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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I have to admit, I never found the Saints Row 2 port that much of a hassle. Okay, it looked a little dated, but no glitches or outwardly awkward controls...
  2. I watched the first episode of Dark Matter and I also found it cliched... " another series about a group of people who have no idea who they are and how they got there " The only difference is its set in space, I have never been a big Sci-Fi fan and for me to watch this genre it has to be at least inventive. So I'll be skipping this series The basic archetypes are standard, but...
  3. Okay, you can admit to it... It was more than a couple of beers and that's why you got the wrong thread...
  4. Wired - 18 Rotor Volocopter, Better than a Flying Car
  5. For the actual movie type.. Woman in Gold. Ryan Reynolds reminding us that he can do serious, straight roles with depth alongside Helen Mirren. Based on the true story of the aging lady who gets the son of a family friend to take the Austrian government to court to recover a painting that had been stolen from her family by the Nazis. A nicely done piece, that doesn't push the buttons that hard or make something relating to the holocaust gut-wrenching, while still managing to instil a depth of emotion in the proceedings. Plus a fairly good look at the legal battle from what I understand which might interest a few of you lawyer types out there.
  6. Ah, but you have to remember, the main character was English. There's a whole thing about being kind to your dogs, and damsels in distress, while utterly capable of being merciless bastards to the rest of humanity. It's a cultural thing.
  7. Okay, before this thread devolves into something else.. I'll throw in your general random stuff here: Epic Times - Star Wars Actor Arrested After Car Chase
  8. Dark Matter. Starting out to look like a nice little sci-fi. Quirky that it's a tv show adapted from a comic mini-series that was originally written to be a tv show... Six people wake up on a starship with no memories of their past lives, and find the ship stocked with guns. Complications then ensue.
  9. Heh, and a response on a certain speech.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdHYhwU35Jg
  10. Kotaku - The New Hitman's Creative Director is Saying All The Right Things For a selection from the article... Now... this is the one that could be a touch quirky.
  11. Eh, since it's movie related I'll throw this down here for the general interest.. An Epic History Of The Move Trailer An interesting look at how the movie trailer has changed over time and how we got to today's current style of trailer...
  12. For the spate of sequilitis news and rumours.. 139 Movie Sequels currently in the works.. And for a selection of:
  13. Picked up the first chapter of Life is Stange in the steam sale just to see what it was like. it was.. strangely compelling and I find myself tempted to pick up the rest of the available chapters to see how it all plays out and what consequences might occur from my early choices.
  14. I would throw down that romance isn't inherently bad as a concept in an RPG. I would say that the majority of current trends in romance in-game can be a touch silly. In many ways its as much a part of relationship building that should happen between groups of people involved in quite often deadly adventures, but I do wish we'd see more of the other aspects as well as romance. In other words, the nature of friendship and rivalry and building those sorts of relationships between companions , not just the "make the right dialogue choice, give the right gifts, and have a safe-pseudo-pg13-rated sex scene in the middle of the game" type of events. Whether its simple companionship, best-buddy bromance, or pseudo-sibling establishment between people, that can be help flesh out characters and involve you deeper in a story. Especially when companions and other party members have their own inter-connected stories beyond the main game plot. But it simply comes down to that meaning a lot more trouble to write out, and develop game mechanics that will handle in a non-simplified/childish manner. So it seems easier for most rpg's to focus on throwing in a cheesy-romance than doing anything that's actually deep.
  15. Hm. I'm really not sure how I take this approach... Hitman - Announcing Hitman
  16. Interesting perspective on the parents of Rachel Doleval: https://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/the-media-is-doing-exactly-what-rachel-dolezals-abusive-homeschooling-parents-want/ The bit I like is how she has turned around and done the "yes, these are the people that raised me, however, they can't prove that they are my actual parents. Sure they have a birth certificate with their names listed, but the certificate came a month or two after I was born. There are no actual witnesses that they gave birth to me." You really have to admire that dedication to a role.
  17. So.. Fallout 4 comes with Pipboy Edition
  18. I think Dumas was paid by the word for that one. He could have cut out quite a bit without hurting the story. That's one of the few books that's ever defeated me. I had to read it in high school, and while everyone else apparently read the 300 page abridged version, I picked up the 1000 page unabridged version. After 700 pages of nothing really happening, I just couldn't take anymore, and never finished it. I keep meaning to read Patrick Rothfuss's newest book (The Slow Regard of Silent Things), but I really haven't been in a reading mood lately. Not sure why, just can't read for more than 20 minutes or so without getting really restless. The start is slow, and it can get bogged down a touch. But when you get through the lessons of the Abbe Farria, and the escape from the Chateau D'ilf... Then you get the joys of slow-paced vengeance spilled out in that Dumas style. Sure, it isn't quite as action-oriented as the likes of the Three Musketeers, but I find it a good romp with plenty of detail.
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