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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Damn, just realised that I'm getting on the tube to Holloway tomorrow.. which is a stop short of Arsenal. And of course, there's a bloody Arsenal / West Ham game isn't there? It's going to be sodding packed with football supporters.
  2. I seem to have a lingering shoulder issue. When I rotate one arm into certain positions I just get shooting pains through my shoulder and upper arm. For the past few months I haven't been able to use that arm to scratch the small of my back because of it. Which can be somewhat annoying. I thought it might just be a slight tendon thing so I've been going easy on it, but it hasn't seemed to have cleared up yet. Sorting out a few plans, travelling up to London over the weekend, then back for mom's chemo session on Monday.
  3. https://youtu.be/fFWovtMAGwA https://youtu.be/fFWovtMAGwA
  4. For those bourbon drinkers out there... io9 - Dystopia is Arriving: It's only a matter of time before the Bourbon shortage hits... Of course, not every bourbon is required to mellow for decades before it's poured; plenty can and do take considerably less time. But, the longer it's allowed to mellow, the more likely that any jagged notes in the flavor will have had time to soften. So much so that if the whiskey you're selling is less than four years old, you're required by federal whiskey law (yes, it's a thing) to slap a label on the bottle alerting potential customers to that fact (let no one say they didn't try to warn you). The good news hidden in all this is that a bourbon shortage is by its very nature, a temporary thing. The bad news is that a solution, at least by traditional brewing methods, is always at least a decade or so away. But fear not! The future bourbon that will save us from a dispiriting future of offers of sad vodka-cranberries and weird little pickled onion martinis is already brewing. It's just not ready to arrive quite yet.
  5. "The "Home of Lincoln" giving the key to the city to a cartoon terrorist...that pretty much sums up all of American Politics right now...on both sides!"
  6. Anyone want to run an Inn in Maine? Owner of Historic Maine Inn holding an Essay Contest - Winner gets the property
  7. For that potential interest... Nathon Fillion and Alan Tudyk launch indiegogo campaign for a WebSeries
  8. To counter-balance this with just a touch of humour.. <whistles innocently> (and yes, I know, it's a satire news report but it is damn amusing)
  9. Heh, and of course we have the latest Clarkson blowup on the news here, but for all the social justice ranting that goes on, this article makes an interesting twist Sympathy for the Devil - Why I feel sorry for Clarkson
  10. Okay, to throw in for the weird thing that partially relates: They keep talking about doing a film remake of the Dambusters story. WW2 squadron of bombers that dropped the bouncing bomb. The squadron leader had a dog that was called "Niger-dog", because it was literally, a black dog. However every time they keep talking about doing the film, it comes up that they always say they'll rename the dog to be "sensitive" to modern thought. So to throw down that question, political correctness running wild? The dog was called that not be offensive or racist, but because it was a black dog. Like calling a tabby cat "Ginger" or a Dalmatian "Spot". For the other side, if you're re-telling a historical event, should you change even minor details like that just to be politically correct, or is that just being revisionist?
  11. Heh, a somewhat annoyed customer decided to publish the amusing complaint letter they sent to Ryan Air online, and it's gone somewhat viral..
  12. On that subject of the Biggest Loser that came up in one of the other threads.... NYPost - Contestant Reveals Brutal Secrets
  13. Stonehearst Asylum. Based on one of Edgar Allen Poe's short stories about a young doctor who goes to an obscure asylum to study and get clinical hours, it turns into one of those "have the inmates replaced the staff?" sort of twisted stories. Ben Kingsley, Michael Caine, Kate Beckinsale and a few others doing quite good portrayals. It had a nice little twist to the end as well. Although I will say, it was a lot less darker and suspenseful than the trailers made it appear, or that Poe's work usually tends to. It's entertaining in it's genre way, but doesn't really push the madness of the moment.
  14. For all those folks out there who liked the Dredd movie have asked about the sequel... http://youtu.be/kWP88WKVBKs
  15. There's actually a fun few articles and editorials out about the Biggest Loser. Several of the contestants have come forward to talk about how bad it is. The bullying, the lack of care about healthy exercise and proper nutrition through it, and the serious amount of ill-health they've suffered as a result of achieving weight loss through the show. it's actually interesting how many have also ended up re-gaining weight due to stress and not being able to keep up some form of steady exercise post-show. But apparently they're under some seriously heavy NDA's which most won't break for fear of legal bullying.
  16. Happy birthday TN. Just because the celebration gets delayed, doesn't mean it shouldn't be fun. Just make sure it's fun enough without being TOO fun.
  17. Kingsmen. Head-poppingly entertaining. A touch silly in ways, but an amusing film to watch with a variety of good performances and various call backs on the spy genre. Now, for those who like the Heinlein, this article might be somewhat interesting What the Left Doesn't Get About Robert Heinlein
  18. The interesting thing is, I know about 3 women who say they know its terrible but still enjoy it, and a whole bunch of others who loathe it to the utter foundations because it's terrible. Although several of the women who loathe it have been in abusive relationships before so they really recognise all the manipulative behaviours the male character pulls. Also for the point of interest, I know a few people who are into the BDSM lifestyle, and they loathe it on the grounds of it being horrible, unsafe BDSM and they are scared of how the book paints BDSM, and how many of those tittilated women fans are going to try experimenting based on the books and get taken in by some of the abusive posers out there. But, this is wandering a fair bit from the Random Games News thread now..
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