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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Still, we should wander back into the random amusements territory rather than get stuck being oh so serious here...
  2. I think it comes down to how you read the tone, and that's always going to be a personal interpretation. To some the things she said and that style come across in a somewhat pushy, half threatening "if things go bad I'm going to be reaching for this bat" type of way. To others it's more a "I'm just being safe and letting you know this in case of issues". Either way, it made the guy uncomfortable so he backed out, and that's his choice. Her rage over it seems a bit odd regardless. Personally, I'd see it in a better light if it was more a "I let a friend know where I was going and the name of the guy I was meeting" as a general safety net. But jumping to the big name drop of "police chief" does seem a little overkill and heavy handed.
  3. Variety - Fall TV Ratings Well, a general "scorecard" on how the current crop of tv shows are doing and the likelihood of them being continued, or cancelled....
  4. Hm, with the small influence you get from going through the story stuff and the supply crates I had from doing all those heroics and meeting the resistance leaders on the planets.. I had enough to reach influence 10 with all 4 of the recruiters.. and still have a couple of crates left over. I haven't really hammered the influence system yet with my companions. I've got Lana up to around 21, Senya at 19, and the rest of the "main" core around 12-15. The rest are mostly in the 11-13 range. I went and did the heroic Star Fortress with a 3 man group and that rushed through sweetly.
  5. Rumour has it that potentially you might be able to kill Gault when he turns up in the new story side of things. One of the reasons they've changed companions so that they can be switched from dps/tank/heal roles is so they have the potential to kill off companions. Plus with the new story stuff, you end up with a crapload of fresh companions (of a sort) that you'll be able to use. Although only 6 or so I imagine will have serious depth to them. And one of the key people in the new Alliance the Outlander sets up pretty much specifically states "if you see a Deveronian by the name of Gault or this or whatever alias he's using.. Shoot him." So here's hoping. On the other side of things, I actually spent a chunk of sunday and Monday running through every single Heroic on the Weekly Heroics terminal. Man, took me some, but the whole "transport to heroic" is a nice feature. Did net me a total of 20 Alien supply crates, 22 Artifact supply crates, 23 Military supply crates and 21 Smuggler supply crates... The lower 3 bars of my inventory were filled with companion gifts...
  6. For that Halloween mood.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWxJaBZcQl8
  7. For the offbeat amusement... ABC - Ukrainians transform Lenin statue into Darth Vader
  8. It's all about the pun...
  9. And as the weekend hit here with the loss of an hour on the clocks...
  10. Okay, this kind of amused me...
  11. The bit in the novels that really worked well was the further explanation on how so much of what was going on was purely set in motion by Palpatine as distractions to the Jedi, ways to set it up so more Jedi would get exposed to the dark side and potential "corruption", and then Yoda's realisation of just how monumentally he'd screwed up. The half a page or so when Yoda was fleeing the Senate chamber after that duel with Palpatine and the penny has dropped, and he's just "oh hell. I spent 900 years training Jedi to fight the LAST war and got them all focused and living the wrong way and set them up for this..." was really well done and highlighted elements to the story that never really get picked up in the films.
  12. What's really weird is that the story actually worked a lot better if you read the book versions of Episodes 1-3. It just failed in the medium of film, maybe it was helped by all the extra padding/information/what characters were actually thinking in the novels rather than just having to go by mass cgi effects and the brutal dialogue when it's on screen.
  13. To add to the trailer fun... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk86jSLufLs
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCkNwllUOQY
  15. On the random movie stuff... Some interesting commentary from Kevin Bacon on transitioning from movies to tv, a little bit on Tremors and a few other bits and pieces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXRZwKclddg
  16. Well I decided to give up on that for the moment, and started my Sith Assassin onto the new content. It's interesting to see how the dream sequence conversation changes with a Sith compared to a Jedi. And at least we can be grateful that it's a dream sequence where we aren't limited to staggered, half-speed walk and some annoying ghost kid....
  17. Well it's got one of those mechanics where it hits you and you need to disrupt/break stun or it gets back health. So, if you're on your own, unless you have a very specific skill set, you can't stop every occasion. I pretty much spent 40 minutes with it not being able to kill me, but I couldn't kill it...
  18. Well, Alchemy of Evil is still a heroic 4, which is somewhat annoying. Trying to solo it since after all these months I still haven't found people wanting to group the bastard, but that miniboss at the halfway point - the corrupted sithspawn experiment , has an annoying self-heal thing and solo you can't seem to knacker all the tentacles in time to kill it.
  19. Of course, the other fun thing with the Heroics being all Weekly now.. Not to hit any spoilers, but when you have to "recruit" the resistance leaders, you need to give them goods. Said goods you need come from completing heroics on the planet. So if you've done them all before you try to recruit those resistance leaders... You might find yourself delayed a week to do so.
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