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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Just took my Sith Juggernaut to Oricon for the first time. I have to wonder have they changed anything there? Considering I was able to solo the Heroic with my SI Assassin when I was 55th, level, it seems weird that my 58th level Juggernaut with Rishi gear keeps getting trashed by a constant spam of stun abilities.
  2. The Toast - Empowered Female Heroine
  3. "It was as if a serpent had entangled my legs!" Thing I thought really worked on that show was the repertorie approach - so many of the same actors showed up every week it became difficult to guess who might be the killer (unlike a lot of shows where the murderer and/or the victim is always the biggest guest star). It also helped that the troupe was made up of some damn fine actors. Colin Fritz, Conrad Dunn, Saul Rubinek, Bill Smitrovich, Kari Matchett, Debra Monk, and Ron Rifkin to name but a few. And it had plenty of amusing lines.. http://youtu.be/mgecY8oAkwU
  4. I kind of go through bouts of one or the other. I think I've tended to use my Sith Inquisitor as my primary, since he was the first one I created when it first got released. I went through in alternating sides really, Sith Inquisitor > Smuggler > Sith Warrior > Jedi Knight > Bounty Hunter > Jedi Consular > Agent > Trooper. After I'd focused on completing my SI's storyline, I would focus mostly on a chapter of another class, take a pause, then a chapter of the next, then bounce back to do chapter 2, then to the next class to do chapter 1, cycle to the next chapter two, then the first class chapter 3, and so on. It gave some sense of break between the planets and let me satisfy different moods. With occasional moments just for pure dabbling, or poking at end-game stuff. Although I still haven't actually done any Operations. Did do some guild flashpoints, and we all meant to do some Ops, but by the time everyone had characters levelled up to do so, people had started dropping away with real life issues getting in the way of gaming, and moments of burnout.
  5. I've got my collection of characters on Shadowlands, which I'm still poking along on. About to start my Trooper on Belsavis now, so he's in the final run up to end the class story. The rest of my toons are pretty much scattered around in that 50-60 area, occasionally making money and gathering resources when I have a bout of crafting, or occasionally just wanting to have an idle play around.
  6. To go with the musical interlude.. http://youtu.be/oi7KPDi_yQI
  7. I woke up this morning and realised I both wanted to kill something, but also wanted to enjoy breathy female noises. Since I can't spend time with the girlfriend, I decided to meet my desires halfway, and replay Tomb Raider for a laugh. Now I kill things, skin animals, and hear breathy female gasps.
  8. I thought I'd take the plung and picked up the Shadow of Revan. Ran through it with my SI, and I have to say it worked quite well. Especially the option to solo the big story point flashpoints as part of the arc. Although to be fair, if you're doing that, the support bot pretty much tanks through the whole thing - kind of like it turns into story/easy mode. But I will say, doing the "face revan" and having all those named faces turn up as your allies instead of some group of random people from group finder did have an interesting epic feel to it. Even if it did turn it into a lack of challenge. It would be nice if they gave that option for some of the other things. Ala the macrobinocular or corruption storyline arcs that end in Heroic 4+ that no-one ever wants to group for nowadays. I'd like to clear them away instead of having them stuck hanging there.
  9. I'm still a firm favourite of the Nero Wolf Mysteries that ran at the start of 2000, Maury Chaykin and Timothy Hutton perfectly captured the lead roles. But yes, there's that holy trinity for tv produces isn't there? Cops (detectives) / lawyers / doctors - the standard that you can base nearly any show around.
  10. Not so much as game news for the future, but an interesting look at things.. Dev Blog - Deus Ex HR - Level Design Philosophy
  11. Brimstone was a rather damn good show. So good I tracked it down and made sure to get hold of copies of every episode that I could keep on harddrive... If only the fracker hadn't blown.
  12. For the somewhat.. annoying.. Fox have picked up Lucifer to do as the latest comic to tv series.. but they're deciding to turn it into some form of police procedural with Lucifer working with the LAPD in some form... Law and Order: Infernal Abuse Victims? http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/foxs-lucifer-dc-comics-bruckheimer-767811 http://www.avclub.com/article/foxs-lucifer-series-will-be-crime-busting-soul-ste-215527
  13. She's 66 at the moment. Heh, that came up when I pointed out to her that cancer is not an automatic death sentence these days.
  14. Well, my mother's heading in for a hospital appointment this afternoon and now we get to find out potential treatment options. Although , something she hadn't mentioned last week came out today: "It's always a good sign when you're leaving the hospital, and the doctor meets you in person to start pushing palliative care and handing you leaflets dealing with financial aid for death in the family."
  15. For the groovy views of the sun with that music.. http://youtu.be/GSVv40M2aks
  16. Tis a grim, grey and drizzling Monday here, and I had a fairly appalling nights sleep. Right at the moment I just can't really focus on what I should be doing, well, run through the lunch time pills and such for my mother, checked her oxygen tank and such like. But now I'm just having that sort of vacant state, I mean I should probably send some emails to poke some people about some potential work, and re-read some papers to job my mind on work-related matters, but I just can't find the oomph or mental processes to do so at the moment. I've got a stash of tv shows that I really should catch up on, but I simply can't seem to slide into a tv binge mood, nor can I seem to settle on reading anything. I guess it's an extreme case of the Mondays.
  17. Or we could always throw in ... http://youtu.be/gkjW9PZBRfk
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