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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. It's not the heat that's getting to me... it's the damned humidity that's lingering around the coast. It just feels so damn heavy! and oppressive...
  2. At some point I keep meaning to getting back to GTAIV and actually finishing it off... I'd opened up the last island..and then stopped for some reason.. Now it's like 9 months later and I can't quite stir myself to actually return.. Ah well.. Alpha Protocol soon to enjoy delving into in a couple more days..
  3. "We are the Ninja-Pirates.. for we are the Shadows that go 'Aaaarr!' in the night..."
  4. Personally, I was mostly being tongue-in-cheek when I mentioned the horror of their DRM as a reason for their losses. While I know a fair few people (and myself included) who didn't buy AC2 and the latest Splinter Cell purely because of that form of annoying DRM, I do doubt that there was a large majority of people boycotting the product. Especially since the pc game market isn't exactly as huge as the console versions these days... But I do think that the general fuss about the DRM has had an effect on Ubisofts reputation, which can have all sorts of knock-on effects...
  5. I could always understand the deep roads grind fest from a story perspective.. you were headed into the area where hordes of the bad guys lurk, grow and constantly threaten.. it makes sense that as you get deeper you'd be constantly battling them... But from a game perspective..it did get quite annoying as grindfests go.. The swings and balance of story vs gameplay...
  6. Nice concept.. adds more inspiration to the urges to spy and sneak and cause general chaos in the game when it arrives..
  7. Having a little replay of Prototype... a little bit of gore and violence can go a long way in the right mood..
  8. It's fairly simple. "Serious Gamers" aren't the customer base most companies use these days. The big market is in the "Casual Gamer" who usually tends more towards the consoles and the "quick n easy" format that's simple to get into. Until the latter half of this decade, the "serious gamer" tended to be a touch more of the traditional nerd/geek or general enthusiast in computer related areas.. And who would quite cheerfully spend hour after hour playing a game. Now it's starting to open up to a whole bunch of other people. The "casual gamer" is the majority of people who buy and play the games, but they don't put in the many hours to establish the sort of skill sets (and yes, there are exceptions of casual gamers having serious natural skill) that the "serious gamers" develop. So games get made with a lot more hand holding and general ease of use compared to ye olde games. Discuss.
  9. Tsk.. a good western game sounds like a certain win. Dang it. I just have to wait for them to get around to that pc version... sigh I could almost pout. But that would be too dangerous on these forums...
  10. All good things to hear... Now to just wait the week and anticipate more... Ah, the joys of Amazon "item will be sent on the 26-27th, Item will arrive on 27-28th.."
  11. Me, I always remember some of his monologues as Gabriel in The Prophecy....
  12. Well the delay from the Feb '09 launch date to Oct '09 was given over to making tweaks and improvements. They've been pretty much open about the delay from Oct to this year was Sega choosing to make a publishing decision rather then the game needing to be tweaked more. And that there hasn't really been any work done on the game since they wrapped it up for the October release...
  13. Well.. that could actually work. A rundown school with two main "cliques" .. the lone transfer student who gets moved in and starts to manipulate the social events... A Fistful of Dollars was inspired by Yojimbo which was in turn inspired by a novel that was set in a prohibition era town in New Mexico... So technically the version that Bruce Willis and Christopher Walken did that was inspired by Fistful of Dollars..... was closer to the original concept..
  14. http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6262887.html Well, they shipped 9 million AC2... and still ended up with a major turnaround compared to last year. But it had nothing to do with that crappy DRM they've started using on their games.. No, its just the "lagging industry" alone that caused it...
  15. I was looking forward to Tron Evolution... (yes, that geek inside has fond memories of both the film, and the Tron 2.0 game)... but Dang it all. It's only being released on xbox360 and the ps3. A Tron game.. and it's not going to be released on the PC.. oy vey...
  16. And of course, if there had been any accident.. his flying licence fakery would have come to light and cancelled any Insurance for the company...
  17. Could Casablanca ever be re-made?
  18. Tropico 3.. Sometimes, you just have to run a banana republic..
  19. Which is worse.. the guy who fakes being a pilot or the guy who fakes being a doctor? One has the potential to kill a whoole bunch of people quickly, the other might just take a little longer to do the same... I guess if you don't have the full official training, you're going to pay a lot of attention to the safety issues though...
  20. And teachers making lesson plans according to the curriculum they're set to teach from... and the books they're told they have to use..
  21. The Philadelphia Story - a classic of it's time. (and definitely better then the musical version Bing Crosby did a few years later). What's interesting is how some of it was improvised.. especially the "drunk" Jimmy Stewart having a talk with Cary Grant, you can see them nearly cracking up off each other. Heh, but I found the Cary Grant DVD Collection Boxed set reduced from
  22. And one of the driving forces behind it is a woman who doesn't trust the school system, and has educated her own kids at home and in private christian establishments.... I think the scary thing about this, is how it could have that roll on effect across America.. Since most states use books published to meet the Texas curriculum... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/1...ites-us-history Of course, while she's all for asserting the constitution "the way they meant it", is she giving any thought that under "the way they meant it" (re: the Constitution) women don't get to vote/be represented?
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