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Everything posted by WorstUsernameEver

  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So, uh, in a somewhat lulzy turn of events I lost my background after my old hard disk went kaput. Any chance it can get sent via PM? I'm kind of fuzzy on the details, since it's been a while.
  2. The game *is* pretty unpolished, unfortunately. It's my only real gripe with the game (granted, the mechanics aren't *perfect* either, but all the complaints I have on them are minor).
  3. All that money/alloys generally are better spent on another stuff, though, IMO.
  4. I felt like it was a waste of resources to be honest. Without cover bonuses, it's just kinda cumbersome to use.
  5. It's weird, because I actually had difficulties getting a soldier to make the Gollop Chamber work. Wouldn't have been able to rush even if I wanted to. EDIT: Rephrased it to avoid giving a wrong impression.
  6. D: No plasma weapons is a no-no! You should have at least some of your units with plasma weapons equipped in the post-alien base game. Or at least, that's my experience with Normal.. although I imagine that's all the more important with a Classic/Impossible game.
  7. Finished my second playthrough successfully yesterday. The final mission is a bit of a letdown.. it's not necessarily easy, but it just doesn't feel as tense or interesting as some of the random ufo crashes/landing missions or the terror ones. I had an assault equipped with an alloy cannon and another with a normal plasma rifle (not a shotgun type weapon) and I have to say that I think I prefer equipping the assaults with rifles rather than shotgun. It makes them feel more versatile, and I don't necessarily feel like having less critical cripples their utility in combat, quite the contrary. Any thoughts on that?
  8. The new artwork bored me to tears. The info on the game, on the other hand, is interesting, although it's still so high-level at this point * that it's difficult to comment. * you could almost argue that it sounds like a Kickstarter pitch! BADUM-TISH!
  9. What level of difficulty are you playing at Spider? At Normal, I feel like snipers don't really need to get in an elevated position all that much to be honest, I usually just equip them with a scope and they're extremely efficient already. Plus, when you get the Foundry upgrades for the pistol and get a plasma pistol, you basically only need to use sniper rifle for long-range shots/headshots. But anyway, basically what I would do with snipers is keep them on overwatch as much as possible, and in protected positions. To be honest, they always level up pretty fast (fastest among my troops, actually). Then again, the experience might be very different on Classic.
  10. I like to equip heavies with scopes and make them all supressing/holo-targeting badasses, but I for the life of me don't understand the benefits of the shredder rocket. Since I've had good experiences with heavies this playthrough (especially when well-equipped, they do a lot of damage), I don't think I would quite call them the worst class. Support, that's a class I still don't really know how to use, though I feel like I'm slowly learning. Still not sure of when I'm supposed to toss those smoke grenades but in doubt, I'm at least using them!
  11. I'm not sure what is going on, my first game I found very difficult and ended up losing just before I would have built the Gollop Chamber.. and now, somehow after restarting it (got the base bonus for instant autopsies and interrogations, which should cut some of the research time and earn me some decent credits.. hopefully) and I'm doing.. much better? Only two soldiers dead so far and I'm prepping for the alien base invasion.
  12. Will they sell chunks of Matt MacLean's beard? That is the question.
  13. Will I believe babies can fly? Has it passed Omega testing?
  14. Going back to Fallout, I expect.
  15. Love that Sicily is basically a triangle and is not even close to its real form (Sardinia isn't either, for that matter, lulz).
  16. Could be a pitch they're working on to present to some publisher after they're done with South Park. They need to line up another project (if they haven't already) unless they want to lay off quite a lot of people.
  17. The demo is pretty weak in terms of showing what the game is about though. It doesn't even offer the full tutorial. I mean.. you get a feeling of the tactical options, but not of the kind of choice-making you'll have to make, and since the characters are all rookies, even combat is somewhat limited.
  18. Dammit. I was expecting normal to be reasonably easy given the average difficulty of a modern title and have already lost 13 soldiers. Holy moly.
  19. Did you complete the Virgil side-quest? Because that's one of the sections that breaks.
  20. Im playing the vanilla GoG version so Im not sure if any patches are included. I havent downloaded anything externally. I have the GOG version, and it doesn't include the unofficial patches. I'd recommend installing Drogg's patch because it fixes quite a few scripting bugs, and Arcanum had quite a few of those (it's an amazingly ambitious game, which is also why I like it *a lot* in spits of its flaws).
  21. Best update so far. Screenshot looks really good, as long as the 3d characters blend in well, this will actually be Obsidian's best-looking game too, despite the lower budget.
  22. The big problem with the widescreen mod is that it breaks a few scripted events that are based on a range function that goes bogus on bigger resolutions. Not the greatest future-proof design :/ That said, Gfted1, have you downloaded the high-quality maps patch from Drogg? For that matter, are you using patches at all? Arcanum is fairly buggy.
  23. This topic convinced me to grab it and pre-load it.
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