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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. As the Eve rolls along.. It's always about the feels. http://youtu.be/fCNvZqpa-7Q
  2. Although, I am surprised we haven't had any along the seasonal lines yet..
  3. http://youtu.be/xYpu4apIDSI
  4. Oh, the mix of things. Infection, fluids in the lungs, strange this that and the other. Multiple weeks of antibiotics through central line, and issues not being able to put her in the MRI scanners and such because of the magnet in her head (amid other things). Various specialists going through a slow process of clearing her organs one by one as they try to figure it out, and of course its Christmas so various specialists who booked time off make it even more difficult to get sensible times for advanced medical processes and machinery.
  5. Happy Birthday Shady. Struggling to find the Christmas cheer a the moment, it's feeling distinctly non-christmasy. Then again, from the sounds of it , my mother's in hospital till the new year now. The only Christmas decoration up is a 6 inch light-up Christmas tree that plugs into my pc...
  6. 36 of D has her moments to shine. It's also where the Doctor really starts pulling out the best moments from here on out.
  7. Well, if you're going to blame me for things...
  8. The times they have been changing..
  9. Of course, then to balance out that artsy style..
  10. For the slightly weird but quirky interesting .. http://vimeo.com/93145428
  11. Hm, I will say its interesting how they keep adding layers to Flemeth in each game, and still manage to make it seem coherent and interesting.
  12. ... I just ran into Lord Trifles Minutiae in the vault of Skyhold.. and he put me under the Quizquisition. With a Timer.
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