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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Joseph Bulock, it iz t
  2. It totally was. edit: I don't really get why people are upset. It was a solid game, but far from classic status. So now emos look like Bruce Willis instead of Tokio Hotel? Great, the world really deserves to burn now.
  3. And C) don't give me two choices if you're gonna tell me I'm an a-hole for not choosing the one you want.
  4. Oh well, at worst I get a Bruce Willis Action Movie Simulator.
  5. I'm voting for J.C. Benton!
  6. I'll just leave this here for you kids, because I know you will like this, and uncle Oner cares for his little forumites. ^^
  7. It was a bit slow at the beginning (big maps, slow units), gameplay was nothing special, but it was fun while it lasted.
  8. That would be Ground Control 2.
  9. And Lineage 2 *sigh* and Guild Wars maybe?
  10. Loghain is the black haired badass rocker Mathias Rex guy. Actually, that's the reason I am/was hoping he will be a good guy.
  11. LOL @ Final Fantasy mention. So what if that game had save points? Maybe if I was 11 years old I would have enjoyed that garbage. Maybe he mentioned FF 7's save points because this thread is about save points, not what RPGs you like?
  12. Actually, the book was based on the script of the movie and came out before the movie was released. I read the book a couple of weeks before the movie was released and saw the movie on opening night. James Cameron cut scenes from the movie and changed the ending which is why the movie and book are different. You can see the scenes put back in and the original ending on the Special edition dvd. Also, Kyle Reese makes an appearance in one of the cut scenes in T2. I see.
  13. You are aware that the movie was before the (comic/)book?
  14. They must have used some good drugs on her to make her so euphoric about missing 3 out of 4 balls.
  15. I know, but Activision has yet to release the same 3(?) sports games each year. With DRM.
  16. Please don't play with my feeling, I'm a sensitive person. :c
  17. ...with slow firing weapons, you won't have much time to spam lasers when 4 guys shoot at you simultaneously.
  18. If number of copies sold would equal quality, then EA would..ah, whatever. By the way, I would have higher hopes for DA if they hadn't put that very retarded, cliche, and retarded evil betrayal (courtesy of Teyrn Loghain) foreshadowing in one of the videos.
  19. Yeah. If you take a look at the dev walk through, when Mike sneaks up behind an enemy, the screen writes press A for lethal or b for non-lethal, or something like that.
  20. Now that I think about it, Unreal 1's save system worked pretty well: you either lost 0 HP in a fight, or were barely alive after it, so frequent saves after every enemy was justified.
  21. Actually, my post wasn't directed at you.
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