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Everything posted by Oner

  1. And H-L 2 Ep 3 is delayed because they felt the urge to implement hand signals for the deaf (they can't read color coded subtitles it seems) with some lame in story explanation that Alyx had a deaf boyfriend bla bla and she taught Dog how to etc etc and now they start using it for some reason.
  2. Oh god YES! No RPG can get 10/10 without a rat killing tutorial! Bonus points if any sane man in your position wouldn't have to do it (like you know,a nobleman)! DA 11/10 breast gaem evar
  3. Don't they hand out patches in a bit torrent anymore? The problem is the patch installer, not the distribution. I start it and it just freezes instead of telling me what it doesn't like in my copy. My guess would be language version difference (english/international), but I've no idea if that's the problem. Uuuh, you have to copy the patch to the game folder first, thanks for ****ing telling.
  4. Honestly, who was the brain dead ****tard who came up with DoW's patching system?
  5. Purkake stole every copy, I saw him!
  6. Maybe it's a typo.
  7. There were women in every Gothic game.
  8. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-2008-dragon-age/38789http://www.gametrailers.com/video/new-york-dragon-age/45248 http://www.gametrailers.com/video/new-york-dragon-age/45249 http://www.gametrailers.com/video/sloth-ba...ragon-age/52501 http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2008-dragon-age/37133 http://www.gametrailers.com/video/wynne-fi...ragon-age/52503 And the rest here: http://www.gametrailers.com/game/dragon-age-origins/9022 I liked the spider's animation. I imagine JRPG haters touching themselves how cool and realistic this DA vid is. It's really funny.
  9. Replaying DoW Dark Crusade on hard with necrons (on the old laptop no less, cuz I like stuttering). Yay for 2 vs 0,5 skirmishes! \o\ /o/ _\o o/_ \o\ /o/ \o/
  10. Please, is this the subforum "Alpha Protocol Speculation & Discussion" or is it "Alpha Protocol Speculation & Calling Each Other Trolls"? I think I smell irony here...
  11. Last I heard Obs owns the IP, but it was secondhand info IIRC. Also, where is the link to the big SEGA announcement that AP is delayed indefinitely? And no, 8 different dates and publisher silence isn't an indefinite delay.
  12. Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad. Somebody. I'm not gonna say who.
  13. Good old Korolev, always put the self-loving bastard in the harvester and he was so proud of himself.
  14. What's your question again?
  15. I imagined Kurt Russell doing it, and it was really funny.
  16. It went like this: the BoS guys go in a straight line, then suddenly a laser beam flies past me. They spot the threat and start running towards the robot (it stood on a slope above us). The first guy blocks the other two, but refuses to shoot (dunno why). When he died, the others shredded the protectron.
  17. One still managed to kill a BoS Outcast from a squad of three when I played.
  18. Troll-flu? Maybe Armagoden didn't get his 666 million Br
  19. That, which was never on track cannot be derailed.
  20. I was just thinking a few days ago where the crate-mania disappeared.
  21. On several other forums people cried foul when Blizzard dared to delay SC 2, like it's the first time they ever delayed something. Oh excuse me, they announced a release date before, that changes everything! Down with Blizzard!
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