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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Black holes, black gaping holes in the ME plot.
  2. Why would it be? All these collaborations between squarenix and western developers will do nothing if not increase their foothold on the western market. They have simply realized that classical JRPG don't appeal to most of the western sensibilities and made the savvy decision of publishing western companies. I cast my vote for Squarenix as publisher of the year. Edit: Holding my breath for a new Legacy of Kain game.
  3. then my work here in done *slowly walks off into the sunset* You're walking in the wrong direction.
  4. From what I understand those programs can only go so far in providing for youth in terms of opportunities, I know a few people involved in such programs that feel that way. Biggest problem with said strategy is how to create the incentive for youth to attend. One thing I remember is a similar effort made back in Cuba, there was a special set of schools that targeted 18+ youth that had dropped out of school. The incentive was that they would be paid to attend school, a meagerly sum but it was only a few hours classes a day. Most went because it was easy money and kept them out the military service, which they were all trying to dodge. Wish we could implement something like that here, but I already hear the cries of "Communist" "He is trying to turn this country into a socialist cesspool" or some teabagger crazy like that.
  5. Sigh, people seem to forget that Peter Molyneux has a repertoire beyond the Fable series. The guy is a genius when it comes to AI, I for one would welcome to see what he comes up with.
  6. Ahhhh...yes! That was it. I've also been thinking about DA2...why do the Templars not monitor everyone who buys magical robes and staffs? You have to have a high magic to use them and for the most part only magic users would be able to do it. They could set up "To Catch A Mage" style stings, offering low-priced, high quality robes and staffs and then when they come in to the store they nab the apostates. Because; and this is just conjecture, Templars are morons. If the Captain/Commander sees you practice magic in front of them, sees you carrying a staff and robes yet they don't realize that you are a mage. I have no other word for them, maybe it's too much lyrium but they are riding the back of the special bus.
  7. Ritualistic killings, likely cause since it's the season for sacrifice.
  8. I gotta say that's all fine but rehabilitating prisoners is like rehabilitating addicts, if the environmental factors that led to the addiction in the first place are not acknowledged there is a risk of remission. Without surroundings to cradle and support this newfound world view i'm afraid that a lot of criminals will just go back to their old ways. Maybe we should go back to heads on pikes, that always worked.
  9. I think that you need to read this.
  10. Poor show. If my mum wasn't dead I'd feel bad not getting her some sort of James Darcy character. Granted she'd have made him weed the garden, but that would have been her choice. Yeah but it's kind of creepy when your mom goes shopping in the same store as you, if you get what i mean. Also she already told me that she is opposed to it, but then again people change with age. I'll have to ask her again.
  11. That's how I felt at first until the repetitive dungeons, glitches, button mashing & poor story killed it for me. The general experience rates at an 5 or 6, although it has those really great moments that unfortunately do not make up for the errors.
  12. Pay tutition, buy a house, buy my mother a house and $1000 dollars whores. For me not my mother.
  13. Vindictus is having a free boat rides event (not actual boats) ever since yesterday and through the weekend. Bye bye sleep.
  14. Shouldn't this be in the man crush thread? Funny how movie titles gain a whole new perspective as one's mind becomes more corrupt.
  15. JE was a better game IMO, DA2 didn't remind me of it in the least. The feel I get from DA2 is an "almost" feel, like I almost feel immersed in the smuggler underworld when I'm playing a Rogue and there are almost no missions that flesh out that world. In that respect BW skipped what could had been a good portion of the story (the year working with the smuggler/mercenaries) and decided to go with a bunch of filler quests in Act 2.
  16. Animations for this game are terrible, specially in the conversations. Awkward movements and glitchy specially the elf beside the woman with the werewolves quest.
  17. The biggest problem with writing for video games is that it's only been a few years since stories became a requirement for every game and there is no clear idea of how to implement it. Writing for theater transfer well into film, screenplay-wise but games are an interactive medium that requires an altogether different touch. Gameplay is the center of games, if some writer wants to make their bones because video games are popular they are getting the worst possible idea of what the medium is.
  18. So Medicare it's the problem not old people.
  19. Oh my God, I love the DOOOOOORSSS!!!
  20. Leaving old people to die is hardly a solution, specially when other countries have sustainable and successful models for free healthcare that we could be following. The biggest problem with healthcare is that is an industry and it's being treated as such, the US could stand to lose a few military contracts in order to actually sustain itself. But we rather spent more money figuring how to put people in wheelchairs rather than how to keep them walking.
  21. This is where my lack of game designing knowledge comes in, but I've always wondered why that was the case. Why can't RPGs be as visually stunning as other genre games, especially now that developers of RPGs have made it a point to turn their games into "action-RPGs". So if they're going more action oriented, why do a lot of the environments still look like basic stuff you'd see in RPGs from a decade ago? It's a trade off between mechanics and dialog vs. Visuals. They spent a lot of resources on the dialog aspect; specially the stack up system which was a complete waste IMO. Also I remember a lot JRPG having stunning environment but limited choices, even the previous Gen JRPGs have beautiful visuals.
  22. Sex is such a cheap way to induce immersion and more than not they fail at making the romanceable characters interesting. Probably because a bunch of fatties working 80 hours a week in a cubicle can't be expected to know what romance; or human relations for that matter, is. No offense to anyone.
  23. Yeah, Anders and that other guy. You don't have to flirt back though. I suppose if one is the type to freak out should a guy hit on them, then DA2 could very well seem like a "homosexual date sim", as moronic as that is. It's an equal opportunity dating sim, Merrill and Isabella/female options. Anders and Fenris the male ones. Although it's a little disturbing that every male companion in a BW game is able to switch teams so easily. No qualms or feelings of awkwardness, they are just ready for the PC to start swooning them.
  24. Wonder why people take entertainment as absolute instead of it's intended face value. Glee it's a good show, the Foo Fighters are a good band and they had a disagreement with the creator. Why make more of this? Seems like a majority of you were waiting for a chance to slam Glee down.
  25. No, the Shaperate literally says the documents you are showing him are not the actual documents. Bhelen's man gave you fakes. And when you go back to him, he says he doesn't care. It's a test of loyalty. They are legitimate documents but the dates and territory have been changed to incriminate Harrowmount.
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