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Everything posted by JayBlaze

  1. HI, just wanted to add that lag is usually related to a network issue, not a video card issue. If you are talking about low frame rates....that's different than lag and is cause by bottlenecks in the cpu/gpu pathway. There's more to it than that, but that's the 'layman's version'. Also, you don't need a 3080 to run GROUNDED.....i have a gt 730 and it runs just fine for me. What you mentioned about your bro being the HOST...that may have something to do with it however. But like you mentioned, that's something better left to the devs. Hoping for the best for you and everyone with similar issues.
  2. @GrendelFXI noticed the same thing during my last playthrough.
  3. I'm playing on game pass (X1X) and the one time I tried to play since the new update, the same thing happened to me when trying to build a grass plank wall. The game just froze up and I quit the application and never went back. I will log on later and see if the issue repeats. UPDATE: Yep, when I attempt to place a blueprint, the game freezes until i restart it....this is on xbox one x, single/multiplayer
  4. you didn't mention your platform...xbox/pc/steam this might help the devs narrow down the cause. ijs
  5. Well, I think taming is a dumb idea, this ain't Pokemon
  6. Haven't made one, but wouldn't you break the sap (with a hammer) like anywhere else?
  7. I fell off the map in that same area....after a few in game days, my bag appeared at the area we originally start in.
  8. OK, quick question. If i join a multiplayer game, harvest mint from that game, then go back to my own game, will I lose the mint? Just curious since I have been down to only 2 mints since before the 0.1 patch and don't want to lose every piece. I saw some ppl saying there is a duplication glitch, but I haven't seen it in action with less than a full stack of mints.
  9. They did a "shadow" fix for the grub volume I think.
  10. if you haven't got either of the daggers, use the ant club
  11. maybe clear some old saves? I fixed my save issues by making it take longer (10mins?) between saves, and lowering the number of auto saves (3maybe?) that it creates for each playthrough. That way my list of saves is manageable
  12. Whoever said kill all the ants and wait a couple of in-game days gave the best advice. This is what worked for me after the 0.1 patch. After the 0.2 patch, I have the unlootable egg and the same ants I had to clear out before (mainly a trio of soldier ants at the egg spot) and who knows how many ants elsewhere in the ant hill. I assume that after I clear out the anthill, eggs will appear again. I currently have a stack of 10 that I got post 0.1 patch. I haven't seen any eggs since though, just the 3 soldier ants.
  13. I'm about to jump on and visit all the locations.....I was hoping you were right, but after visiting all locations (i punched each box, and drank some drops) the mutation still hasn't shown up. EDIT: After posting, I jumped back on my Xbox and it was there. I don't know if it was because I slept in a lean-to, or because I let it turn from night to day, but when I checked, the mutation was unlocked. I didn't see it "bling" on the screen though. And after looking at the description, I remember it being there before. Unsure why it vanished and then came back.
  14. Soooo, did you already visit all the juice boxes? Or are you saying you visited the boxes AFTER the update? The OP states that all the juice boxes were visited BEFORE the update. Your post simply says you visited the boxes and got the mutation. I am sure I have visited all the boxes, but I'm not 100% sure. I AM certain that the mutation isn't unlocked for me though. EDIT: Just checked, mutation isn't unlocked for me, I will visit all the juice boxes in the morning and report my findings afterward.
  15. Yeah, new games are a must. My post 0.2.0 save has like 9 days clocked in. My original save has over 200. New save was just in case of something like this.
  16. Apologies for the late reply, but I also noticed a similar issue. I started my journey of Grounded with my Xbox One X, but a few days later, I decided to give the PC version a shot to see how well my i5 would perform. When I started the game, the saves from my Xbox weren't showing up. I started a new game on PC, played a while and then saved. When I went back to my Xbox, I saw the saves from my PC. I went back to PC and the Xbox saves were there. I haven't played on PC since the latest update, so I am unsure if the (current) saves match or not.
  17. Yeah, that startles the beejeezus outta me every time.
  18. What? Aww man, that means I'm gonna be in the same boat.
  19. Is this supposed to be a thing? https://www.trueachievements.com/gameclip.aspx?clipid=159687529
  20. Gotta agree boys and girls. If you are expecting something monumental, wait for the 1.0 update. Early Access is meant to be a way for the community to provide feedback/suggestions, not complain about hot it's "not perfect yet"..
  21. Wow, ur really triggered huh? It's funny that you started this thread off bashing Obsidian, but talk about positive info. I'm positive that you are correct about Karma...guess you are getting a good tan at the "beach....." Also, this game is NOWHERE NEAR beta yet. I tried to make that clear in my original (non condescending) post. Lashing out at ppl because you mis-informed your viewers by leaping before you looked? Not cool.
  22. Yeah, I noticed an increase in ants also. Something that I haven't seen mentioned (maybe it's just me?) is that I can't pick up ant eggs after the update. I have a stack of ten from post update 0.1, but haven't been able to obtain more since 0.2 update.
  23. I can confirm that the update made the 1st person glitch worse. Sorry OP, but you got your terms mixed up. 1st person is the one that glitches, switching to 3rd person is how you fix it. 3rd person you can see your whole body.
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