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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Mad Max does the whole "jesus in leather" routine.
  2. For the somewhat politically related news... Princes Charles "Black Spider Letters" set for publication after 10 year battle
  3. Hm, for the slightly breaking.. George Zimmerman Shot George Zimmerman Shot in Florida
  4. And...Lord Sugar Quits Labour
  5. Just to take a brief sidestep from the incredible seriousness that is US politics.. BigAmericanNews
  6. I say lets unleash Bruce on Japanese dating sims... Just to make sure he has all the romance in games he could ever want..
  7. Also, I thoroughly advise you to dig up some of the Cary Grant films - both the screwball romance comedies, and the wander into thriller territories. The Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, His Girl Friday, Charade, North by Northwest, Gunga Din, Arsenic and Old Lace, and To Catch A Thief stand out. Edit: Actually, on consideration, I could almost see Rosbjerg pulling off the Cary Grant attitude, style and charm himself...
  8. My parents got me reading Enid Blyton when I was around 5. So all the Famous Five, Secret Seven, Adventures of.. Mysteries of.. etc... I think that fairly got me hooked on the book bug.
  9. Have you tried Casablanca yet? Depending on the perspective, that's either a film about a tragic love triangle, the underdog in war, or a tale of heart-warming friendship...
  10. Heh. NewStatesman - 10 Delusions about Labour's Defeat
  11. CNN - Mexican American BBQ Owner Sets up a White Appreciation Day at his Restaurant
  12. The other one I find amusing is that it's now assumed everyone will recognise what a Wilhelm Scream is.. and that it gets used as a subtitle. [Wilhelm Scream from the elevator shaft]
  13. I've never had a problem with subtitles. Heh, I remember when Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was released a friend of mine came over with the dvd and we set it up to watch.. and my mother walked in to overhear us both exclaiming "What? Why is this English dubbed? Quick, turn it to mandarin and put the subtitles on!!" She found that rather bizarre. Of course, I grew up in a house with a mostly deaf mother who used the subtitles from teletext for tv shows when she could, so it's never bothered me seeing text at the bottom of the scream. Which kind of amuses me when you got text descriptions of "soulful music" or "moment of silence, followed by terrified scream"
  14. "So after the election, are we going to have a prize for the first politician to claim he has a vision for 2020?"
  15. Looking back history wise, the one thing I do kind of half wish, is that Spitting Image hadn't shredded John Major's credibility. He did seem to be a Prime Minister who was capable, was not smarmy, and just wanted to get the job done... but unfortunately didn't have the sparkling charisma. So when Spitting Image satirised him as the "boring, grey man" it just killed his chance for election because to the public perception, he became that caricature. Then we ended up with Tony Blair. And look what he did to the country.
  16. The trouble with politics these days seems that it ends up with not really wanting to vote for any of the buggers that are running because they're pretty much all equally unlikable, smarmy liars backed by PR spin. But then if you don't actually cast a vote for one of them, you can't really complain about the idjits that do end up in government...
  17. No, really not looking good for Constantine... IGN - Constantine cancelled
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