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Everything posted by JayBlaze

  1. Yep, look around the flowers with the knocked down flower pot, when it's day time. Also, they appear around spoiled meat. Got attacked by tons of them earlier today. (after the update)
  2. After today's update, I noticed that...... when my character walks through the door to my main base I get the effect like the camera is behind the character's eyes. One thing to mention is that i have a floor piece above the door when you walk inside. My SCA.B is going off near the hedge outlet, but I already got the one above the (now modified) outlet cover. BURG.L gives me quests that I have already completed and although I turned in one of the new CHIPS, (graverobber maybe?) there were no new RAW SCIENCE options gained. The three or so new RAW SCIENCE options were already present, so....yeah. EDIT: Xbox One X, single player UPDATE: the first issue (camera glitch) happens at ANY door if you are in FIRST PERSON mode.....I keep seeing ppl say that it's a THIRD PERSON issue, but they are confused apparently. Switching to 3rd person solves this issue, but it's tedious to have to do that. I turned in CHIP for the BURG.L quest (it was the cold blood one) and it seems that it was just the same CHIP. I can confirm that after doing the GRAVE ROBBER quest that the CHIP is just the ANTHILL CHIP quest. It even says anthill chip after you pick it up and the quest box (for grave robber) checks off.
  3. i mentioned this a couple weeks ago. glad somebody put up a vid.
  4. This usually means either you are missing ingredients or your inventory is full.
  5. Probably won't help now, but one thing I did was decrease the number of autosaves the game makes, as well as make it take longer between saves. This was because the game was creating too many saves (in my opinion) and I haven't had an issue with saves since the update. I did log in a time or two where my saves weren't showing, but I just "x'd out" and restarted and they were there again.
  6. Idk about the file, but I don't see why posting the video there wouldn't work. You could probably just post it in the appropriate technical support section. (spoilers/no spoilers)
  7. Having a great time with the game so far...One thing that I wonder about though, is when we will get more story.
  8. What system are you running? Just wondering since I play on both Xbox One X and PC and haven't had this issue. PC setup is not that great, i5 with 8GB ram and GT 730 graphics
  9. I totally agree/confirm.....Maybe this is your first early access experience? But yeah, you may want to hold off on doing anything truly momentous until the game gets farther along in development. I remember another game (which JUST got out of beta) and while they were getting the final 2 of 4 zones complete, we lost all work at least twice. The good thing (in that situation) is that we didn't lose the resources. We DID have to build everything again, but by that time we had ideas that would take different approaches since the world had "evolved" from what it was in the first year. You are griping about a game that has only been in EARLY ACCESS for 2 weeks. Why are you trying to ruin the game's reputation before it's even been available to us for a full month? Patience, my friend.
  10. I don't put food in storage containers and never have problems with ants over running my base. Just something to think about since they seem to only target food.
  11. Had the same problem...The way I solved it was to just suck it up and take them on with a mint mallet ( 4 hits will take one out. try to hit as many as possible at once though. ). I had to repair it twice since there were 165 days of larva in a nest underground.
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