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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. It's definitively a venue worth exploring, however I think that with current gen complexity an SQL database will be too slow to run at realtime. It definitely sounds better than cloud gaming.
  2. @Greylord: If you define "success" as having a large selection of exclusive AAA games then PC its dying, but if you realize that everything that AAA companies are doing amounts to strip mining while dynamite fishing what remains you'll realize that the more stable albeit smaller PC market will survive. Not only that but we are to soon see a resurgence in it when the Kickstarter projects finally pan out. The reason that AAA focus more on console is a result of their bad business practices, they have shied away from the PC market because the money is on the consoles. As the development budgets got larger and the price to break even got larger as a result they have focused more and more on consoles. But what they are doing equates to throwing a bunch of shots and hoping one hits the mark, they are sustained by their large IPs which they continuously repeat whilst they hope some of their other games takes off. Meanwhile they never considered creating a safety net within the PC and digital distribution market for niche games of medium sized budgets, which could had supported some of their bigger gambles. In the end AAA is likely to die with consoles and the world will be all the better for it.
  3. Nope and now you have to pay to play used games or play borrowed games, same as if you are licensing the games instead of purchasing them. Ps: Seriously, it's 10 bucks a month? Can't wait to retcon and win a XboxLive vs PSnetwork argument.
  4. Mmh, wonder when the decision was made vs. becoming familiar with Unity. Well, let's hope that PE etc. will allow Obsidian to produce enjoyable games that play to their strengths. Maybe at the time it was a matter of finding a balance between convenient pricing and quality.
  5. Something cryworthy, Unity does fit well with the genre though.
  6. I too just watched John Dies at the End and would recommend it.
  7. Guys I just wanted to go a little off topic here and mention how much I love this community. I made I fairly race biased post and instead of everyone jumping on to defend political correctness they either went with a moderate position or went on with the topic. I soo love you guys.
  8. "Steven Spielberg, how did you miss this story?" I think I can answer that one: because he's a Jew. Nevertheless, good article. It kind of reminds me of that story of German and Allied soldiers playing football on Christmas day.
  9. Whilst I won't dispute that the conditions in US prisons are desirable compared to others, I still take issue with the fact that there is a lot of privatization in the penal system, making the whole process more of a for profit enterprise than an actual reformation. Nevertheless I doubt the intentions of any business that thrives and because of the moral weakness of men. I won't disregard the importance of imprinting cause and consequence on children, because in fact I believe that to be one of the most important lessons that a parent/caregiver can impart. But I often find that too much of an authoritarian and disciplinary approach stifles growth by making them to afraid to branch out and be punished for it. Namely the consequences shouldn't be so severe that it stagnates the children's growth, I find that an appropriate alternative is to make them responsible for their mistakes and make sure that they understand why they are being punished (forced to take responsibility). Also, did your parents actually do the things you retell or is there some embellishment to the story? I feel that shooting and lobotomy might fall under psychotic rather than disciplinary.
  10. That's because they have gotten all artsy fartsy with killing people, when a good shot to the head will do. Or we can get one of those airguns they use to kill cows.
  11. Firstly, 3D printers aren't as precise as the actual machinery, there are probably going to be a bunch of guns that won't work just because of shoddy workmanship. Secondly, if someone bought enough 3D printing material they are likely to raise some concerns (Same as if you buy loads of fertilizer without a cause).
  12. Your post made me think an interesting thought. Both examples that you provide (Taliban,VC) fought guerrilla style warfare without actually holding up ground, setting up defenses, and bases. It made wonder whether this has a positive psychological effect on the ground troops, as they cannot be demoralized by the loss of territory. Plus it becomes harder to disrupt the chain of command since their operations are not based on a single facility.
  13. As far as races go, there are 7 at the moment, that's more than many MMOs that have been around for years, much less still in beta. They will be adding at least 1 more. As far as classes go, yeah they're limited at the moment. They will add more in the future. I don't know how many more, but I imagine at the very least some kind of archer and another mage type. What about the grinding? I know that a lot of Free MMO (pay to win) are unbalanced purposefully in order to encourage sales. I usually just leave when I have to grind for a week just to get up one level.
  14. I was interested but the lack of classes/races options turned me away, could anyone appease/confirm my concerns?
  15. Only from the voice-over, a bit. The cutscene gives me more of an Asimov robots + Skynet future 'bots vibe, or something along those lines. I kept hoping that it would be robo Hitler.
  16. That's a common thread with BW games, but I overall disliked TOR's treatment of established characters. Probably because I think too highly of KOTOR 2.
  17. I think that after what TOR did to the canon maybe it's better if that game doesn't get made. If it was for me that whole chapter would be struck out and the story resumed from KOTOR 2. Besides we may have avoided the disaster that would be EA giving Ninja Theory the chance to make their first RPG.
  18. Fair point, I would like to point out that IMO those calculations would have to be extensive enough that they include the economical, political, and legislative state of a country as well as it's esprit de corps (whether the public believes they've won or not) There are bound to be some interesting discrepancies there.
  19. That better be Scotch you're drinking.
  20. I think winning wars is like building a house when someone is working against you, whilst at the same time they are trying to build a house which you're trying to impede. Initially and ideally you have a plan and resources, with the amount of available resources you must make the best house possible and that's where the logistics begin. Then comes all the building, setting up a foundation, posts, hammering in the nails. Throughout each section you must make sure that you do your best so that your house holds up and its habitable. Now you can come up with a particular reason why you won or lost (e.g: making sure that your enemy's foundation was weak so the house crumbled, or that the nails weren't hammered well so everything was wobbly) But you can't come up with a wining strategy since every project is different, it takes an analysis of what the resources are that both parties have available and what the final goal is. Or as Sun Tzu said "The winning army realizes the conditions for victory first, and then fights. The losing army fights first, then seeks victory." The problem with modern warfare is that wars are not fought for the benefit of the state and that the state seeks not the benefit of its people, rather they are fought for profit and restructure for the benefit of those who initiated the conflict. "All wars in history have begun because of economic reasons" that's something my philosophy teacher once said and upon some review I agreed with him. The common man is no longer seeing any benefit from war as it doesn't make him safer or richer and so no matter who wins in a modern conflict the common man loses.
  21. I've been enjoying "Da Vinci's Demons" quite much, specially since I really like the stories surrounding the actual Da Vinci.
  22. Damn, that game looks good.
  23. We already established that making things shinier alone won't do it any longer. Please remember that this is human beings that you're talking about. They will try.
  24. I would say that they are the unthinking, uncritical masses. There really is a dumbing effect in modern society, things seem to chewed up to fit nicely within the accepted view without much thought.
  25. I don't get it.
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