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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'. Edit: Still, to get back on track.. the Supercut of all the teasers and trailers put together.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIRoASL90EI
  2. It's all about the overkill on the spider... Edit: And seriously, was it me or did they manage to make some Star Wars music that sounded as if it were 80's enough for a montage sequence?
  3. To be followed by: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t’ mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt.
  4. So Putin has banned memes of himself?
  5. The explanation for just how you managed to get so far in life...
  6. Gamespot - Kotor2 Updated on Steam Again
  7. ... And you get a montage sequence. Along with Star Wars music as it might have been done in the 80's....
  8. Washington Post - Better reasons to boycott Star Wars
  9. Well, I'll say that the change in how the companions work is growing on me. It's a little shift to adjust to, but seems to work. All companions that don't change their appearance due to gear apparently now no longer get to wear any gear. They just carry their weapon, so any gear they were wearing is dumped into your inventory or mail box. The first four "chapters" of the new story are actually more like solo flashpoints to establish the backstory to everything. But they do seem to have the music and a few cut-scenes following the rule of cool to feel that Star Wars space opera. One of them being a kind of dream sequence. Throw in a little twist as well which shows why they were happy to do the reveal about the Eternal Emperor before hand.
  10. Because we can't have a Star Wars thread without... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSgJeVwjnpc
  11. Well, sketch it out here.. Palpatine spent 20-30 years destroying all information about the Jedi and the Force. He demonised the Jedi, he turned them into a historical throwaway about "hokey religion" rather than millennia old keepers of the peace. The majority of the galaxy didn't know that Palpatine was a force-user. Only a small amount of high-ranking Imperials knew it, and Vader was basically the iron-fisted trouble-shooter and the common populace didn't deal with him in any real matter. Sure, the Rebel Alliance might have thrown a bit of the old "Jedi Restored" PR around when Luke turned up and blew up the Death Star - but wait, the Rebels didn't know he was a Force-User then. They just knew he'd been friends with Obi-Wan and had a lightsaber. He didn't really pick up any serious force skill until the end of Empire Strikes Back that the rest of the Rebels would have seen. Even his turning Vader back to the light and the subsequent "death" of the Emperor was out of sight of everybody, and even if he told people about it... It was overshadowed by the 2nd Death Star exploding. As far as most people knew, Palpatine died because of that explosion. So unless there is a really serious push to raise awareness of the Force, and just how Palpatine manipulated information about the Jedi... Who is really going to be paying attention to that stuff when the Imperial Remnants are still fighting the Rebel Alliance / New Republic? It's going to stay pretty much the hokey religion to most people unless they have a direct encounter with it.
  12. San Francisco Principle delays vote because winners aren't diverse enough...
  13. Scientists Discover that Earth is Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant-Humans
  14. Thought I'd create a new level 60 Jedi to have a look at the new stuff. I like the glitch that has all your companion's pants are stripped and put in your inventory now... And now Bioware have put a dream-sequence "level" in the game.
  15. Well, it's got the twists, turns, some ups and downs, and the music which helps pack an emotional punch. Then it has a rather surreal section right before the ending choice. I think over those episodes that are a lot of little choices that shape the play through, but the ending choices do kind of turn it so that all other choices don't matter. So its very much "choices affect the play, not the ending" type of routine.
  16. About to start on the final episode of Life Is Strange. Of course, once I do that I might just replay the whole thing from the first episode again and see how the different choices spill out. The question is, can I avoid being an adult long enough today to focus on the gaming...
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