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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Buffy and Angel were fantasy. I honestly can't begin to articulate my response to this. Strike one, Wals.
  2. I would go for the Machieavilian tactics here and put an iron fist, it's easier than trying to bring them to your level. Before anyone says anything about those tactics furthering support for our enemies, consider the following: they have very low levels of education and high poverty, which is why the Taliban targets those particular areas looking for suicide bombers. It's easier for us to prey on the same factors that drive them into the Taliban than to uplift them to our level and hope that they become "converts" into our way of living, on one hand we punish severely and on the other we offer a reward. Eventually those that do not fear might will seek the rewards, turning the tide to our favor.
  3. Buffy and Angel were fantasy.
  4. W-W-what? and where was I when this was happening?
  5. Normally I'd agree 100%, but this is a 14 year old we're talking about here and 14 year olds are morons in modern countries. I can't say I'll be sad if the fool gets executed considering the pain he has inflicted, that said there needs to be some sort of education going on. Don't they KNOW where this school is located? If they know where the school is located why don't they know where the Taliban is located. They are obviously in the area stopping at these schools getting recruits. You stop the flow of new recruits and I imagine you'd put a nice dent in the Taliban. Agreed, even if he is acting on self interest I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  6. *cough* DA2 Friendly Fire *cough* Yay for DX:HR! And DA2 short length, and a more "actiony" feel, and more romances, and more console friendly. The only thing that they didn't do to try and please everyone was make it so it would stimulate your prostate while you were playing the game; I'm sure that they tried though.
  7. Because of actual nudity, the winner!
  8. It's just a highlight option for God's sake.
  9. Any word on who's working on it?
  10. Speaking of Paul Bettany becoming an action flick actor we now have Priest The bad news it's from the same director that brought you Legion, the good news is that he didn't write it.
  11. Don't worry Volo i'm sure that you are going to be your "own" person for a long time. At some point we all have to agree on something to varying degrees, the media just presents models of beauty while we may have others. Like let's say someone who loves how Katy Perry looks, while I might agree that she is beautiful I prefer Cate Blanchett over her. P.S: I really do.
  12. Because this is what happens when men complain. "What are you gay?" "Hey, look at the diva over here complaining that women only like him because his looks" P.S: I love Ke$ha, and not her music.
  13. Well, ever notice how recently it's become attractive for adult women to have no hair anywhere except on their heads? Weak example I know quite some people that enjoy bush, whereas I myself don't find anything wrong with a bit of hair. I mean of all the examples out there that you could had chosen from you picked the weakest, you really are disconnected. So tell me again, what makes you an authority on the effects of media on the public?
  14. You really think that the media has no effect on you finding a good pair of breasts attractive? Am I reading this sentence right? If the media has that kind of effect I would expect that in the next few years we all turn into pedophiles, since they have been increasing their exposure on younger and younger starlets and not even in the cutesy kid kind of way.
  15. Oh dear God, now you're making me relive that and I also had the Tages crashing with the video card every hour or so. The horror.
  16. Sounds like you have to go back to living a live, sorry for you mate
  17. Ehh neither, I'm actually a bit of a trans-humanist so this is right up my alley when it comes to taste. Also, they're gloves but the stain of AfterEffects is all over that video.
  18. I would actually chalk consumers among part of the problem. "Mature" gamers are a bunch of of tweens obsessed with blood & boobs, who wouldn't know a good anything if hit them on the head. Therefore Mature games are often gorefest with tough chicks, (see gears of war 3 for further information). Thus the oversexified character design is going to be the choice since it resonates with the target demography. That said Anya has a fairly realistic design.
  19. Viable choice, I actually though of that for a model of compromise between length and content. I would take it a step further and make those few characters central to the story so that everything is experienced besides them and that "cinematic" feel remains present. No surprise there Bethesda has been doing that since TES where you had a few voice overs and lines of dialog for every NPC and a passing remark once you passed certain checks (e.g. The Knights of the Nine) FO:NV was probably featured the most of this, specially with the reputation system and the companions acknowledging certain events.
  20. The problem with more "responsive" NPCs would be the amount of code that would have to go for a single response. Variables, the if[/] statements, and in the end you just get one NPC that knows that you choose A or B on a previous quest. That's why; IMO, it's something best kept for a few NPCs who just give a passing remark about it. That said, I just recalled another example (sort of) In AP when you first meet Marburg, his first impression is dictated by your approach to the missions. Granted it's only the missions in Italy and you just need to take the "aggressive" solution in one. But it determines a + or - with that character. It's a bit of a trade off between a large amount of NPCs to interact with or a few more responsive ones. Which goes back to the whole size vs content issue in Video games.
  21. That's how most games feel to me nowadays.
  22. Colin Quinn Long Story Short- I haven't had a laugh like this for some time now. Really hilarious
  23. I love how real it looks, one day boys; one day.
  24. Question about the website, why are those dragons humping the mirror?
  25. Keep the save files and wipe the rest.
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