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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Ah, sweet news reports...
  2. It's one where the choices you make change the journey , not the final destination. That and the slightly different emotional shifts it puts on the story as you go along.
  3. It doesn't actually take that long. As long as you're on winning teams, you can get Pierce with 10 pvp matches. Remember to pick up the Weekly pvp thing as well, completing that gives you a boost to his influence. I think I've done about half the weekly heroics now, and with what I did last week, I've got three of the specialists up to 12 and one to 14. It's that point where you need 4 crates to go up one rank.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3lF2qEA2cw
  5. For the random interest... Orson Welles interview and apology on the day after the War of the Worlds scared the crap out of America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuEGiruAFSw
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXAW2qd65nA
  7. "The first scene of the new Star Wars film is going to be Han. Because the first shot is always Han."
  8. Heh. Popular Mechanics - Why Nasa needs a programmer fluent in 60 year old languages...
  9. Massive Crack in Earth mysteriously opens up in Bighorn Mountains
  10. And still going strong... Clarkson threatened with three years in jail as Argentina re-opens Falklands row probe...
  11. With the bouncing around on planets doing heroics, I finally actually wrapped up part of that macrobinocular chain. I thought "finally, i'll get around to clearing that." Got to Nar Shadaa, wen through the first batch of that Heroic 4 fairly easily - The whole jumping from air car to air car was a new and fun touch. Then I get to the hideout.. and find out you have to have a group to do it, because there are multiple clickied you need to press all at the same time. I loathe these quest chains that are all single player up until the end point, and then it demands a group. Especially on these quirky quest chains that no-one seems to be at the same point on.
  12. With the upcoming Halloween / Day of the Dead time... Dressing up the Pinata?
  13. To be fair, the book series started interestingly enough (with a few clichés) but then wandered into the authors personal political diatribe hidden behind fantasy and various deus ex handwavey stuff to fill it out and wrap it up. The tv show was entertaining enough with just the right touch of camp to the seriousness.
  14. Cinemablend - How Kurt Russel Feels about Big Trouble In Little China remake
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