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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Profanes can't understand art.
  2. Now you repeat medieval Polish propaganda from fourth Muscovite–Lithuanian War (1512–1522). http://books.google....epage&q&f=false Why you use these backward stereotypes? Do you can't invent new lie about evil Russians?
  3. Freudian slip detected
  4. http://youtu.be/eVKVx4I2UHE
  5. I'm confused, aren't Jews originally from a tribe that lived in that land from thousands of years ago? What makes the Palestinians claim to the area more valid than the Jews? Obviously not. Jews aren't tribe or ethnicity, it's just someone converted into Jeudaism. Ashkenazy is converted Slavs, Germans or Khazars. Sefarids have Hispanic/Moorish origin. Bucharian Jews have Central Asian origin, while Kavkaz Jews looks like other Kavkaz ethnicities. Chinese Jews are Asians and Ephiopic Jews are Africans. One tribe, yeah! More you can find easily in numerous anthropological and historical investigations . for example this: http://en.wikipedia....e_Jewish_People To Calax. Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
  6. Slowpoke German propaganda from WW1 times again. Westlings even can't invent new lie. In the early 20th century, the consumption of pure alcohol per capita in Russia was only 2-3 liters a year. In 1910, the level of alcohol consumption among the countries of Europe, Russia ranked only 9th place. And with the first World War, when the sale of alcohol was stopped, its consumption has fallen yet again in 10-15, 0.2 liters per capita per year. In the so-called "Drunk" Russia, just 100 years ago 95% of children under 18 years, 90% women, 43% of men were sober, that is, in general, have never tried alcohol. And then talk about genetic commitment of the Slavs to alcohol. Germany - 7.47 liter per capita, Russia - 3.41 liter per capita (1906-1910) . Westlings lied then and now. Westlings always lie.
  7. I'll better die of hunger than eat this food http://englishrussia...lds-restaurant/ Because all mcdonalds have russian hooligans employed there... Yup... totally. Because "Fast food" for poor peoples. Rich (Exploitators) don't eat this trash.
  8. I'll better die of hunger than eat this food http://englishrussia...lds-restaurant/
  9. Westlings expect something different?
  10. Fighting Hamas is good business for Israel. http://youtu.be/et7qhnt-xeg http://www.informati...rticle10456.htm more articles: http://www.globalres...es/ZER403A.html http://online.wsj.co...2295011847.html
  11. “Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” ― Bob Marley.
  12. Russian city TVER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc0_lFmBSDs&t=2m8s "Palestine" http://youtu.be/TnNX_LCPdtU
  13. You known noting about Islam. Modern Jihaddist movement is USA/Israel puppets. Orthodox Islam (Sunni, Shia and Sufi) considered them as heretics and fight against them. For example this guy are Muslim. He is a member of the Russian anti-terror unit. http://www.globalres...eration/5304451
  14. Feel difference Gaza: http://youtu.be/9TvDpJugBcg Israel: http://youtu.be/v7ob8_dqGVM
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