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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Prepare to have your spirit crushed and raped!
  2. I miss LoF
  3. You can turn off the golden gun textures and I think all cutscenes revert to the main gun, holster the secondary and carry the fourth.
  4. Kate Beckinsale confirmed for the new Milla Jojovich, married to director that makes movies just for her.
  5. The Devil is Dutch.
  6. And you picked the gruff voice with the British accent, didn't you?
  7. That something its called eyesight. Morrowind wasn't ever particularly beautiful, even during its heyday.
  8. That's just a shoe.
  9. "dich" Ich nicht verstehen dich. Which I don't BTW.
  10. Some of em. Although I only check in on these "NEW PATCH! COME SEEEEE!" days How are you dealing with denial? Denial? Is worse than I thought.
  11. Some of em. Although I only check in on these "NEW PATCH! COME SEEEEE!" days How are you dealing with denial?
  12. Then just mod the carry weight using the console; sheesh.
  13. I don't know why I spent the whole day believing this was Monday. Now I got to fix some things.
  14. You know what they say about Korean girls, if you want them you have to beat their father at StarCraft.
  15. "Bioware promises their usual caliber of storytelling" I guess we know what to expect.
  16. I suppose Charlize Theron was too expensive for Cage? What's wrong with Ellen Page? She's a bit overrated, not really talented nor beautiful, she is a poster child for boringly average. Maybe she will do better on another medium like let's say...video games.
  17. Gotta accentuate the positive. Sure, you're a short, asian, fuddy-duddy doctoral student. But I'm guessing that you are also a short, asian, fuddy-duddy doctoral student who speaks English with a non-American accent. That there is gold! As a student who speaks English with an accent I can attest to this. Play the foreigner card
  18. Most of the Chinese and Korean companies seem to adopt the free to play models anyways, I think it was time the world realized that it doesn't make sense to pay for a game monthly.
  19. Video starts, 2 seconds later and I'm sold when is it out?
  20. I wasn't a fan of the tsundere 47.
  21. Your jokes carry an almost psychotic tone to them, you're happily married aren't ya?
  22. Pair them up alphabetically and flip a coin, whomever gets to semifinals you flip another coin. Post results.
  23. I thought they plundered the women and raped the land.
  24. Ok, just to be clear that we're on the same page. Also, I'm not sure that "spreading the love like vikings" qualifies.
  25. What exactly do you mean by "spread my DNA"?
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