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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. just for comparison. http://www.themoscow...cle/468391.html
  2. Great question... why was it? Perhaps your issue doesn't really have much to do with multiculturalism in general, since by your own admission it was able to persist in a place that was decidedly NOT multicultural. How can such behaviour be allowed to persist in a place that doesn't allow it? You've undermined your own argument. Or are the Chechen's more militant because they feel they lack a certain degree of self-determination? It's funny that you mention that they cultures are "completely destroyed." Perhaps the cultures feel such displays are no longer necessary? It's not rocket science to recognize that cultures are not static and are constantly evolving and changing, sometimes due to internal pressures and other times due to external ones. Having said that, perhaps the next step of societal evolution frankly IS the dissolution of culture? Who knows if we'll ever get there (probably not), but if human beings were to identify more with being "human beings" instead of a particular nationality, I wonder what sort of changes in the types of conflicts would exist between people. Now they named genocide as social evolution. http://youtu.be/4IlSQJbEoXY http://www.jstor.org...=21101121167203
  3. Hurlshot OK, If you have nothing to say alanschu You got me totally misunderstood. This video is just an example of cultures with whom your multiculturalism will never work. Or perhaps you would like to "civilize" these brave and warlike people to become respectable (helpless) townsfolk? Why this type of culture preserved in Russia (evil and xenophobic), and were completely destroyed in the multicultural United States and Canada? NKKKK ... and their children will lose their culture to the glory of multiculturalism.
  4. It's nice, but we can read Kurdish point of view. http://ikjnews.com/?p=5148 http://ikjnews.com/?p=4986 http://ikjnews.com/?p=5307 http://www.sundaytim...news&Itemid=625 and we can read this guy http://en.wikipedia....iki/Orhan_Pamuk After all this we have reason for skepticism.
  5. in other words, a other cultures you're not interested, you want to see fake show, dining and entertainment with an exotic flair. P.S. front left wheel displeased
  6. Just example of cultural diversity. Immigrants in multicultural Sweden can do this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZStMWYh0VTM P.S. Very nice songs
  7. Hey na na ney! http://youtu.be/XkyB-O6c418
  8. Turkey's military fired artillery into Syria for the third straight day Friday after a mortar landed in the Turkish countryside, raising the threat that hostile exchanges could become a regular occurrence along the neighbors' increasingly tense frontier. http://online.wsj.co...=googlenews_wsj How unexpected! Syria fires Turkey, although Assad troops leave border region.
  9. This is Obsidian, I don't think you have anything to worry about those things. But perhaps what you need is an example of an area of the game. We have reason to worry because Obsidianz make FAIL many times. http://theblackdrago...-game-syndrome/
  10. What. They aren't even remotely similar. I could perhaps be convinced the artist looked at Russel Crowe for facial expressions, but that's all. BTW, that's also how artists work, they take stuff for reference, actors are pretty good, because you can find good photographs online. The costume or the character itself doesn't seem to resemble Robin Hood in any way. Afther this i expect something looks like this or this but take "Robin good style" bully. It's not looks close to "Last Rites" Vision doc. Source: http://www.rpgwatch....d=208&top=Files Fell difference.
  11. First they "Chris Avellone "very tempted" to do a Planescape: Torment Kickstarter" blah-blah http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-07-25-chris-avelleone-very-tempted-to-do-a-planescape-torment-kickstarter But then they copypaste this as "concept art"
  12. ...yea, who needs Maldonado or Foletto or Nicholas or Osburn or...y'all gotta mellow on kissin' Josh's arse...really... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!... Just for example Timothy Donley - Planescape Lead Artist http://www.mobygames...eloperId,13753/ Eric Campanella - Planescape Artist http://www.mobygames...eloperId,13478/ Guido Henkel - Planescape Producer http://www.mobygames...eloperId,13497/ He also made the claim that his overall influence on the game was greater than that of Chris Avellone, Eric Campanella, or Dave Maldonaldo, but since a producer often has to make unpopular decisions his role was later downplayed http://www.dsa-game....ontent/view/221 In the past, this article made nice Obsidianz b *** thurt.
  13. I think best example peacefully coexisting is Russia. Over 100 ethnics live here. All of them save own cultural diversity and own lands... We don't want cultural enrichment. We don't respect miscegenation. Immigrants not welcomed here. Multiculturalism never been in Russia! Indifference is the cause of peaceful coexistence. We just not bothering each other. And exterminate any one who trying bother us.
  14. http://istanbulian.b...vade-syria.html http://onedio.com/ha...eydani-na/29824
  15. Chris + Tim + Josh + Obsidian <> Black Isle Studios NWN2 MotB - stupid action game in comparison with Planescape: Torment.
  16. Turkish Parliament authorizes military operations in Syria. http://www.newser.co...s-in-syria.html Let the War begin!
  17. I totally agree with OP. Obsidianz just want our moneys and avoid risks. Sad but true.
  18. obyknven


    http://youtu.be/rVa5riFPlE8 Translation
  19. Looks like Gleiwitz incident. http://en.wikipedia....eration_Himmler http://en.wikipedia....eiwitz_incident Syria’s approximately 1.7 million Kurds, nearly 10 percent of the population. They prepare 15,000 soldiers to protect the Kurdish areas.  All young Kurds prepare themselves to join up and protect their motherland. if the Turks want invade Syria, they must invade independent Syrian Kurdistan first. Meanwhile Kurds formed approximately 18% of the population in Turkey (approximately 14 million) in 2008. This estimate however does not include the Zaza people which are often considered to be Kurds. One Western source estimates that up to 25% of the Turkish population is Kurdish (approximately 18-19 million people). Kurdish sources claim there are as many as 20 or 25 million Kurds in Turkey. We can expect nice bloodbath there. Blood for the blod god!
  20. That's pretty funny. The Decline of the West etc. http://en.wikipedia....ine_of_the_West
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