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Everything posted by mkreku

  1. An RPG without magic. About ****ing time.
  2. I'm currently looking forward to (in order of Swedish release dates): 2009-09-18: Red Faction: Guerilla 2009-10-02: Risen 2009-10-09: Alpha Protocol, Operation Flashpoint 2 2009-10-23: Borderlands Then there's the usual suspects: Divine Divinity 2, Rage, Mass Effect 2 (I really should play Mass Effect soon..), Dead Island (if it exists anymore), Assassin's Creed 2, The Saboteur (2009-12-04), STALKER: Call of Pripyat, Runaway: A Twist of Fate, Arcania, Mafia 2, Deus Ex 3, Thief 4, Dead Rising 2 (if it actually comes to PC as promised), Bioshock 2, Alan Wake, Just Cause 2 and so on. There are actually lots of games I'm interested in so why have I not been playing anything during the entire summer? And why are they now all released at once? It makes no sense.
  3. I've re-installed Spellforce 2 and am currently replaying it. Not because I find the game so good it deserves a second chance (I never finished it the first time), but because I have an RPG itch that just has to be scratched and nothing seems to be released. Ever. There are like a ton of interesting games on the horizon, but they will all be released within a month of each other. Annoying.
  4. Ok. This is Lisen: Lisen is a very small, very calm dog. All she did was sleep. I took her out for a long walk yesterday. For two hours I let her play on meadows, in the woods, on fields and everywhere in between. On my way home, we passed a football field (soccer field for the yanks) and the damn dog sits down and poops in the middle of it. Two hours of walking where it's free to poop and the damn dog does nothing. Two minutes of poop-forbidden zones and the damn dog lays a turd bigger than itself.
  5. I don't know about combat and story yet, as I have not played it. But maybe yet another preview might help? http://www.rpgwatch.com/show/article?artic...ef=0&id=285 I kind of liked this one. A bit spoilerish though, so beware.
  6. An example of the day-and-night cycle in Risen. Pretty sweet.
  7. Also, not being able to pause the game at any time was awesome. Even when you were in the menus, the game kept on going in the background. I can honestly say that System Shock 2 is the scariest game I've ever played.
  8. I'm going to be a dog watch tomorrow until Sunday. It's a small dog called "Lisen". If you were Swedish, you'd know how utterly ridiculous that sounds. If the damn dog runs away, I'd rather see it disappear on the horizon than call out that name.
  9. If you have hot, scantily clad booth babes, I'm there. I need a vacation anyhow.
  10. http://www.play.com/Games/PC/4-/5320389/Al...PG/Product.html 330 SEK, shipping included. I've used them a lot of times.
  11. That's hilarious. Yeah, people lie and make up fairy tales! It's so bad you can't even trust your own signature!! Dumb doesn't even begin to describe it.
  12. If you need to ask, you'll never get it anyhow. Stick to McDonald's/Britney/Bioware, boy.
  13. I actually think it would be a huge selling point if some people's avatars suddenly started walking around while dual wielding Uzi's..
  14. Bah! I'm a fan of the Gothic series! Years of constant crashing and frustration has made me impervious to puny bugs!
  15. I want it to be called "Cοck Blocked".
  16. I know I'm annoying when it comes to computer parts, but may I humbly suggest this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817139006 Same price (with mail-in rebate) and 100W less. 850W is a bit overkill, unless you have the very high end GPU's.. in SLI/Crossfire or triple-SLI.
  17. Copied, from Play.com: 02/10/2009: Risen 09/10/2009: Mafia 2 16/10/2009: Br
  18. Or one could always play Gothic 3, where bodies don't disappear.. (they do disappear, but it takes a few days in-game time)
  19. It is an excellent card. BUT (isn't there always one?), you should have gotten the 4770 instead. http://www.guru3d.com/article/ati-radeon-hd-4770-review/ Same performance, draws less power and costs half as much. Although the price might not be half since the 4770 is supposed to retail for $99 and the 4850 is supposed to be more expensive. In the real world they're practically the same price.
  20. Do really care about this? I think it's pretty minor. Not in the slightest. I was reacting to Mr Rorie's way of explaining the problem.
  21. I'd take lower graphical quality over smooth gameplay, bigger maps, longer viewing distances and extra fluff any day. I hate when games spend a billion polygons and a gazillion MB of RAM on some stupid space creature that I'll shoot the same second I see it anyhow. Oh, and often they feel like shooting balloons since the game, in an effort to optimize performance, makes the body of the dead animal go up in smoke after a few seconds. I HATE THAT. I want to be able to wade through the sea of bodies I left behind, like in the old Doom games, damnit!
  22. Actually, we are important. People like us have played a lot of games. We have seen the most of what can go right and wrong in game development over the years. The problem is trying to distil something valuable from the GB's of tosh we end up typing here in our eternal boredom. The New Vegas suggestions thread is a great idea, but participation from the developers is necessary. Otherwise it quickly degenerates into a "In how many ways does Bethesda and Fallout 3 suck? Let me count them!" fest.
  23. Nice triple post by meee! Anyhow, new screens at a site I've never heard about before, UGDB: Clicking the picture takes you to the gallery. I'd suggest clicking on the "Show a bigger version" button above the picture for extra eye candy.
  24. Oh yeah, and I'm going for the Collector's Edition again:
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