since well Obsidian. But I have now bought another gaming magazine and both say that there has been nothing confirmed regarding max players.

  5. but the end section has a brutal bit where you have to enter large rooms and take out speakers in hard to see areas before your head goes pop.

    See, I don't like that kind of gameplay. It may not be timed in the sense of having a big old countdown clock or something, but it's still timed, possibly making it feel like a somewhat random chance of success (at least your first time through it when you don't know what to do). Run around, oops, didn't make it, reload, run around, etc. Does it feel like that?


    It can. I personally thought the places where the speakers are are always pretty damn well indicated but....


    I love section like this, though. From all the games I've ever played they are the most satisfing and downright fun to play through (Naturally only if they are good designed) Sadly, its a dead gerne with only a few games coming out in recent years. Wild Arms XF for a surprising example. Though thats also already 3 years old)

  6. So,


    -PVP modes are apperently planned

    -Looks great on consoles. Even better on PC. (Better Shadows/Textures)

    -The Looks give a great atmosphere

    -The Dialog system isn't laid out in good vs. evil but rather in tradition vs. progressive thinking. (Which leads probably in how the new legion will be structured? My guess)

    -Companions can leave you if they are unhappy. If they are happy you get boni.

    -Classes are balanced to each other in their use to ensure quality teamwork in co-op.

    -There is no information on how many classes.

    -Talents aren't many per class but they are deeply upgradable.


    -The game begins in a burning castle.

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