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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. ...Is now clickbait journalism also the fault of the SJW conspiracy? Yes They also faked the moon landing And shot Kennedy.
  2. I quite enjoyed it. There was some element of silly to it, but in general the cast worked really well together and it played quite nicely.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FjGP4t2zKY
  4. Well I do know that in the south the Tories were really pushing the "It's Election day, go vote, don't just sit back and ignore it" message much harder than has been happening in the past.
  5. Well, the issue that cropped up with the coalition of the Tories and LibDems, was that the LibDems was able to use it's part of "if we don't agree, you don't have a government" to call a lot more of the shots than they should of. Which basically had the party that most people did not vote for.. had a leading edge of power. The swings and roundabouts of coalition groups is that the small group that sways it, has influence far beyond what they would have if based on their actual voting public. Still, it's kind of amusing that various European countries have sent congratulations along with comments like "We're happy to see Cameron win, and we like his 'One nation, One United Kingdom', we just wish he'd added 'One Europe' to that statement..."
  6. Entertainment Weekly - Series Cancelled and Renewed Well, it looks like Forever has been given the chop, but we will be getting a second go around of Galavant...
  7. io9 - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Has Been Cast
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk0jj0MrnNM
  9. Not specific books per se, but a kind of interesting article related to the publishing industry via Amazon e-book sales... For the random interest, here's this... Although I won't copy the whole thing, just the opener for those who might want to grok it. Author Earnings - Annual Report
  10. With all the controversy over Joss Whedon, Sexism, and the Black Widow going on, and Whedon being driven off twitter... Here's a bit from Mark Ruffalo on Reddit over it.
  11. Ah, sweet advertising.. https://vimeo.com/125126444
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_ZRsf9sneQ
  13. Ah, the sweet joys of autocorrect settings..
  14. Purely for the funky... (Although I believe it only works when filming with a camera that has the same fps rate as the wave frequency...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mODqQvlrgIQ
  15. Okay, this from an RPG book amused me..
  16. The Stallone film kind of caught the zany wackiness approach and aesthetics of the Dredd comics, so I have to recognise it for that. Even if so much else was wrong. The Urban version nailed the serious side of it, and was an all-around better done version. Unfortunately, it lost too much money and is unlikely to be followed up on - at least in the cinema and tv world. I had heard they were going to do a "sequel" style story, but as a short comic run. No idea how far that went ahead.
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