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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Oops, I missed that part. That's true, but we all know where to get the good stuff from*looks at forum*. Linguistic question: is 'from' necessary at the end of the previous sentence? Something I was thinking about: When Vampire Redemption was released, a magazine called it a Diabloid game, but I'm convinced that if every character was remodelled with spiky hair and improbable weapons, everyone would call it a JRPG without batting an eye.
  2. I of the Dragon 84 points/%? Nice list, though I'd change Vampire Redemption to A instead of O. And Deus Ex is missing. What do the stars and the highlights represent by the way? @Crash, just because you don't like them doesn't make the genre dying.
  3. You've got my attention.
  4. All the suing has finally ended, with Double Fine and Activision coming to an agreement outside of court. BL is free to go! \o/ I mean come. To us.
  5. Oner


    i'm bored, where's the info? I'm in FO, where's the board?
  6. I always wondered if I believe I can summon things by thinking about them, and if everyone else thinks no one is supposed to be able to do this, then wouldn't the belief of the majority negate the minority?
  7. It is my belief that the Prince knowing you exist was either a small plot hole, or
  8. Cos everyone knows what they say about dwarves. That they are always grumpy? That they like beer? That they're women are hairy? Dunno how it's said properly in english, but 'small men walk with big sticks'.
  9. Hey, cricket is almost as exciting as curling! Or digging wet earth!
  10. WTF? Fatboy Slim is great for working out. *pout* You didn't mention , that was your mistake.
  11. What is it with them?
  12. I don't mind it if it's not rubbed under my nose every 5 minutes. Random example: THE REAL AMERICAN HERO
  13. I thought it's Tuesday. : x
  14. They're also good at misreading/hearing a 3 letter long name. : x
  15. O.o Dragon Age Dating Sim! \o/
  16. But what good would that do if said guardians were retarded? Comedy Gold for me. Okay, on topic: eerrrrrmmmm..Thank you Obisidian for having a cool name!
  17. I hope you all burn in hell, and then be reborn as retarded moral guardians.
  18. Telling yo mama jokes at the funeral of your best friend's mom is tasteless. The sheep or whatever is just a joke you either like or not. And of course it's silly, it's a joke. Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but it's a problem in an RPG of all things if the PC has sex because he likes sex and not because his **** cures cancer?
  19. That reminds me: 6th toe.
  20. It's called superstition. And we have elves randomly loosing immortality because they said hello humans. Is that better? Also, good job taking it seriously.
  21. Actually it's a realistic aspect, you can't say it doesn't belong there. Nomadic people for instance sometimes used cows and horses. Okay yeah, that doesn't explain why someone would "rent" the sheep instead of the women.
  22. To be fair, if 2 million (random number) fans would completely agree with every detail of a game, then humanity would officially be a hive mind.
  23. No, it's not the same LA, the LA we knew and loved is dead and buried. The thing that calls itself Lucas Arts and even wears its rotting flesh over it's true form is an abomination summoned by Lucas himself to feed on the the disappointment and despair created by the various Lego titles and now The Force Unleashed. There is nothing left of the original Lucas Arts, it is but a twisted mockery of all the good that the LA of old has done. It's a bit like the zombie Goofy from Warren Spector's Epic Mickey: AND the brains behind half those games have left LA long ago. Hmm... I wonder if Epic Mickey is supposed to be that super impressive game Spector talked about, or if it's another one.
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