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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. At least it isn't Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat...
  2. Had the joys of a 9am appointment at the jobcentre, so that was getting up early enough to be able to make it through morning rush hour into the city center. Now home and pondering, the weather is incredibly chill, so with my fresh cup of tea I might just binge watch Jessica Jones today as a form of escapism before trying to adult again.
  3. Getting a might frustrated, have a quest to return to mayor Kessler at Bunker Hill and trying to persuade her to join the Minutemen. The trouble being is she's walking around, starts the quest return dialogue when I'm within a certain distance, and as conversation options come up to reply or persuade her.... she starts walking away. Even if she's sat down when I start the conversation, she will stand up in the middle of the "cinematic" part of the conversation and walk away. Which ends the conversation before you can actually make any replies, and then won't let you start the frikkin thing up again.
  4. Well, it's kind of cool (and a good reminder..)
  5. Okay, before this jumps back into the "no it can't / yes it can" argument with no-one wanting to give.. let's distract by other star wars stuff...
  6. I think Bashir has a lot of development considering where he ends up compared to that innocent who started the show... Of course, the last few seasons covering his relationship with a certain tailor made pure gold on screen.
  7. The Force Awakens Trailer... as done by the U.S.S. Dwight D Eisenhower and crew... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EypzUduBqiQ
  8. For the crossover that needs to happen...(or just be a general fan film)
  9. One thing that does strike me is that.. hm, you can end up joining the Railroad , and if you do it's most likely after you've been the leader of the Minutemen. You'd think there'd be some way to combine/ally the two groups together. Or at least having the Railroad using your influence to use Minutemen settlements for aid and wotnot... I mean, Deacon pretty much does that "Wow, this is the leader of the Minutemen, we want him working with us" at the start.. and then nothing further gets mentioned. (well, at least not yet that I've noticed). Ah well. I guess it's all standard Bethesda writing and ne'er the "factions" shall meet.
  10. Oh yes.. here's one for Bruce to jump on and consider.. Columbia student in anguish because she has to read books by white people When Toni Morrison's work lasts 2,000 years, they can sub out Ovid for her. Getting mad at the little whelp doesn't do any good. She is now in her "safe space" where, as Jonah Goldberg writes in his newsletter this morning, she is free to play with her "conceptual" toys: The campus Huns pillaging higher education these days only want to talk about “white privilege” -- unimpeded by debate, facts, reality, or anything smacking of an opposing point of view -- because it is psychologically comfortable and politically empowering. Contemplating that your problems don’t have all that much to do with systemic bigotry is discomfiting. So they want safe spaces to play with their conceptual Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys. This is why so many liberals are far, far, far more comfortable calling tea-partiers “terrorists” than they are talking about actual, you know, terrorists. This is why in the wake of the Paris attacks we hear so much about “Christian terrorism” and why so many lefties have raced to arguments about gun control. That is why the supposedly smartest argument among the supposedly smart set these days is to build a time machine and stop Bush from invading Iraq. The hysterically exaggerated hypersensitivity to anything -- anything -- that can vaguely be construed (or dishonestly promoted) as racist or "proving" white privilege is making a mockery of the term "higher" education. It's as if the Visigoths are sacking Rome all over again. Intellectually raping and pillaging across campus, they have normal students terrified and the grown men and women who are running the school groveling in the dust. Momma, don't let your baby grow up to be a college student.
  11. Yeah, it gets initiated by the Russians in the bar who are friends with him.
  12. There's actually a quest line that ends up building up the DJ's confidence and totally changes how he talks/acts on the radio. So that irritation value is technically intended in the beginning... Well, unless you're being irritated by how he talks and acts after that...
  13. By the shovel of Thor!
  14. Well I found myself spending more time wandering the northern side of the map rather than pushing the main quest onwards. I reached the point where I should be handing a cigar to dogmeat to smell, but I got side-tracked trying to work through the growing list of quests I'd already picked up.... Now looking at my stats I see I've discovered 168 locations.. And that after 62 days of wandering the wasteland my completed Quests is 46 and breaks down into 25 miscellaneous objectives, 3 completed main quests, 18 completed side quests, 10 BoS quests and 13 Minuteman quests.... Companion-wise, I've found: MacCready (a former lost lamplighter kid from FO3 turned sniper/hired gun), Curie (the French medical droid), Caite (the fighting irish lass), Valentine (synth pulp noir detective), Piper (roving troubleseeking reporter), Codsworth (your former house mr handy), and Dogmeat of course. Technically, Preston should be available, but for some reason he only gives missions, talks when you're handing them in, and won't actually show up a "join me" option when I try talking to him.
  15. Also of note.. Peter Jackson admits he 'winged it' on the Hobbit
  16. While we had that wander on how the prequel novelisations worked so much better than the film earlier.. Apparently Tor has been doing a re-read and editorial on them in advance of the new movies. Real Talk: You Should Just Ignore the Star Wars Prequels and Read the Episode III Novelization
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