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Posts posted by C2B

  1. No? There's no proof that he did that in the first place, after all (and actually, I remember that Jason Brandon had a high opinion of the guy).


    Alexander Brandon


    Also not just him. Patrick Mills also defended Parker on SA

    All I can say is that the guy who posted that anonymous bull**** on gamespot or wherever about how everyone hated Chris Parker and the project in general is talking out his rear end.



  2. I kinda agree, and I can't quite put my finger on it in some cases. The cool vibe in some screens and some of the art design reminds me directly of Mask of the Betrayer though.

    But that looks pretty as hell if you ask me.


    Also, confirmation of fantasy boobies/outfits.


    May be because its basically the MOTB art team?


    Also CBS is horrible. So horrible.


    You know how they titled the image with the women.


    Breasts. Yes. Nothing else.

  3. What did you change on your install/did you try so far to improve performance?


    As for my install, I'm on PC so I let the program do the work, I like Steam wayyyy more than game for windows live. I have played with settings and use the stutter remover....don't know it didn't seem to work :thumbsup: I don't have a ton of mods but even if I disable them all the game still plays the same.





    So you don't have the special dll installed? Since the new patch it seems to be fixed. And having the dll actually breaks things now. Apart from that try to set Water Multsampling to low.


    And you need NVSE for the Stutter Remover to work.



  4. repost


    Beth received multiple requests to release an MP3 of the Dead Money song "Begin Again". An internal Obsidian production. Listen to it here





    Justin Bell - Music/text setting

    Chris Avellone - Lyrics

    Mike Dowling - Lyrics

    Stephanie DeBrule - Vocal



    What were some of your inspirations for the song?


    Mikey Dowling: For me it was how sorrowful Justin

  5. I would like to hear from Obsidian or Bethesda, on more fixes period for the game and the G.E.C.K. , but no one seems to want to open up, Beth is infamous for that though. I really am having a stuttering issue with NV but not with FO3, FO3 runs super smooth. My PC is plenty good enough to run NV and I believe all my drivers are up to date so it's not an engine problem.....some have said such. It's very frustrating I LOVE NV as much if not more than FO3, for different reasons, I keep the faith as much as I can but I did pay good money for my C.E. pre-order game an C.E. game guide, I just want the game to run as it should ;(




    What did you change on your install/did you try so far to improve performance?

  6. Beth received multiple requests to release an MP3 of the Dead Money song "Begin Again". An internal Obsidian production. Listen to it here





    Justin Bell - Music/text setting

    Chris Avellone - Lyrics

    Mike Dowling - Lyrics

    Stephanie DeBrule - Vocal



    What were some of your inspirations for the song?


    Mikey Dowling: For me it was how sorrowful Justin

  7. What closure?


    What was closed at all? You beat two of your enemies but you were literary in the middle of your quest.


    Your quest was to beat those two enemies. The only cliffhanger was the introduction of Felix as a new enemy, but then he jumps off the lighthouse anyway.


    No your quest was to prevent the activation of the lighthouses. Which was in no way over, especially with Alex still around.

  8. i didnt play the sequels, but golden sun 1 was wicked awesome back when it came out, I have fond memories of playing it between classes back when i first started college


    You should play the second one at the very least - great game.


    The newest one was, overall, enjoyable, but the plot had absolutely no closure at all.


    So didn't Golden Sun 1. In fact it was worse there. For around a year I seriously thought that my game just bugged out in the middle.


    Nah, there was some closure in GS1, even though it was a clear cliffhanger. It was much more cleanly done than the end of Dark Dawn.


    What closure?


    What was closed at all? You beat two of your enemies but you were literary in the middle of your quest.

  9. i didnt play the sequels, but golden sun 1 was wicked awesome back when it came out, I have fond memories of playing it between classes back when i first started college


    You should play the second one at the very least - great game.


    The newest one was, overall, enjoyable, but the plot had absolutely no closure at all.


    So didn't Golden Sun 1. In fact it was worse there. For around a year I seriously thought that my game just bugged out in the middle.

  10. Yeah, it's not on a computer or a console, but I need to rant.


    The game itself was not bad. The puzzles were interesting, the combat mechanics were fleshed out from the first two in the series (though normal attacks still outscale psynergy - you'd think they'd fix that by the third game in the series), and it was plenty long. However...


    That was the worst ****ing plot I have seen in an RPG in ****ing ages. I mean, from the very beginning your characters' motivations throughout the game are about as clear as mud (it's not at all clear what you're supposed to be doing, as if the writers had about fifty different ideas for possible dilemmas for you to fix and decided to introduce all of them and resolve none of them), and there's an absolutely horrid bit of lampshading about an hour in where they basically tell you "everything you do for the first half of the game is going to be play right into the bad guys' hands," despite which you do just that. And then they don't even bother to ****ing end it - they cram about five plot twists into the last ten minutes of gameplay, and then just cut to credits. They even bothered to tack on a hamfisted cliffhanger in the epilogue after the credits, despite the fact that there were enough unresolved plot threads already to fill about three sequels.


    Honestly, what the hell.


    So its Golden Sun 1?


    Just wait till the sequel resolves the plot.

  11. Much appreaciated.


    This comment

    - According to PC Gamer, DSIII does not have the strategic depth or character development of Diablo - Based on what they played I'd agree but they didn't play the entire game.


    Makes me hopeful. I didn't expect that to be in the first place but I interpret this as the game getting more complex with time. Though I really don't know if such a system will work well for co-op.

  12. I have read this very quickly, so sorry if some points are confusing. ;)


    - Mouse and keyboard controls haven't been calibrated to the point where Obsidian/Square Enix are willing to let outsiders play on them

    - Game is still at pre-alpha

    - The King's daughter (Jeyne Kassyndar blamed the 10th Legion for the fall of King

    - The King did fall at a time of warring factions

    - The Legion was hunted down by Kassyndor's forces

    - According to PC Gamer, there are no classes

    - There is no class selection screen

    - Lucas Montbarren can distribute his skill points into three stances (One-handed, two-handed weapons and healing defensive stance)

    - You can select three powers for Lucas at early levels, with six more powers opening at higher levels

    - According to PC Gamer, DSIII does not have the strategic depth or character development of Diablo

    - Loot is only gently randomized

    - Each stance has its own set of three special attacks

    - Nine skills, each of them has two branches

    - You get an extra bonus for maxing out a particular talent

    - There are combos (automatic animations) that trigger on the third attack

    - The game is a little more forgiving with the mouse aim

    - No one to nine hockey system

    - Character relationship won't be as complicated as in Dragon Age

    - You can not upset the NPC enough to leave your party

    - You can define your character as forgiving, vengeful, loyal or practical and party members will react to that

    - No classes, but different heroes (Most fantasy archetypes will be represented)

    - "The levellin-up screen isn't as daunting - or as compelling - as a big, lovely skill tree."


    Half of these sound more like assumptions than actual facts. For example first they say that mouse/tast combo isn't calibrated enough and then they say that there will be no hotkey system. Or that you can not upset your partner enough to leave you which I assume was based on the demo they played.

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