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Posts posted by C2B

  1. It's hardcore. It's tuned to be REALLY hard. It kind of is elitist :(


    There is no casual mode though?


    Because in the end. This could generate more negativity than you think and sounds pretty much like the usual casual/hardcore debate which boils down to "I'm hardcore therefore I am more worth as a player than you. Casuals are dumb".


    I'm not accusing you of anything. Of course. But I really would have rather seen if you went with something more original named to avoid comparisons.

  2. Was it a newer build?


    Also could they play it now on higher difficulty?


    Yes, and I believe they could choose higher than standard difficulty, though the build they played was just inherently harder than the build you guys have seen publicly. I didn't really hear any complaints that the game was too easy :shifty:


    One guy tried to play on hardcore mode and got wrecked. :)


    That sounds good.


    Though, is the mode actually titled "Hardcore?" I didn't mind it on New Vegas where it meant additional game mechanics but if you use it here this could sound a little too "elitist".

  3. Wonder if great games refers to something else too.. :w00t:


    But meh, could also refer to the other games they've already developed, I guess.


    They also viewed Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Maybe Square did it at Obsidian too?


    But he probably means their past games.


    This sounds exciting! I can't wait to hear all the details about co-op. and I'm glad to hear he's obsessing over collecting loot! All signs point to this game being amazing!



    Oh that was actually a she. These were comments from multiple interviewers. Look at the Links.


    In that case it was from Escapists Susan Arendt



  4. More twitter comments & Pics

    The Obsidian office is pretty cool. Very open and full of art


    Actually, not sleep. All I want to do right now is smash barrels and search loot. this is boding well for Dungeon Siege 3.






    Playing Dungeon Siege 3 and obsessing over loot. Haaappppyyyyyyy

    First, Dungeon Siege 3 (awesome),then meatapalooza (delicious). Thanks so much,Obsidian.

    Obsidian dev: "it's not usually that interesting a strategic decision - do I press this button to NOT die??" (on health potions)

    So tie tie. Had a great evening talking games (and hilarious bugs) with Obsidian folks. So many cool people packed into one company.



    @funcroc Dungeon Siege 3 is impressive to say the absolute least. Embargo lifts on the 22nd, and I'll have a full preview up on @CheatCC



    Playing some serious Dungeon Siege III.

    At dinner with Obsidian. What a great and talented group of individuals.





    So, the embargo lifts on tuesday. Dead Moneys release date isn't it?

  5. You know what... FemHawke's voice sucks, while Male Hawke's renegade voice is awesome. She speaks as if she's sipping tea in a Victorian boudoir. Not to mention those sarcastic lines are completely out-of-place. Guess it's poetic justice after all the Mark Meer bashing.


    Couldn't BioWare have hired Keeley Hawes, the voice actress of Lara Croft? At least she manages to sound badass & classy at the same time, without sounding like a snob.




    Honestly, wtf?


    Yes. We can't say for sure that she just had a bad recording for these lines but it is her voice and her performance. Its easily viable to make a statement regarding it.

  6. I'm on a Realm roadtrip checking out Dungeon Siege III. Obsidian has some siiiiick office space.



    Driving down to Irvine this morning to see Dungeon Siege 3 in action at Obsidian. Should be fun.



    Heading to @Obsidian_Ent to check out Dungeon Siege III. Today will be a lot less sci-fi and a lot more magic.





    Will be interesting next week with all these internet previews. And footage.



    At Obsidian seeing some awesome stuff. Can't give details. I know all the co-op info!!!!!!!




    Especially interesting since its written by someone from a co-op focused website.

  7. Nobody posted the romance options stories yet?



    No doubt the sight of an elf in skintight armor, carrying a blade almost as large as himself, wasn’t a welcome sight. He got to his feet and noticed the surprisingly comely woman, dressed in a nightgown that revealed more of her cleavage than she no doubt expected, pressing against the wall


    Award winning writing right there.


    God that was a horrible article.


    Though my personal bias was pushed heavily on page 2:

    A new script, presumably

    Of all the individuals personally invested in pushing the videogame medium forward, David Cage has done the most to legitimise it as a mature storytelling device.


    I just can't get over the fact that David Cage counts as mature.


    For christs sake. The damn shower scenes. And Sci-Fi Stuff when it isn't necessary.

  9. If I do, no way am I posting it here. While funny for the supposed irony (no way is the scene actually that, right?), it would be crass.


    It's real. And tons of people are defending it already.


    "It's an elf. Elf looks younger". "This has nothing to do with lolis"." She doesn't look that young."


    Anyway, personally this is pretty much a moral dealbreaker for me. If others like it can't do anything about it.


    Edit: Quoted wrong. Sorry^^.

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