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Everything posted by Oner

  1. This is turning into a fine comedy.
  2. Would I nominate an annoying Barbie girl?
  3. We must appease the Trope Gods with a sacrifice! Fast, we must capture the DoomBringer Alanschu!
  4. Does Kerrigan count? If not, then Xana from Dark Messiah.
  5. Multiplayer Tutorial :bow: Demothon Swine Flu Promo :rofl:
  6. Aren't most of them yaoi fangirls though?
  7. How many dates does that make? 7? 8?
  8. The lawyers sure do. Typo in a 4 words long sentence, it's a new low.
  9. So the author is complaining about some of the series' "trademark" elements*. I wonder how many points Halo ODST got from him. Or maybe the next Tomb Raider will get -2 point 'cause Lara loots her weapons instead of buying them as rich folks should. *Okay, I found Gothic 3 rather frustrating in regards of navigation and searching for NPCs for hours. Gee, wonder why I never finished it.
  10. It ran on XP, so who knows?
  11. Adults and their obsessions...
  12. I recall them mentioning before that they don't want to release the achievement list because it contains spoilers. But you have a point with the rest I think that they would still have to release the achievements sometime before release...right? I don't recall any game that didn't and yet if they are so worried about "spoilers" they could lock those and and mark them as "Secret" Maybe we're expected to crack their security and obtain the list for ourselves, espionage style.
  13. I see.
  14. Incubation by Blue Bytes A turn based tactical game where you have to help evacuate a mutant infested planet with your Judge Dredds. Hard, satisfying and hard.
  15. Does this count as self-advertisement?
  16. Now that you mention it, yes. Mayb- Oh I see, that was a sequel.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Terminator:_Future_Shock I think I played it's demo way back, was fun.
  18. But it says all playthroughs.
  19. Good luck with that one So if we miss one ending on the first playthrough, we'll never get that achievement?
  20. A game published in 2 A.D. (After Doom) is hardly pioneering it.
  21. City of Denerim trailer
  22. Clannad:
  23. Punishable by making you play it, amirite? Yeah, I'm suffering from withdrawal effects currently.
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