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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I wanted to get it but I need confirmation that it isn't more of the same as the first one. By "more of the same" do you mean similar gameplay or abysmal PC port? Similar gameplay, the abysmal PC port is a given. Quite frankly I think I've had enough of trying to run around a guy so I can stab him in the back with my giant sword, which is only now hitting me as some homoerotic thing. Dark Souls a game about a bunch of people in the afterlife trying to shove swords into each others bumholes.
  2. I wanted to get it but I need confirmation that it isn't more of the same as the first one.
  3. It's a gift I have. Although I hate to say it but I usually only infuriate women that way. Typically when I'm being very respectful and/or busy I say something or text something and end up fleeing for my life. Sometimes to a different city. Merely being thrown out of a RP group is pretty mild by comparison. I noticed that you dodged the question, if you didn't want to answer it you should just have said so. I think you're going into the ignore list... Hold on. I think I did. It probably wasn't what I said. It was how I said it. Now you're saying that I'm too dumb to understand your posts, you're terrible.
  4. In a functioning republic you have representatives that are able to voice your concerns and inform you of anything that might concern you. Here they have been bought out and like to play party politics.
  5. It's a gift I have. Although I hate to say it but I usually only infuriate women that way. Typically when I'm being very respectful and/or busy I say something or text something and end up fleeing for my life. Sometimes to a different city. Merely being thrown out of a RP group is pretty mild by comparison. I noticed that you dodged the question, if you didn't want to answer it you should just have said so. I think you're going into the ignore list...
  6. Can't sleep, bad case of hiccups. Maybe if I hold my breath until I pass out...
  7. If all Mexican looked like these there would be no immigration problem
  8. I don't get this whole wikipedia dismissal as a reliable source, it seems to me that they go through the same level of revision as what you might find on a published book. I agree that it is not in depth knowledge but is a good starting point and it definitely can help aid a discussion. I guess it's easier to dismiss the source than the argument.
  9. A game that does teach you self restrain as cussing might get you a dislike from your teammates.
  10. Orogun01


    You need to understand, gas prices are never coming down! They are going to stick with it until hydrogen cells replace gas.
  11. We live in an age where technology allows us to spy on anyone anytime, I don't see why it would be difficult to have one organization directed at major corporations. Technically there should be one but they thread as if stepping on a glass floor. I thought you didn't support big brother watching as its an erosion of our privacy? The privacy of citizens as is in the constitution not of private corporate entities. Of course there is also the problem of said agency becoming corrupt and using information to influence the market.
  12. You're eating at a restaurant, the staff gets a few order mixed up making so a few expensive meals go to wrong people and they have begun to eat them. Then they take the food from away from everyone and start the meals again. Bet that will go over well with the customers, the management and their pockets. The players; even those that exploited the bug, might not feel that they are at fault. After all they weren't using a cheat engine, they were exploiting a failure in the product, so the onus lies with the maker.
  13. We live in an age where technology allows us to spy on anyone anytime, I don't see why it would be difficult to have one organization directed at major corporations. Technically there should be one but they thread as if stepping on a glass floor.
  14. I don't know that anybody expected TESO to be bug free and now we have evidence why: Bethesda are hacks.
  15. For me its about the technical side, what game did something really well and innovative from all the other games. MineCraft is a perfect example of how the same appeal of Legos can be brought to games. Its about those mysterious things of the human brain that keep us playing Tetris after we put the game down or that get a kick from a little man jumping on the screen. If you want get a good solid idea for a game it needs to have that sense of biofeedback where you feel something when you perform that action.
  16. Orogun01


    AKA drinking. Plus the whole egg and Jesus thing makes more sense when drunk.
  17. Come on, don't you like walking among sleeping bloodsuckers in a deserted school?
  18. This is why it's best to RP in person, that way you can punch your GM when they go into a power drunk tirade about how its their game and their rules.
  19. Its the BioWare effect, once you start playing it doesn't suspends your disbelief it suspends your IQ.
  20. It's an oligarchy : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/10769041/The-US-is-an-oligarchy-study-concludes.html Good to know, now we can declare the constitution to be just a historical document and finally embrace our new overlords.
  21. After recently finishing CoP and then trying out the Misery 2.1 mod, I cannot stress this enough: don't play Misery. I think that a lot of the issues from CoP stem from the fact that it was open world, I still enjoyed it though but I kept wanting a defining moment like the construction site or the army warehouses in previous games.
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