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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. If you can't be a good example, be a stark warning... Man Killed by Alligators Swiftly followed by... Man Named Bear Kills Gator That Ate His Friend
  2. Ah, but had you also seen this response (of sorts) that also looked at that? http://www.eltnews.com/columns/uni_files/2013/03/racism_in_japan_where_medamase.html
  3. One could say same about nearly every democratic system that there is. True to a point. It's just that the EU takes it to extremes with even less transparency than a lot of governments.
  4. Yes, but the laws coming from the EU are not made by elected personal. If they conflict with the rulings of your country, you still have to bow to them because EU´s constitution overrules that of the nations. Not to mention the pressure they use. Examples, blocking south-stream effectly costing our country millions if not more and many jobs, or trying to pressure Hungary into a different energy market despite their contracts with Rosatom. Or overruling our exceptional good laws on animal protection, throwing us back years in that field. Laws coming from EU are made by European Parliament, which is elected by citizens of member states of EU and Council of Ministers (which is formed from members of National Governments of member states of EU, National Governments are elected by National Parliaments which are elected by citizens of individual states which parliament they are). European Commission, which is elected by European Parliament, proposes laws to European Parliament and Council of Ministers. Council of Ministers have ability to stop any law they don't like (of course this don't mean that majority of EU's member states can't decide something that minority object, but that is realities of democratic decision making [there is also blocking minority system where at least four member states with 35% of EU's population can block legislation approved by majority vote {55% of member states and at least representing 65% of total population, or 72% of member states and covering at least 65% of total population if they aren't acting on proposal from European Commission}]). EDIT: And it probably should be pointed that anything that comes from EU is not really law before National Parliaments have adjusted them and approved them, although if member state don't change their laws according to what is agreed, then European Commission can start action to resolve situation if this don't lead agreement then European Commission will start infringement procedure which is at end resolved by European Union's Court of Justice (Of course member state can decide to leave union if they find it decision to be too much against their self interests). In other words, it's basically the bureaucracy that decides everything, and individual votes have no actual say in how it all runs.
  5. The flip side of the question would be.. Can they balance their house budget? If they can't, why would you let them balance a countries budget? If you throw in that metaphor, take Greece as a guy who constantly spends more than he earns. He then piles up the credit cards to keep living beyond his means and keeps borrowing from friends with a "Oh, yeah, I'm going to be more careful of my spending, and maybe get a promotion and pay rise at work" but never does. At what point would you try to sit down and say "I can't lend you any more money, because you haven't paid me back for the last 10 years and you keep going further into debt because you're not doing anything to change your situation". Would you think its taking away his rights of individuality if his friends stopped lending him money, or the bailiffs turned up because he isn't paying his bills?
  6. For those who might not have come across the Spoon Theory before... The Spoon Theory
  7. That's because at heart Malc, you have the unceasing thirst of an evil, internet troll. But yes, even if you're taking that with a large dose of salt, there's a lot of valid (or potentially valid) points made about how the scope of Star Citizen has changed and everything is running overdue with some rather silly funding extras.
  8. But knives are so shiny. And frankly, it's you who misspell your words you dang colonials.
  9. For the news.. Rockne O'Bannon Officially Confirms Farscape
  10. Rather than well argued reason and logic.. I shall merely throw in the internet snark
  11. Gawker - Man Dies After Launching Firework From Top of Head Now, for the question of the day - worth the humanity of allowing sympathy for the family, or the launch into internet burns for someone getting drunk and doing something silly that killed them?
  12. I don't think it's the eagle head you're focusing on...
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETroXvRFoKY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AviEcrYvvVo While you can look at the history and say, yup, the English King at the time was being a bit of a ****... I do love how they usually gloss over the whole "we also wanted to grab the natives land that we weren't allowed to under English treaties..."
  14. Porn Star says gamers are freaks in the sack as study links violent video games and sex drive
  15. And for the general human interest.. EpicTimes - Courtroom Reunion As Judge and Suspect Realise they were Middle School Classmates
  16. For the general snerk and snark... Distractify - 50 Shades of Grey Author Had A Q&A Session on Twitter... * Note, it throws up a bunch of the twitter questions that were asked, but since the forum doesn't like twitter links I'll leave you all to read them as you wish. Although I think my favourite has to be: "Was the violence you visited upon the English tongue a metaphor for S&M? If so, please share the safe word."
  17. Epic Times - Dukes of Hazzard Star Rips TV Land for dropping show reruns
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