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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Eh, from all accounts and backstage stories, he was ruined by his parents and was a really, really annoying little **** to everyone because "I've been picked to play the hero!"
  2. The trouble with Lucas is that he directs for the edits. He shoots stuff with an eye for how its going to look and how he can cut and splice it and shift from one scene to the next. Editing is where he has serious talent. Unfortunately, that leaves his style of directing as basically "faster, louder, more intense". Which sucks for the actors (and one of the key reasons Ford disliked working with him). I will also say that Hayden doesn't deserve the title of Mannequin Skywalker, it was that annoying kid in the Phantom Menace who gets that award.
  3. Corellia is on planet that I do tend to loathe. The world arc is okay, but just the maps and the distances... I get it, they're doing "war-torn planet" and showing the grind and horror and destroyed buildings and all that. The maps are just generally horrible, and the whole thing feels like a final grind to distract you from the class story parts of it. Still, I will say that the ending cinematics and conversation choices you get for finishing the world story are fun (Imperial and Republic versions).
  4. The pacing of the book was better. They compressed a bunch of things down and simplified a few others, and the montage sequences they used to cover stretches of time did feel a little weird but understandable since they had to make it fit in a film. Hm, I remember Nasa saying that most of the science in the book was pretty accurate just the most egregious error being the central premise - dust storms on Mars do not get that strong/violent.-
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ27iS1mkuo
  6. I will say that while I do like that this game won't hold your hand about a whole heap of things, I do kind of feel like it also means I missed picking up a bunch of side-quest type things in my first run through. And side-quests are in many ways one of the key things that helps flesh out the world and provides you with more background info about characters, events and places usually. Unless you spent a serious amount of time moving, and then running the cursor over everything on screen to find out if its an item clickable or a person you can speak to.... I think that you will miss stuff really easily.
  7. Heh. For the film trivia of it all... Jennifer Grey on Dirty Dancing
  8. Heh, and Rock, Paper, Shotgun did Have you played.... Alpha Protocol?
  9. Chivalry isn't dead, you just don't know what the F**k it is
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4LI_EqnJq8
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd2QyIEdDGc
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