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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Some commentary on the upcoming season of Persons of Interest... io9 - How the heck will the machine gang get numbers in season 5?
  2. How to Make Love Like An Englishman (or "Lessons in Love" depending on where in the world you are). An odd little romantic-comedy. Pierce Brosnan as an English/Romantics professor who has lead a life of Byronic excess only to turn it around after getting one of his grad assistants (played by Jessica Alba) pregnant. He marries her, moves to the US with her and starts to raise his son before everything goes pear-shaped. Throw in Salma Hayek as the half-sister of Alba, and Malcolm McDowell as the misogynistic misanthropist former English/Romantics professor as Brosnan's father. The actors keep pulling it off really well, with some good scenes, but something doesn't quite click for the entire movie. It's nicely done in the way it covers several years of that journey, but still manages to feel slightly messy in some way. I'd say entertaining in that vein, especially if you like the actors, but definitely more one for the quiet evening watch rather than a chase down to see.
  3. Hm. Deus Ex: Revision has been released on steam.
  4. Tickld - Military Pilot Shares A Story
  5. Funny thing is we have this wonderful representation of the Middle Ages leading into the Renaissance as a point of the Church being heavy against science. It's a pretty popular conception of history. The thing is, it's pretty much wrong. The majority of leading scientists of the time and protected knowledge was because of the church. Hell, even Galileo's trial was more because of politics and how he annoyed people, not because of the science (although the heliocentralism was used as the excuse for the trail). Hm, although now I'm trying to remember exactly where I studied that background. Heh, I got curious on it after reading one of the Ring of Fire books by Eric Flint and looked into the real history, but I can't place where it was I found the evidence.
  6. Transferred my Sith Sorcerer across to Harbinger server, now deciding whether to start up a new Jedi Knight or Smuggler...
  7. The first full trailer of Shannara Chronicles... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCr3z_sTSNU
  8. For that blog on SJW reactions and literature.. The Unbearable Racism of Social Justice Warrior Jerks
  9. For some more of the views in sunny Wales on the way up to Snowdon's summit....
  10. Well, TOR was always billed as a "you can team up with people or do it solo, the options are there for both styles of play." Then they introduced several long ass quest chains that are mostly solo.. and then in the middle they throw in a Heroic 2+, and then end them with a Heroic 4+. So you can spend your time working through them, only to get stuck because there's never anyone around wanting to do those final missions. Sure, when they first were introduced there was a lot of people doing them, but nowadays, it's pretty much impossible.
  11. The Martian. Nicely done, some great performances. They've cut a few things out, and compressed a few others, but pretty understandable for those choices. Still manages to catch the main thrust of the book, and surprisingly Sean Bean doesn't die in it.
  12. It's always about the moneymaker?
  13. I guess it wasn't funny enough to stick in the memory the first time around..
  14. And continuing their grand tradition of ruining Disney movies for those with fond memories of them.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi-cMWcXtBI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-aVkMClvBs
  15. Well, finished my Sith Sorcerer's class story now... contemplating shifting her over to The Harbringer server for the extra space (and of course the joy of having a stocked up Legacy open up there if I start fresh characters) Also considering whether its worthwhile picking up a hyperpack while they have that sale going. I've got like 6,000 cartel coins stacked up, so pondering on if the 40% off makes it tempting, or if I should wait until the Fallen Empire is out and all the changes and new stuff is potentially available...
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