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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Wow lightning fast combat.


    Thats totally what rpgs should strife for and doesn't sound like Hack n' slash/ARPG at all.


    Edit: Reading about it on the internet there are several interesting and encouraing points apart from combat mentioned. Gets me hyped.

  2. Liz Holzman posted some messages in Chapman's facebook wall.


    While I appreciate the recognition of my Mom's work, you win 2 internets for the... interesting capability to dig up info!


    And thanks for the positive feedback, guys. We're glad you can see the game in action finally.


    We also know that you are the ex-roommate of Patrick K. Mills.


    Social Networking killed the privacy star.

  3. You're sort of right, and sort of wrong. You do pick your character at the beginning of the game, but only two of the possible characters to choose from have been revealed.


    Which is what I said in my post before that post. :shifty:


    Also thanks for posting again. I always love when developers take interest in the community. Stuff like this gets me always pumped for a game and shows dedication!


    (I so hope you guys do team produced music again for DS3. It was awesome in SOZ/F:NV)

  4. Everything I've read thus says that you have to work with three ai characters...yet in every vid I've seen only two characters at most at work. So is that bs or what?


    The last two aren't revelead yet.



    I realize this, so are you suggesting that this is simply demo footage in the sense that this is not representitive of the actual gameplay but of just how the game will look? That in the footage current there are supposed to be two other people there that Obsidian has cloaked in a veil of pre-marketing adjustment?


    Yeah, but you won't have all party members from the beginning. So its at least somewhat representative of the early game.

  5. Going against the grain here, but I found that trailer awful. Doesn't show the game for more than 0.3 seconds, every single line from the narrator and the caption is either boring cliche backstory or boring meaningless cliches... seriously, "10th Legion were kickass good bros!" "Kickass good bros betrayed!" "You must save ze world!" Where is the MOTB vibe?


    Maybe I ate something wrong for breakfast...


    Watch the MOTB trailer again with the same mindset.




    "Oh man this is clicheed. Some curse? Your homeland suffers? And you have to fight to survive?" Probably complete dungeon crawler.


    Edit: Point is. It may not seem like much but it hints at more. In this case political intrigue.

  6. I laughed at the ragdoll effect :p Especially the part where Lucas sends some sort of bolt of energy and the poor guy at the receiving end just flies off :p


    I must say, the two-handed stance really looks good, but the one-handed stance seems kinda... boring, and unpractical, considering the mass of enemies that come at you. A.I. needs a lot of work too, I'm sure I saw some enemies surrounding Lucas, but starting to swing only after he escaped. I didn't feel like the player was ever in danger.


    Yeah, gets me worried too. Then again its probably from a build where the difficulty setting was lowered/the AI was adjusted. I hope we get some footage that settles our worries.

  7. Found another vid with more gameplay footage here:




    The Dungeon Siege Segment begins at ca.13:40


    Also with it I found a comment of Neverwinter Nights 2 QA tester Stefano Terry (well at least his profile links to Stefano Terrys dev. art. and twitter)


    I used to work at Obsidian, and those guys are awesome. They really love developing games, and they treat their employees better than any of the other video game companies I've worked at in the past.


    They are often hamstrung by their publisher, who is often pushing them to release a game at a specific date, even when it needs a few more months polish.


    I worked on Neverwinter Nights 2, and even though Obsidian requested more time, Atari, the publisher, forced them to release the game earlier than Obsidian wanted. Not to mention that they also had to split development due to creating the E3 Demo that year. People think that they just take a chunk of the game and say: "Be the demo," and that's that, but demo's have to be coded and tested like any other project. We spent 2 months of dev time that could have been used polishing and testing the retail game, just to have a demo at a 3 day game show.


    Anyway, I love the Obsidian guys, and I hope that whatever they are working on next gets the time it needs to be polished. As far as a developer goes, they have a knack for making quality, but flawed RPGs.


    In truth, I like Fallout: New Vegas way more than Fallout 3, and I didn't even realize it until the other day, when me and my wife decided to give New Vegas a break and go back to Fallout 3. I never expected to get bored with Fallout 3 like I did. I remember loving it when it came out, but after playing New Vegas, it just feels really slowly paced and boring. New Vegas doesn't keep you from getting out there and getting into action/trouble right away. You have this whole, long section in Fallout 3 where you are a kid, then a teen, then you finally get to escape the Vault and explore the world.


    New Vegas has you getting shot in the head at the beginning, then waking up, creating your character by answering some questions, and then you are off.


    I still like Fallout 3, but not as much as New Vegas. And that's a surprise, considering how much of a buggy mess New Vegas is, and that it broke my PS3 (we've since moved on to the 360 version of New Vegas, and it runs WAAAY better than the PS3 version, despite a few crashes here and there).





  8. Actually, NWN2 was a pretty bad game, because Obsidian focused on mechanics and graphics, other than history and characters (you know, all that D&D 3.5 is freakin' big). I don't even know if I completed this title, but I loved Mask of the Betrayer. :') Couple of times actually. xD



    I'm actually one of the few that really liked NWN2. Yeah, it wasn't anything special but I had a lot of fun with Act 2 and Act 3. And it had some really funny banter.

  9. I guess I identify romances from Obsidian more with Safiya coming out of nowhere and telling me she loved me just because I had high influence with her and the horrible horrible romance with the elf in NWN2.


    Well, Elanee was less a romance and more "creepy, creepy stalker girl". She was Tali before Tali. :shifty: (Well, a mix between Tali and Legion)


    I actually took her more of a joke though.

  10. Considering that Virginia is 10th state admitted to the Union, Project Virginia is Obsidian's 10th project.


    - 6 shipped titles: KotOR2 (Delaware), NWN2 (Pennsylvania), MotB (Massachusetts), SoZ, AP (Georgia), FNV

    - 1 title in development: DS3

    - 2 cancelled titles: Seven Dwarves (New Jersey), Aliens: Crucible (Connecticut)


    EDIT: I wonder if FNV DLCs are getting their own codenames.



    That would make Dead Money "Project Virgina" and he would have no reason to put the codename in his resumee.


    Of course, it could be this is just a name for the entire DLC project.

  11. Sacred 2 looks like it has better textures (though I wonder, you talk about an "Elite pack" were they in the game since the beginning? in all versions of the game?), but Dungeon Siege III has significantly better lighting and effects. Also, as far as I know, yeah, the game is still in alpha, though from here 'till May I doubt they're going to do a new high-resolution texture pack.. so I'm hoping they're just holding off one for the PC version. Either way, it doesn't bother me that much, it looks good in motion, and that's what's important.



    I really don't think the textures are too low res compared to other games this game. Especially on console titles. And I seriously don't think the textures look worse than Sacred 2. And I pumped nearly 120 hours in that game.



    Anyway, the Elite texture pack was a pc specific pack for the collector's edition that pumped up the textures in the game with a higher resolution. I think it was later given out for free. Though, not sure on that one.


    Edit: Also Sacred 2 is a beautiful game. Don't get me wrong.

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