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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I agree with you, AP is probly the only game that has successfully pulled off the dialog wheel. Not to say that DA2 didn't have it's moments but I believe that's true of every BW game. Long periods of tedium which delve into hit/miss moments. DA2 did a lot things right in terms of C&C, my only complaint is that you have to play a horrible game in order to experience them.
  2. Yeah that lethal/nonlethal takedown, where have i seen it before?
  3. I hope that they are alternating.
  4. Don't look at the textures, don't look at the characters when they are talking, and try to ignore the storyline. This way you'll get maximum enjoyment out of your game.
  5. Major differences in our cultures there, our halfway houses are not the the first stop but the last. I guess that the social stigma of prison doesn't deter some people and does less for the violent youth. Which in my experience are more vicious than their older counterparts. I guess those programs wouldn't have much result here in the US because of this.
  6. It has been done before. Old origin games allowed you to lose the war if you failed at too many battles. Only thing you really need is a scenario where the player can survive the screw-up. Let's recap AP Museum: Mission success, save the hostages. Mission fail, save the girl Ronald Sung: Mission success, save Sung. Mission fail, stop the riots Brako: Mission success, get the data. Mission fail save Albatross. I think those are lots of times the player survives the screw-up.
  7. Ok i'm game "and this guy was like: it feels really hot inside you Onee san, you really are a pervert for getting off on something like this"
  8. Let's take one of the more known missions from Alpha Protocol. The museum. The way it's build now is just your basic forced sacrifice. By that I mean no matter what you do, some are saved or killed. There ain't no option for failure, nor option for success. There's just 2 choices - Do you go left or do you go right. What I'm after is that based on your actions, there would be both the left and the right option, but also success and failure. You play your cards right and you might have a tiny chance to save everyone. Or if you totally mess up, whole museum is blown to dust. Bonus option would be of course that you blow up the museum and thus kill all the terrorist inside (I call it Chotic Stupid option, my all time fav). Ok, let's take your argument and compare it to real life. Does life stop because you made a mistake? What you describe are just choices, failure is not a choice and in the case of life and death situation it ends with you dead and unable to continue your playthrough. In AP there was a greater objective the circumstances of which were determined by the sum of all the choices made through your playthrough. How hard the enemies are, who comes to your rescue (if any) Allies turning into foes. Failure would be losing and reloading I mean, how would you implement failure in a game?
  9. You can't argue with results, I would be actually interested to know more about that system. Does it have a name or would you relate your experiences a bit more?
  10. UK prisons aren't the Playstation-and-satellite-TV nirvanas the tabloids portray* but neither are they Escape from New York. They are grim, undoubtedly. I know this mainly because I had to visit a friend who found himself in a Category 'C' prison. * We leave that to the Scandies. Even if they weren't violent that's a long time for your life to stagnate and once you get out there is an immense social stigma. I guess some people figure that they can do better by themselves with a life of crime.
  11. They were probably going by the other BW games, AKA the "Ashley effect"
  12. Woke up this morning and found out that after 3 days you guys are still talking about ninjas.
  13. Well what do you expect after 20 years in a violent prison? That they would go out and be gas pumpers?
  14. We are only talking about the story's quality here, not gameplay. Purely based on the story, which would you say was better?
  15. Give credit where credit it's due. Storywise: Kotor2>Kotor NWN MoB>>>>NWN
  16. How to not break your story: 1-Don't change origins
  17. That's giving ME way, way too much credit. Not necessarily, the continuation of a tradition says nothing about the quality. Which IMO has been decreasing, or maybe i'm getting old. If we are going to be fair ME is like those late 50's early 60's sci-fi movies, those B rated movies. At the time they may not all had been necessarily hits, it was a step forward for cinema undoubtedly. A lot of those movies really explored the special effects and cinematographic tricks which were trend by the 80's. And ME had a dialog wheel
  18. I'm pretty sure Virulent Walking bomb doesn't work. It doesn't, also the casual Hawke in the middle of battle it's annoying. Don't know if anyone else had this but right in the middle of a fight Hawke decides to sheathe his/her weapon and call it a day while the rest keep the fight. At which point to resume the fight you would have to keep spamming attacks otherwise he goes back to casual. Truly annoying.
  19. Just because you use an established IP doesn't mean that you are unoriginal and the reverse it's true. A copy-paste IP made from an amalgam of elements from another games is not original. In fact the first thing that they teach you in game design is that there are no original ideas. Execution is original, taking the same story that you have heard a thousand times before and playing it in new ways. Obsidian has crafted some of the most interesting stories in gaming and has managed to take BW games further than the originals. But since we are on the subject of BW: NWN,BG,DA=D&D ripoffs=Tolkien ME= every sci-fi drama ever=H.G Wells, Verne
  20. But that would mean that they would have to write something original and innovative, that's not the BioWare we know and love.
  21. If the psycho chick was bearded old Grey Warden. Guess we now know why he has never licked a post in winter.
  22. I guess many people can't get over his tantrum at the Landsmeet. It wasn't so much the tantrum as the other hours of whining and bad jokes.
  23. :sigh: This is depressing me
  24. Nah, I find that girls these days don't go for the "**** in the popcorn" as they used to.
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