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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Not so much as game news for the future, but an interesting look at things.. Dev Blog - Deus Ex HR - Level Design Philosophy
  2. Brimstone was a rather damn good show. So good I tracked it down and made sure to get hold of copies of every episode that I could keep on harddrive... If only the fracker hadn't blown.
  3. For the somewhat.. annoying.. Fox have picked up Lucifer to do as the latest comic to tv series.. but they're deciding to turn it into some form of police procedural with Lucifer working with the LAPD in some form... Law and Order: Infernal Abuse Victims? http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/foxs-lucifer-dc-comics-bruckheimer-767811 http://www.avclub.com/article/foxs-lucifer-series-will-be-crime-busting-soul-ste-215527
  4. She's 66 at the moment. Heh, that came up when I pointed out to her that cancer is not an automatic death sentence these days.
  5. Well, my mother's heading in for a hospital appointment this afternoon and now we get to find out potential treatment options. Although , something she hadn't mentioned last week came out today: "It's always a good sign when you're leaving the hospital, and the doctor meets you in person to start pushing palliative care and handing you leaflets dealing with financial aid for death in the family."
  6. For the groovy views of the sun with that music.. http://youtu.be/GSVv40M2aks
  7. Tis a grim, grey and drizzling Monday here, and I had a fairly appalling nights sleep. Right at the moment I just can't really focus on what I should be doing, well, run through the lunch time pills and such for my mother, checked her oxygen tank and such like. But now I'm just having that sort of vacant state, I mean I should probably send some emails to poke some people about some potential work, and re-read some papers to job my mind on work-related matters, but I just can't find the oomph or mental processes to do so at the moment. I've got a stash of tv shows that I really should catch up on, but I simply can't seem to slide into a tv binge mood, nor can I seem to settle on reading anything. I guess it's an extreme case of the Mondays.
  8. Or we could always throw in ... http://youtu.be/gkjW9PZBRfk
  9. Heh. io9 - Someone is writing the ultimate generic dystopian young adult novel Along with such gems as:
  10. Looking like it could be.. somewhat entertaining: http://youtu.be/-x08iNZ8Mfc
  11. I have to hold my hand up and admit, I quite liked Ollyphant's Agent 47. It was a fairly decent film adaption. I'd even say one of the best for video game to film. Not that it sets the standard high given most video game to film adaptions....
  12. For that perspective.. Still, it is somewhat amusing to realise you're having to explain to someone "Yeah, I can't talk on the phone right now, I'm just sorting out the morphine solution for my mother.." Sentences you never think you'd say...
  13. Well my mother was released from hospital today, and they used an ambulance to drop her home. So now it's let her recover a bit, regain her strength before they start looking into what measures to take for the cancer. On the somewhat oddball thing, as we were sorting out the variety of medicines and drugs sent home, figuring out the new ones, which of her old ones have been dropped, and any change in dosages/times taken, we found in her medical notes that one of the things she'd been diagnosed with during the last 10 weeks was pneumonia. Funny thing being that not one person actually told her that during the hospital stay.
  14. For those who might not have heard yet.. How NBC is trying to keep Constantine going So I guess it's still a wait and see, but at least it's not outright cancellation just yet....
  15. For that combination of literature and tv, along with the (technical) prior Obsidian involvement gamewise.. (and to give a bit more info than the tv thread normally gets..) The Wertzone - Wheel of Time Gets TV Pilot More news as I get it. Update: The director of the "pilot", Seda James, passed away just a few days ago. Condolences to his friends and family. Update #2: Red Eagle have commented on the "pilot", confirming that they indeed made it to avoid losing the screen rights. They also confirm that they are pushing ahead with a plan to make a big-budget TV show, apparently because Game of Thrones is a big hit. No further word is given on if a reputable network is interested, or how they may proceed without known producers or writers on board.
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