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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Well.. SWTOR - Fallen Empire I'm guessing it all links to that good ol' Sith Emperor...
  2. And Bruce is going to be happy.. ign - First ME:Andromeda story details revealed
  3. For the new spin of Random News thread.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG8V9dRqSsw Mass Effect to Johnny Cash..
  4. Okay, giving GTA V a whirl. I have to say, while I don't object to games being a little tweaky to "cheat" against you, I find blatantly ignoring their own physics engine to be a bit annoying. The Franklin vs Lamar race where Lamar is strictly on rails and can slam through cars as if he's in a 6 ton tank, and if you get ahead of him, he will slam into you, and drag you along walls while ignoring all physics effects before you get spun out and he keeps going on his merry way. Or the other effect when you get ahead of him, that at specific points along the race he will suddenly shoot ahead at many times the possible acceleration.. and if you happen to be in that path.. your car will get thrown into the air.
  5. Okay, let me throw this in.. As I recall, part of the story of Kotor 2 does throw in that Revan starting recovering old memories of what he had encountered during that period of wandering outside of the Republic, chasing down the remnants of the Mandalorians - this is pretty much regardless of whether LS or DS - and as such, he carefully removed himself from his associates and went travelling on his lonesome to discover the truth. If he was LS, he did this to secure the safety of his friends and allies while he tried to discover what basically scared the bejeesuz out of him. If he was DS, he did it so he would understand the secret, and not let anyone else use the knowledge to harm him or destroy his control. So we don't really get a clear time frame for how long after KOTOR I events he did the wandering off. That left a few years during which the Republic was still recovering, and the general "Sith" that had been under Revan and Malak still exist in some format. That allows plenty of fragmentation, groups struggling to take control, and such like.
  6. Haven't been playing too much of late. Dabbled some with Valkyria Chronicles. Pondering on the urge for some retail therapy, considering whether to grab GTA V with the 25% off voucher from GreenManGaming or wait and see if the Steam summer sales include it.. hmmm....
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0Zl41oMa5I
  8. Things everyone should know.. 22 Incredible Facts About the Life and Career of Sir Christopher Lee
  9. Its funny because its true..
  10. Okay, I'll probably take some schtick for this, but I sat down and watched.. Barely Lethal. Hey, it has Samuel L Jackson for the background scene chewing, and Jessica Alba for the general pretty. It's still has a few amusing moments, the concept of a teenage girl raised in a "quasi-government assassin factory" who manages to fake her death so she can experience high school.. but all of her pre-conceptions are based on the high-school films she's managed to sneak viewing over the years. So she's acting off of Mean Girls, Clueless, Fast Times at Ridgemont High and the like. So you get a few pokes at the Hollywood teen/high school/college film industry. Oh yes, and it has Sansa Stark in it.
  11. Epic Times - Jerry Doyle mugged on European Trip So, someone who just didn't like his acting?
  12. Not strictly film I guess, but I watched the 6 hour mini-series Count of Monte Cristo from 1998. The Gerard Depardieu one. And yes, I watched it in French, with English subtitles. It's always nice to see a good adaption, although I was at first thrown by how they shifted the timelines around and told a chunk of the first half via flashback scattered throughout the rest of the episodes. Heh, and I've noticed a lot of adaptions like to change it so that Dante and Mercedes end up together again.
  13. Alas, the wooden stake of the universe landed. Tis a sadness.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gukTPRL--fE
  15. The Boondock Saints. An amusing little silly violent film. Willem Dafoe working magic as the gay FBI agent on the Organised Crime Task Force, and Sean Patrick Flannery with Norman Reedus as the pair of good, catholic, irish brothers on a mission from god to kill the wicked. Plus a sparky surprise showing of Billy Connolly as a very violent man. I have to admit, it always seems like Flannery should have made it bigger after the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, but he seems to have slid into fairly solid tv work instead of bigger film roles.
  16. Since it's always worth a watch.. here for the general interest 15 Fun Facts About Young Frankentstein on its 40th Anniversary (note, the article has a bunch of actual clips to go with it)
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